League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2001: After all, what should come is here

() "Su Ming, let me help. I'm at home and often help my mother cook." Shen Muke said here.

When she came here for the first time, she was too embarrassed to just sit alone, wondering if she had to show herself.

Su Ming smiled and said, "Forget it, you are a guest. How can you let you pass by? I'll be fine. You can sit for a while."

In fact, Su Ming didn't really want to help. He was just to tease Su Qishan in the past. The generation of strong Su Qishan, whose strength is unfathomable, may change the color of the world with his gestures.

As a result, when I saw Shen Muke, he became nervous and almost laughed Su Ming to death.

In the kitchen, Su Qishan took out the dishes in the pot. When he saw Su Ming, he said, "You won't talk to others outside, what are you doing here?"

A trace of teasing flashed across Su Ming's face, and he deliberately joked: "Dad, who said that I was not nervous just now, I don't see that's the case."


Su Qishan immediately blushed and felt a little embarrassed. Then Su Qishan glared at Su Ming, and said, "You kid are so embarrassed to say it. It's not that you didn't say it clearly. Before, you told me what ordinary friend is It."

"This little girl is an ordinary friend with you? Just don't fool me, can you? I can see that the look in her eyes is different." Su Qishan looked very shrewd.

"I wipe--"

Su Ming just remembered one thing. The friend he was talking about was Qin Shiyin, and the person here was Shen Muke.

Shen Muke’s visit was completely unexpected. She came here, it doesn’t mean that Qin Shiyin would not come, not to mention that before Shen Muke came, Su Ming had already sent text messages, including specific house numbers and other things. , Told Qin Shiyin all.

As soon as Qin Shiyin comes over, he can easily find out where Su Ming's home lives.

Su Ming suddenly widened his eyes and realized this terrifying thing. In other words, according to the development of normal conditions, it is estimated that in a short while, Shen Muke and Qin Shiyin, these two women with their own aura, About to meet.

This is something that Su Ming never expected. If the two of them see it, the result can be imagined. Su Ming was a little flustered for a while. As expected, life is a dog-blood TV series. You never know what will happen next. What kind of plot happened, it was so exciting.

"Su Ming, what's the matter with your kid, your face is not right, I think your face is not right all day today." Su Qishan's side clearly saw Su Ming's abnormality.

Su Ming didn't know how to tell Su Qishan about this kind of thing, so Su Ming said, "It's okay, Dad, let you cook your dishes, remember not to get confused."

After he came out, Su Ming held his mobile phone and fell into a state of special entanglement for a while. He was wondering if he wanted to make a call or send a text message to Qin Shiyin to tell her not to come. Anything like that, just find a reason.

But if you think about it carefully, after so long, according to the distance from Qin Shiyin's home, Qin Shiyin should be about to arrive.

It is unavoidable that it is not good to let people go back at this time, and Qin Shiyin also cares about Su Ming. If she is allowed to go back like this, Su Ming will not make it through her heart.

But if Qin Shiyin were to come here directly, she and Shen Mu would inevitably meet, and there would be a **** storm, I'm afraid it will start, it must be very scary.

"What's wrong with you, Su Ming, are people still uncomfortable?" Shen Mu saw that after Su Ming came out, his face was constipated, so he asked strangely.

Su Ming reacted and said quickly: "Ah, no, my dad burned the food just now, I am heartbroken for him."

Shen Muke: "..."

After a while, Su Qishan brought some dishes and came to the table. He said, "I'm really sorry today. I don't know who is coming from home, so I didn't prepare a few dishes."

"Uncle's okay, I...I can't eat much." Shen Muke said shyly. She really didn't care about these things and didn't ask so much.

As a result, Su Qishan became more satisfied with Shen Muke, saying that this little girl is really good, even if she is beautiful, she is still sensible. Parents generally see that you are not sensible.

However, Su Qishan still said, "When you come, you are the guests. How can you chill so much? You two eat first. I will go downstairs to buy some cooked vegetables and the like, and I will be back soon."

"Uncle, you don't have to be so troublesome, just eat something." Shen Muke hurriedly stopped Su Qishan and said.

Su Ming also said something to help: "Yes, Dad, when I was at home, I never saw you being so polite to me."

"You kid knows what a fart!"

Su Qishan glared at Su Ming, and still insisted: "Don't worry, I'll be back in a while."

While talking, Su Qishan put on his shoes and couldn't hold it at all. He wanted to run down to buy things. Su Ming had no choice but to look at him.

Thinking of the older generation, it's probably because of the guests coming to the house. There are only a few simple dishes on the table, and they are all vegetarian dishes. I feel a little sad, mainly because I didn't prepare in advance.

"Then what? Come over and eat first. My dad didn't buy any dishes, so I will just eat." Su Ming said.

Shen Muke said, "You didn't hold your dad just now. I'm not the kind of person who is very particular. I eat everything the same."

"Oh, is it really the same as everything you eat?" Su Ming gave Shen Muke a malicious look.

Shen Muke seemed to immediately understand what Su Ming wanted to express~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately blushed, and whispered: "Rogue!"

"Come and eat quickly." Su Ming wondered if Shen Mu could be faster, and Qin Shiyin would be slower, it might not necessarily be possible for the two to stagger in a while.

Surprisingly, Shen Muke shook his head and said, "No, if I eat first, it would be rude. Let's wait until my uncle comes back."

Su Ming: "..."

"Ding Dong—"

At this moment, the doorbell at the house rang again, and Shen Mu said strangely: "Hey, didn't uncle go shopping for groceries? Why did you come back so soon?"

"It's over, it's over—"

Su Ming's face was full of horror at this time, as if he had realized what was going to happen, the feeling in his heart, he wanted to jump off the stairs quickly.

Shen Mu was relatively close to the door, so he took the initiative to open the door.

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