League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2035: Be more sincere and less routine

As a powerhouse of Transformation Realm, Su Ming really hasn't been afraid of anyone, and Su Ming's powerful combat power, even in the late stage of Transformation Realm, can be said to be true.

But today Su Ming was really driven into desperation and didn't know what to do, let alone the guy who forced Su Ming into desperation, he turned out to be a rookie in the early days of the microcosm.

It sounds like it's already pretty awesome in the early days of the microcosm, but in front of Su Ming, this is rubbish, undisputed rubbish.

But because Su Ming had already sealed the evil qi in his body at this time, he didn't dare to use the vitality in his body for a while.

Su Ming still remembered what Su Qishan said before he left. If the vitality was used casually, it is estimated that the seal would not be able to seal it.

Su Ming can still recall the pain of evil spirits entering his body before. No one wants to experience the feeling for the second time, let alone Su Qishan went to the ancient martial world. He still doesn’t know when he will come back. Su Ming is even more unhappy. Dare to mess up.

But the current situation makes Su Ming particularly helpless. It can even be said that there is no other way, because that Zhang Dong is aggressive. Looking at him like this, it is obvious that Su Ming is going to be destroyed. He won't give up unless Su Ming is killed.

Just now, the symbol of the man was kicked by Su Ming. It was not only a matter of pain, but also an insult. It must be revenge.

Su Ming is still trying his best to dodge. Thanks to Vayne’s q skill, Su Ming has helped Su Ming improve his movement speed and dodge ability, otherwise Su Ming will not be able to survive this time.

"Hmph, the battle of trapped beasts, I want to see when you can hide."

Zhang Dong has been attacking and failed to hit Su Ming. He is also a little bit irritated. He is an ancient warrior, and he can't even hit a kid with no hair.

Speaking of which, Zhang Dong also had to admit that, indeed, the boy in front of him was very flexible. It was very difficult for him to be unable to hit him for a while.

No matter how flexible you are, it’s useless, unless this kid just ran away like that regardless of Li Yuanshuang, Zhang Dong really had no choice but to save Li Yuanshuang here, but if he really wanted to save Li Yuanshuang here, there would be no way. I really don’t believe he can. Keep hiding.


Finally, when Dong Zhang increased his concentration, Su Ming was hit, but Su Ming did not have a big deal, because Feng Nu’s "Eye of the Storm" shield helped Su Ming block this attack. .

But this is not a long-term solution. The protective means on his body should be gone in a while, but if he doesn't fight back, he will still be killed.

And Zhang Dong was also a little surprised. He just thought that after a vigorous slap, this kid would be half-crippled if he was immortal. Who knew he was still alive and kicking.

Zhang Dong saw that this kid was not easy. At least he had some very strange methods, but he still didn't put Su Ming in his eyes, let alone fear Su Ming.

No matter how weird he is, in front of the ancient martial artist, there is still a dead end, this kid is obviously not an ancient martial artist, and the one who is beaten can only jump up and down, so it is impossible to be afraid of Su Ming.

"What's the matter, the tiger doesn't show off you and treat you as hellokitty."

Su Ming couldn't help being forced here. He really couldn't help it. When he met this ancient warrior today, Su Ming did not expect that he had no advance preparation.

But Su Ming suddenly figured it out now. He can’t continue to look like this. If he continues to look like this, even if he keeps the seal inside his body, he won’t be killed by this guy at that time. If you think about it this way, it’s better to use it. Vigorous.

There was no other way. Su Ming was forced into a corner, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he immediately mobilized the vitality in his body.

The powerful pressure for a while frightened Zhang Dong. Seeing that Su Ming was forced into a corner of the room by him, Zhang Dong thought that Su Ming had nowhere to hide this time. Who knew he planned After hitting it, he suddenly realized a terrifying coercion, which caused Zhang Dong to stop his actions.


When he realized that this terrifying coercion was emanating from Su Ming's body, Zhang Dong was completely uncomfortable, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost.

But now I realized that it was obviously too late. Su Ming was already very upset when he was chased by this guy just now. He directly raised his hand, carrying a powerful move, and slammed it over.

Su Ming didn’t use any powerful skills, because it was too wasteful of vitality~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With Su Ming’s current state, he really didn’t dare to mess around. If he could use less vitality, he would use less. If you use too much energy, something will happen.

It was just a normal attack, but Su Ming was very confident that this guy must not be able to catch it.

After all, the gap between the Transformation Realm and the Micro Realm is too big, it can be said that it is a hundred and eight thousand miles away, not to mention that this product is still in the early stage of the Micro Realm. Naturally it is incomparable with the morphology.

Seeing that Su Ming had counterattacked, Zhang Dong's reaction was not slow. He quickly raised his hand and blocked it. He had tried his best, but Su Ming's strong vitality was not something he could bear at all, so he flew upside down. Hit the wall of the room, causing the whole room to tremble suddenly.


Zhang Dong squirted out a mouthful of blood, and his entire face was full of pain. Su Ming almost wiped him out with this, Zhang Dong had never suffered such a serious injury.

Looking at Su Ming's eyes at this time, the contempt he had just disappeared was completely gone. On the contrary, Zhang Dong's eyes were basically fear.

He didn't expect to be killed. He kicked on the iron plate today. He thought he was a layman. As an ancient warrior, he could do whatever he wanted. Who knew that this kid in front of him was also an ancient warrior.

Moreover, he is still a powerful ancient warrior, at least his realm is higher than him. He can't see Su Ming's realm at all. With a palm of Su Ming, he knocked him down. It is estimated that Su Ming's realm is high. It's not even a little bit, this is more terrifying.

What makes Dong Zhang puzzled is that since you are so strong, because Mao had to run around just now, Dong Zhang thought he was just a trick.

After seeing the facts clearly, Zhang Dong's tears almost fell. Can we be more sincere and less routine.

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