2046.Chapter 2046 I am so uncomfortable

The corner of Zhang Dong's mouth is still bleeding out, anyway, he has realized a problem, today he planted, planted in the hands of this unknown kid.

This guy is obviously a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. At first, he pretended to be forced for a long time. Who knew it was a hidden boss, but it was a pity that Dong Zhang didn't even notice it at first.

What's more frightening is that Zhang Dong would never have thought that Li Yuanshuang had an ancient warrior of this level protecting him, which is not scientific at all.

"I... I was wrong, don't kill me!"

Regardless of the physical pain, Zhang Dong hurriedly begged for mercy. He had lost his fighting ability. At this time, of course, the best way was to beg for mercy. He didn't want to die.

But Su Ming sneered, you said that if you don't kill me, I won't kill? If it was Su Ming who couldn't beat him today, it is estimated that Su Ming would be gone all at once.

This kind of thing is the same. Whoever is strong has the right to speak, and Su Ming will absolutely not tolerate this kind of method against Li Yuanshuang.

If Su Ming did not arrive in time today, I am afraid the consequences would be very unimaginable, so Su Ming has too many reasons to kill him. As for letting him go, it is impossible.

"Do you think I might let you go?" Su Ming's eyes were full of sneers, and he said something to the guy before taking two steps forward.

Zhang Dong panicked all of a sudden. He realized that Su Ming's appearance was probably going to disadvantage him. His eyes were full of fear, and this guy subconsciously wanted to move back.

But he was at the corner of the wall and couldn't move no matter how he moved. Now he was truly desperate.

"Next time you do this nasty thing, think about the consequences."

After Su Ming said a word, he took the guy away directly, took it on his palm, and lost his breath.

As for the vitality of this guy, Su Ming didn't inhale it. Because Su Ming has evil energy in his body now, Su Ming dare not use troll's ultimatum to absorb the vitality of others. Who knows if it will show up. Side effects.

And speaking of it, this guy is only in the early stage of the microcosm, even if he **** all his vitality, it will actually not help Su Ming much.

"Dong Zhang, what's the matter with you, the movement is so loud!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came over, and Su Ming heard the voice, it should be Zhang Dong's driver.

The movement in the room just now was so loud that the driver heard it too, but at first the driver thought that Dong Zhang was playing with Li Yuanshuang inside, so he didn’t take it seriously, and said something in his heart. Dong is really good at playing.

Only after listening for a while, the driver noticed something very wrong. Even if it was playing, it should be playing on the bed. Why did the whole room shake? This is very wrong, so the driver So he came over, intending to ask what happened.

Of course, the driver didn’t dare to just push the door in. If Dong Zhang was fighting on the bed without clothes, if he pushed the door directly in, the scene would be very embarrassing. It is estimated that Zhang Dong would dispose of him. .

So the driver shouted from outside: "Dong Zhang, what's wrong with you here, can I come in and take a look."

Su Ming also realized it. It is estimated that the movement was too loud just now, and the person was recruited. This person must also be dealt with, otherwise there will be a certain amount of trouble.

Of course, Su Ming wouldn't let him in stupidly. He exposed himself as soon as he opened his mouth, so Su Ming went over and opened the door slowly without making a sound.

When the driver saw that the door was unlocked, he thought it was Zhang Dong who opened the door to let him in. Without thinking about it, the guy pushed the door and walked in.

"who are you?"

But who knows, he walked in and saw Su Ming, but he was terrified, and he quickly said something.

But he could only say this. Su Ming stunned the guy with a clean hand knife without killing him, and Su Ming quickly closed the door. Ensure that no one else finds out.

Su Ming saw that the processing was almost done, and then glanced at Li Yuanshuang on the bed, she had to wake up Li Yuanshuang.

But before awakening Li Yuanshuang, Su Ming looked for the driver and threw it on Zhang Dong, covering Zhang Dong's body, saving him a while Li Yuanshuang woke up and saw the corpse and was scared of blood.

After getting it right, Su Ming directly pressed the two acupuncture points on Li Yuanshuang’s neck twice. She was stunned and not drugged, so she woke up easily. .

"Sister Yuan, are you okay?" Su Ming saw Li Yuanshuang opened his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, just fine.

"Su Ming——"

Unexpectedly, Li Yuanshuang's reaction was very big. She grabbed Su Ming when she went up, and a scent of fragrance came to her face.

Su Ming was startled for a moment. This kind of intimate contact made Su Ming a little uncomfortable for a while, but Su Ming didn't take it seriously, thinking that Li Yuanshuang was frightened and planned to relax.

But after a few seconds, Su Ming felt something was wrong. Li Yuanshuang seemed to be breathing heavily beside Su Ming's ears, similar to just running a kilometer.

Su Ming wasn't calm now, and suddenly separated Li Yuanshuang, and looked at Li Yuanshuang's complexion, his face was ruddy, which was obviously an abnormal red color, which could be seen at a glance.

"Su Ming, I'm so uncomfortable, I'm so uncomfortable." Li Yuanshuang kept talking.

Su Ming noticed that Li Yuanshuang’s lips were a little dry, and she even bit her lips when she was talking, looking very painful, and her legs couldn't help but move constantly.

Seeing these reactions, Su Ming immediately thought of the medicine that the driver had given Li Yuanshuang just now, and immediately reacted.

Su Ming scolded those two **** fiercely in his heart, they were simply beasts.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Li Yuanshuang should not be able to bear it anymore. She placed Su Ming's hand on her chest and kept pressing it, saying in her mouth: "Su Ming, Su Ming, how are you? Uncomfortable."

Su Ming was shocked at once, this...this is too exciting, I have to say that Li Yuanshuang's chest is still well maintained, at least full of elasticity.

The scene suddenly became enthusiastic, and a very unusual smell could be smelled in the air. It was obvious that Li Yuanshuang could not control himself.

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