League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2298: Different violin

The instructor froze for a moment, and then he said: "Su Ming, are you sure you can play this violin?"

"After a few days of learning, there should be no problem pulling it up, I'll just pull it casually." Su Ming said casually.

In fact, he hasn’t learned it for a day. He hasn’t touched a violin for more than 20 years. Don’t look down upon it, but if you want the sound and color to be better, it’s not cheap. .

Su Ming doesn't learn that thing, so how could he buy that thing? I haven't seen anyone pull this, so I really haven't touched it.

But this does not hinder Su Ming’s pretense. The reason is very simple. There is piano girl’s passive skills. Only those who have used it will know how powerful this thing is. It can be said that Su Ming is able to show off his musical talents unscrupulously. .

But everyone didn't know what was going on. After listening to Su Ming's words, everyone's expressions obviously changed, and some people even curled their lips in disdain.

Admit that you, Su Ming, are quite good at fighting. No one can beat you.

But in terms of music, you have no qualifications to act here, and you are not a professional talent.

And the violin is recognized as a very difficult instrument. Although the orchestral instrument, this thing is far behind the guitar, and the speed of learning is not comparable to the guitar.

Even if the violin has been played for a few years, it is estimated that this result can only be described as a generalization. If you say that you can play it in a few days, it is completely nonsense. If you play the violin for a few days, you may even look for tunes and the like. Not allowed.

Everyone didn't say anything, anyway, it was this time, and he directly pierced Su Mingduo as boring, he was about to perform by himself.

So he can’t pretend for long. He can’t continue to pretend during the performance. The eyes of the crowd are sharp and everyone is watching. He wants to continue to fool everyone. It is obviously impossible, right? Really level, everyone can tell at a glance, and the ears are not deaf, so I don't know if it sounds good or not.

There is no need to pierce Su Ming at this time, so I don't have to make trouble with him.

Su Ming moved. After bringing the violin over, Su Ming activated Qin Girl's passive skills.

I have to say that these skills produced by the lottery system are really awesome, completely invisible and intangible, and it feels like something impossible to exist at all.

But after you turned it on, there was such a magical effect immediately. It was so fast that Su Ming only turned it on, and the result was felt when he picked up the violin.

It was obviously the first time to touch this thing, but Su Ming seemed to be very familiar with this thing, as if in his bones, he already knew this thing very well.

Without any hindrance at all, after Su Ming grabbed it, the first step was to tune the strings and other things.

If you can pull it up, it's too fake. The first step is definitely to calibrate it. If you don't even know the sound, then the technology is superb, I'm afraid it will not be of much use.

When everyone saw Su Ming's technique, he didn't dare to underestimate it. The tuning technique seemed a bit professional.

Of course, everyone is not professional. It can be said that there is no professional person present. Everyone doesn't understand this at all. It just feels that Su Ming's technique is not bad.

This doesn't mean anything, maybe Su Ming did it on purpose.

Anyway, I'm about to start playing, let's see what Su Ming really looks like when he plays.

Next, Su Ming put the violin on his neck. It can be said that the violin has relatively high requirements for posture and movement.

First, you have to get a shoulder rest and place it on the violin. Otherwise, just relying on your neck to hold the violin will definitely be exhausting.

It is necessary to maintain the continuity of the movements, and at the same time how to place the fingers, these things may be just a simple movement in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact there are many doorways inside. If you don’t understand, you will never know.

Su Ming made this action, it was fluent, it seemed too coherent, and there was nothing to mess with.

After others see this action, the feeling is different, there will be a pleasing feeling, not awkward at all.

It's like a drag racing. If you are an old driver, the actions of shifting gears, stepping on the accelerator and steering the steering wheel, are simply done in one go without the slightest pause.

Su Ming's actions just now are just like that, it's simply too beautiful, without any pause, it feels different.

Now the counselor’s eyes light up, and he feels different to Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I feel that Su Ming may not be bragging, but he really has the ability, generally not a professional person, doing this There must be some slowness in this movement, but Su Ming's movements make people feel that he is not a novice at all, and seems to be very familiar with the violin.


The piano brush in Su Ming's hand moved, and with the movements of Su Ming's hand, the sound continued to radiate.

The moment the voice came out, the expressions on everyone's faces were different. Originally, they wanted to complain, but after hearing this voice, everyone's heart, the first time they thought of it was not the matter of complaining.

On the contrary, everyone was thinking, really or not, Su Ming actually played this kind of thing.

As the sound of the piano continued to spread, the entire classroom was filled with melodious piano sounds, and the expressions on everyone's faces gradually became shocked.

How could it be, why Su Ming could play such a nice violin.

It is important to know that the violin is rarely solo. In most cases, the violin is performed with an orchestra, playing a part in it, and playing more of a supporting role.

For a long time, the violin is an instrument that has caused people to feel that this instrument can't stand alone. The brilliance on its body has been covered up too much. It doesn't want to be as casual as the guitar and not as aggressive as the piano.

But in Su Ming's hands, this violin seems to be different. It is not the same as the violin that you have heard before, although not much.

But everyone can be sure that they have never heard such a good violin.

After a while, the expressions on everyone's faces turned into enjoyment again, no matter how Su Ming pulled him out, this kind of beautiful nature must never be let go.

(End of this chapter)

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