Music is one of the most intoxicating art. Usually we can often see someone wearing a headset, just as if the whole world has nothing to do with me. It's just hilarious.

This is enough to explain that beautiful music is really enough to make a strong resonance, for example, after you listen to it, you can't help but fall into it.

The violin produced by Su Ming has a completely different feeling. It surpasses the most beautiful music that everyone has heard before, and it sounds many times better than that.

For a while, no matter what the shock is, everyone is not shocked. Anyway, let's talk about it. In this case, if you don't listen carefully, it is simply a kind of blasphemy to music.

"Huh? Why is this gone."

As a result, everyone closed their eyes unconsciously, and when they were about to feel it with their hearts, the sound of the music stopped abruptly. Everyone opened their eyes immediately, and the expression on their faces was called an egg pain. Obviously it felt very painful. I can’t understand how such a beautiful music can be gone. The feeling of loss in my heart is beyond description.

It's like when you suddenly found countless banknotes in your own home, and you were happily preparing to reward the "League of Legends Invincible Lottery System" when you suddenly realized that all of this was gone, as if you were in your heart before. Good, it just disappeared.

All in all, at this time, everyone felt as if there was an empty piece in everyone's mind, and something was missing.

A classmate spoke and asked, "Su Ming, you... why did you stop and continue to pull."

Su Ming just showed it casually. I didn’t plan to pull it for long at all, because it’s not necessary. Pulling for one minute and pulling for ten minutes will basically have the same effect. Both can prove themselves. So why didn’t Su Ming choose a simple one. It’s boring to make trouble for yourself.

Knowing what these people were thinking, Su Ming deliberately smiled and joked: "You are a man, tell me not to stop doing anything. If it's a lesbian, I might still think about it."

Everyone is an adult. It doesn't matter if you drive a car occasionally. Everyone smiled kindly and was obviously amused by Su Ming.

But everyone also understood Su Ming's level at this time. People weren't really bragging, they were really good, and they had that level.

As for the bragging just now, people who are capable of bragging will not say anything about you, but think it is a matter of course.

In the eyes of the counselor, there was a bright look, staring at Su Ming with that kind of radiant eyes. Su Ming was really a little uncomfortable with this look, and he felt as if he was being treated badly. People are watching.

Just as Su Ming was about to speak, the instructor spoke first and only heard him say: "Su Ming, what is the name of the song you just played? It sounds majestic. It should be a world famous song?"

Su Ming glanced at the counselor speechlessly, and said that he was a worker in the education industry. This slogan was amazing. Su Ming almost believed what he said just now. He thought he was really a world famous song.

But in fact, Su Ming just pulled it out just now, it was just a very random tune, without any name, it was the tune that Su Ming pulled out casually based on his own feelings.

It can also be said that it was created by himself, so Su Ming said honestly: "Then what, counselor, I am very happy with what you said, but I have to tell you the truth, that just now is really not a world famous song. It’s just my own improvisation."


The counselor coughed twice and was beaten in the face. This situation is really embarrassing. So the counselor said embarrassingly: "So what, Su Ming, you are really good, improvise yourself. , Can pull it so well."

Although this sentence has the idea of ​​diverting his embarrassment, he is also admitting that Su Ming is indeed amazing, and he can pull it so beautifully. If it is to play some world famous songs, it will be fine.

The tunes hand-drawn are definitely incomparable with world-famous tunes. After all, it hasn't gone through the kind of system debugging, and it hasn't reached the perfect state.

But the world famous songs are not the same. If it can become a world famous song, it must be unique.

Therefore, if Su Ming's top level is combined with world famous songs, it is just like a duck, and it can definitely be at the top level.

The instructor was excited and immediately decided, and said directly: "Okay, now the show has been finalized, Su Ming, when you perform, go and play the violin on it, but then you can no longer play the violin. Make a better It will definitely work better."

I watched the classmates perform today. After watching for a long time, he almost blinded the instructor. It can be said that he was so sad and bleak in his heart. The talents of the classmates made him hardly see any hope.

But it was all right now, and Su Ming appeared out of the sky. The violin played was amazing, and the effect must be very good.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Counselor, don't I need to show other musical instruments?"

"Do you know any other musical instruments?" The instructor was stunned. Seeing that Su Ming's violin played so well, he thought he could only use the violin, but he didn't expect to have anything else.

Su Ming glanced at it rather speechlessly, and then said directly: "Didn't I say everything just now, I'm proficient in blowing, playing, playing and singing, how could this one happen?"

The students were not calm, thinking that Su Ming would have such a musical instrument. As for all kinds of musical instruments, it is unlikely that there would be so many geniuses.

Everyone thought that Su Ming must be pretending to be coercion, but he played the violin well, so he could pretend to be coerced by picking up a violin on purpose.

It's just that because his violin is really good, everyone chose to forgive him. Who knows that Su Ming is pretending to be addicted.

The counselor suddenly became interested, and said to Su Ming: "Well, since student Su Ming is so interested, then please show us other talents."

Su Ming started directly over there. As long as there are things like saxophone, guzheng, and cucurbits, Su Ming played it, and each one was about a minute or so.

The students were completely convinced, and they were so proficient. This is simply a musical genius.

Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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