At the beginning, I was thinking of letting Luo Xiaoxiao have extra branches and bear with them. There is no need for such a person to take care of them.

Unexpectedly, these people are so excessive, even Su Ming didn't expect it, they were so annoying, Su Ming couldn't bear it anymore, let alone Luo Xiaoxiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao's heart was about to erupt like a volcano at this time, and he couldn't help it for a long time. After listening to Su Ming, Luo Xiaoxiao could finally liberate herself.

Luo Xiaoxiao stood up and said to Su Ming: "Don't worry about this, I will solve it!"

Su Ming nodded and didn't say anything. He saw that Luo Xiaoxiao was in anger at this time. If she didn't let her act, I guess she would not be happy in her heart.

Moreover, with Luo Xiaoxiao's level, dealing with these people should be no problem, and it can be solved all at once.

With Su Ming watching, there won't be any major problems, everything is guaranteed.

I saw Luo Xiaoxiao stood up in anger, with a smile on his face. When Luo Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, she said: "Whose sputum was vomiting out of her mouth just now?"

"I vomited, what's the matter, little sister, are you going to give me a kiss on the mouth? Come on, there is still a little left at the corner of my mouth."

The mixed taste is heavy enough, and he doesn't dislike it. What he says can make people's stomach churn uncontrollably.

Su Mingguang looked at it and it hurts. He said to his heart that this kid grew up eating and why he was so disgusting. Su Ming couldn't help but want to kick him up. This kid was really disgusting.

Luo Xiaoxiao surprised Su Ming. He didn't even hit someone immediately. Instead, he said, "That's you, come here."


A group of gangsters immediately started booing. A group of people were obviously not online. They didn’t realize that Luo Xiaoxiao was a harbinger before the storm, but thought that Luo Xiaoxiao was frightened by the arrogance that emanated from them. .

Let him get closer, thinking that something good was about to happen, so the few gangsters around started to make a fuss.

It's impossible to have a reasonable IQ so low. In fact, there is a part of the reason, that is, these people think Luo Xiaoxiao is a woman.

People's defense against beauties will be much weaker, especially for beauties at the level of Luo Xiaoxiao. It seems that people don't think she is dangerous, and everything is covered by her beautiful appearance.

Only those who knew Luo Xiaoxiao knew how scary she would be if she broke out.

The **** really put his head together, and he was full of joy thinking what would happen to a beauty like Luo Xiaoxiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao continued: "No, you are not close enough, come over."

The little **** suddenly brightened his eyes, and he said that it was all right now. It seemed that something could really happen. The little **** would hesitate, and as expected, he continued to lean forward, looking very eager.

"You idiot, my old lady killed you!"

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao's expression on her face suddenly changed drastically, and she cursed abruptly, and immediately took the bowl of beef casserole on the table and placed it directly on the head of the gangster.

It just so happens that this casserole is relatively large. Go down the casserole and completely cover the head of this little bastard. Suddenly, the fans and the beef are all covered, the soup and other things in it are also spilled out, it doesn’t seem to be mentioned. How ferocious.

"I wipe--"

Su Ming was stunned, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe that Luo Xiaoxiao was so cruel.

He guessed that Luo Xiaoxiao should be cruel, but he didn't expect that she would be so cruel to this little bastard.

"I was scalded to death, so I was scalded to death. Get the things off my head quickly."

That little **** suddenly felt like his **** was on fire, and he kept jumping around. As a result, the more he moved, the more fans and other things on his head fell off. Watching Su Ming was speechless for a while.

The few gangsters around only reacted at this time, and a few people hurriedly started, and went up and took the casserole off the gangster's head.

After the result was taken down, I found that a fan at one end thought that this was a new hairstyle that he didn't know, which made people suddenly lose sympathy and even wanted to laugh.

This guy shook two more times, finally shaking off the fans on his head, but this looks, how to look at it, is a bit strange, a face is flushed with hot, look It feels particularly embarrassed.

Fortunately, the beef casserole has been up for a while. When the waitress brought the casserole up, Su Ming asked her to pull it for a long time, so the casserole was left there without moving, and the temperature had dropped a bit.

It's not the hottest time, otherwise, I will cover it If he suffers, it is possible that the skin will be burnt.

But even so, you can guess it by looking at the guy jumping up and down. It was estimated that he was more uncomfortable just now, and he was almost killed.

It took a while to slow down, the little bastard's face was still hot, and at the same time there was a smell of beef soup on his body, it smelled too painful.

The **** glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao, and found that Luo Xiaoxiao was still standing there, staring at him coldly. The **** suddenly became angry and planned to break out.

Seeing this little bastard, he immediately pointed to Luo Xiaoxiao's nose and cursed: "Oh, you slut, you dare to count me, if I don't kill you today, I won't be surnamed Wang!"

"If you want to fight, don't worry about talking so much nonsense with me there, it's just annoying!" Luo Xiaoxiao immediately started to fight when she was talking.

Just hearing a click, Luo Xiaoxiao went up as a grappling hand. In a standard posture, he put the little **** who was full of beef soup on the ground, and suddenly he continued to scream.

The other small gangsters couldn’t escape the disaster. Luo Xiaoxiao didn’t give them a chance to react. No matter whether they took action or not, Luo Xiaoxiao took the shot first. People can't stand it at all.

After the last person was put on the ground, the eyes of the guests around the restaurant were different. Obviously, everyone did not expect that this little girl who looked weak and weak would fight so hard. Yes, just now everyone thought she was going to die.

The **** leader on the ground, the worst one, kept yelling: "Mom sells the appraisal. You dare to hit me on this road. I will call my big cousin right away. You are finished. ."

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