League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2324: Subconscious action


Su Ming didn't pay attention. This guy had already made the phone call. From this look, he should be calling someone.

Su Ming only noticed him when he called. If he really went up to stop him, Su Ming would be able to do it, but after thinking about it, let's forget it.

I thought this guy was just calling some friends, friends, and friends to come and help. Anyway, the gangsters are always gangsters, and they just need to have a fight when they catch them.

And if you don’t let him call someone, it’s impossible. If you don’t convince them, they will always find a way to trouble you.

This is what the **** looks like. If you don't let him be completely afraid, it is estimated that he will go to your troubles endlessly, because it feels like losing face.

Only when this guy calls for someone to come over, for example, when the so-called big cousin in his mouth arrives, he will be beaten up, and then he will be cleaned up. If he doesn't believe him, he won't be afraid.

Anyway, if Luo Xiaoxiao doesn't work at that time, then Su Ming himself. Su Ming wants to get these ordinary people into fear. There are too many methods.

The previous waitress came over again. She knew Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao. As soon as she saw such a big thing and the mess on the floor, the waitress hurried up and asked: "What's wrong with this? Fighting?"

Su Ming's impression of the waiter is quite good, and she might be embarrassed when she says this kind of thing, so Su Ming said: "Don't worry, I will pay for the damage in a while. "

"This is not a matter of compensation or non-compensation. Why did you offend them?" The waiter glanced at the few punks who were struggling underground, and then whispered.

When Su Ming heard these words, he said to his heart that it seemed like there was something in the words. Could it be that these gangsters, is there anything they should not mess with, so Su Ming hurriedly said: "Why, these few What's the origin of the gangster?"

"The face is flushed and the body is full of soup, you see?"

The waitress’s voice was very small and said to Su Ming, “His eldest cousin is the captain of the city management in our neighborhood. He is usually very powerful. Everyone who does business here is afraid of him.”

"With his elder cousin's care, this guy is also alive and well in the neighborhood. It can be said that no one dared to move him, come to eat with us, and they will not pay."

The waiter continued: "There is nothing to do, because everyone is not afraid of him, but knows that his big cousin is not easy to mess with, so they can bear it and don't provoke him. When the time comes, the urban management will really cause trouble. Who can bear a small shop like this."

After Su Ming listened to it, he finally understood. After saying so much, it turned out to be like this. It was a little different from what Su Ming thought before. His eldest cousin turned out to be the city manager, and Su Ming thought he was. Big cousin, is also a gangster or something.

Urban management sounds a bit difficult, because the reputation of this profession is not very good. It can be said that when you hear the name of urban management, you will think of some bad things.

To put it in a more general way, it means that there are more black sheep in it, so it has corrupted the reputation. Speaking of it, this guy’s big cousin should not be a good thing, otherwise it is impossible to shield this guy and dominate the street. of.

Originally thinking of rushing to do things, but in the end, I met a gangster. In the end, there was a problem. The whole Su Ming almost forgot what he came to Zhong Hai this time.

But since the gangster has already called everyone out, and the city management is in this area, it should be here in a while, so there is no need to worry.

"What's the matter, why are you so embarrassed?"

Sure enough, within a short time, people have already arrived. A city-manager costume seems to be quite old, at least 30 or 40 years old, and there are signs of blessing in middle age.

At such an old age, it is not a weird thing to be able to get into the position of city management team leader. It's just that, looking at the face of this guy, Su Ming roughly observed it and found that this guy may not be a good person. .

The little **** who was particularly miserable by Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore. In front of his cousin, the urban management cousin, he seemed to be behaving. He hurriedly moved forward and said: "Brother , I was beaten."

"It's useless, I've been in this street for so long, and I can still be beaten. You said it's useless to you, who beat you?" The city management captain asked.

Hearing this guy's tone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he seems to have regarded himself as the number one in the world. It seems that everyone here has to listen to him, and he doesn't pay attention to other people at all.

"It's this dead lady, she has two tricks, and the beef casserole covered my head." The little **** quickly pointed to Luo Xiaoxiao and said.

The city management team leader glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao, and the guy's eyes lit up the instant he saw it. Su Ming noticed this detail and confirmed it in an instant. It is estimated that this product is also a silly thing.

I just heard this guy speak with a very heavy accent, and said to Luo Xiaoxiao: "I said little girl, it's your fault for beating people. Believe it or not, I can get you in for investigation?"


Su Ming almost didn't laugh. He said that you are a special city manager to maintain the order of the streets. You can just pretend to be forceful in front of the street vendors. I really think I am a policeman, and I still want to arrest people casually. It.

Moreover, you are standing in front of you, but a real policeman. You have to arrest a policeman as a city manager, and he is still at the level of deputy chief. I really don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Su Ming couldn’t help but squeeze him. Cold sweat, I don't know who gave him the courage.

Luo Xiaoxiao was obviously annoyed by this guy. He said that you are such a thing, and you want to arrest me. My mother has always arrested others.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxiao made an action subconsciously, placing his hand on his waist and hip bone. Su Ming understood Luo Xiaoxiao's movement when he saw it.

She is going to draw a gun. Generally speaking, the police will develop this subconscious action. When encountering an emergency, they will immediately take out the gun.

One is to show his identity, and the other is to deter the other party to maintain order on the scene.

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