League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2380: Attract attention

"Man, do you want to come to play?"

When Su Ming sat down, a pretty croupier said to Su Ming.

Su Ming was a little surprised. He didn't expect that in the end, the croupier would still be a woman. He thought the waiter might be a woman.

Su Ming thought of a sentence. Before on the computer, it seemed that he had logged into some websites accidentally. It often said that **** dealers deal with cards online. Now it seems that this dealer is really **** and attractive. A very good feeling.

The table Su Ming is sitting at is for playing dice, but just casually looking at it, because the sound here is the loudest. It is obvious that the dice is simply the size of the dice.

Playing with this thing, it is obvious that you are trying your luck, and there is no skill to say. If you are lucky, you can win. If you are not lucky, you may be gone.

In fact, it's not that simple. If you are really a master, you can roughly control the size when you roll the dice. After all, the casino is the banker, so how could it be willing to lose money.

Sometimes he sees where he is pressing more, he may suddenly come to you, control the points, play with this thing, even if the luck is better, you can't win too much.

"How is this played, do you first roll the dice and then press, or press and then shake?" Su Ming asked.

If it was to shake after pressing, then Su Ming would definitely not play, because in that case, even if Su Ming had activated the skill, he couldn't tell what points she was shaking.

"I will press first, and then you press." The **** croupier said.

Su Ming nodded and didn't say much, but directly said, "Okay, then you shake it."


The **** croupier immediately started. The action looks quite stretched. Obviously, it has been specially trained, and it looks quite high in quality. A set of actions is smooth and smooth, which looks pleasing to the eye.


Covering the dice cup in her hand on the table, the croupier's movements seemed to be unsteady, and then she said: "Okay, everyone can place bets."

"I think it should be small. Listening to this voice, it seems to be small."

"I think it should be small too, based on my years of research experience."

"Then let's keep it down and make their dealer lose a lot."


When Su Ming heard this group of people talking, he couldn't help but want to laugh. One or two of them, like experts, could hear it, making Su Ming really speechless.

Xin said that if one or two of you really have this ability, do you still need to play dice hard here? It was a very difficult task to be able to distinguish dice by listening.

If it weren't for Su Ming's development of the skills, he would practice hard according to the normal procedures. If he didn't practice for ten or twenty years, it would be of little effect. Moreover, he had to have a certain talent. Any industry needs talent.

Even if it is the most basic of moving bricks on the construction site, if you have the skills and talent, then it must be different.

In fact, a closer look can tell that the **** croupier who shakes the dice has slightly larger ears, and her ears look like outside.

It looks different from normal people, but it doesn't affect the sense of beauty, but in fact, it's impossible to underestimate it.

Because of this kind of ear, the natural hearing is slightly better. After special training, the ear power is naturally different.

Su Ming can be sure that this **** croupier can also roughly judge whether it should be big or small. She probably can't tell the specific point, because the requirements for experience and technology are really true. Too high.

As for the people next to them, they can be completely ignored. They are just pretending to understand, and a group of people are talking nonsense.

For example, they kept clamoring just now that the points should be small, but in fact it is not the same as they thought. Su Ming heard this point, and it was clearly high.

In other words, what they said is exactly the opposite.

But on this occasion, people's words are very provocative, and they tend to get used to other people's opinions and lose their own judgment.

Sure enough, it seems that many people are beginning to press on the smaller side, but on the larger side, it looks sparse, and not a few people are pressing on it.

In this way, these people are expected to lose money, and the dealer's side is expected to make a lot of money this time.

But the **** croupier looked normal, with no changes in expression on his face, like facial paralysis.

Because they can't have any facial expression changes, if the psychological quality of being a croupier these years is not good, and any facial changes are seen by others, it is probably a bad thing. People can judge by this thing.

"Sir, are you ready to place a bet?" The **** croupier said to Su Ming very kindly.

The whole table looked like Su Ming was the most embarrassed guest. After all, the bargaining chips were there. The croupier naturally wanted to bring Su Ming over to play.

Su Ming naturally had to place a bet, and said: "Give me all over, overwhelm!"

While talking, Su Ming directly threw all the 200,000 chips.

The expressions of those retail investors suddenly became excited. If it were really small, they would make more.

Before so many people were underweight, in fact, even if they win, the final odds will not be too high, but Su Ming directly defeated 200,000, which is not the same, the odds immediately came up. .

While they were excited ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they didn't notice that the croupier's face was different.

I directly opened the dice cup, and it was eleven o'clock inside, which was big. For a while, everyone was shocked. This point undoubtedly showed that they had lost again.

"Mom sells the batches. Just now the **** said that he heard it out and stand up for me. I promise not to kill him."

When Su Ming heard this, he laughed. Hearing this curse, it is estimated that he is also from the mainland.

Su Ming was not surprised by this. He had already heard it out. With 200,000 chips, he earned 800,000, which is a million in total.

"Let's go and play somewhere else."

Su Ming got up directly. The dice thing is boring. It is impossible to make too much money, because after this group of people see that they are great, they will definitely press together with them. Then there will be no odds and no money. How many.

Su Ming moved the battlefield and won more than 10 million in twenty minutes, which directly attracted the attention of the casino.

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