League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2381: Leave you 1 pair of underwear

Su Ming directly and inhumanely won more than 10 million. Even in such a big casino, more than 10 million is not a small amount. As for those who brag about several hundred million, they rarely win. There is such a trench.

It's not to say that no one has won so much money here before. Someone over 10 million must have won here before, but the problem is that Su Ming's this is too exaggerated because it took too short a time.

This is only a long time, dozens of minutes of work, in about half an hour, more than 10 million won, this speed of money, I am afraid that the world's richest man can't match it.

Su Ming was playing Stud at this time, and the **** croupier who dealt at that table was completely unable to stand it up. His little heart was trembling, and he could only pretend to be calm on the surface.

If you continue to win in this way, it is estimated that it will become a major event in the entire casino. Although the casino is a regular casino, people cannot allow you to make so much money at once, otherwise, what else will the casino play?

Usually someone wins and wins. For the sake of the reputation of the casino, he would definitely not interfere too much, but Su Ming is too much. If he keeps doing this, it is estimated that he will win at least 100 million.

For casinos, this is untenable.

The **** croupier couldn’t calm down at all. After a wink with another waiter in the casino, that person clearly understood at once, so the waiter quickly went to find the manager in the casino and asked him to deal with it. this matter.

"Manager, it's okay. A person with very high gambling skills came to the casino. He has won more than ten million." After the waiter found the manager, he immediately explained the matter.

The manager's face did not seem to have changed. After all, those who can be managers in such a big casino are certainly not ordinary people, and they are all knowledgeable.

This kind of thing must have been seen before, such a big casino, what kind of guests did not notice, the manager said: "Go find two beauties and so on, said to serve him, let him Take a break and remind her to pay attention to her body or something."

"Be warned again in secret, don't let him play forever, sometimes people get lucky, this is inaccurate." The manager said.

Gambling is very particular about luck. It is the same as playing mahjong with everyone. If luck comes, a good hand is hard to lose.

And luck, it's impossible to always exist. Generally speaking, it may be a period of time, and that luck is better.

When the casino deals with these guests, if those guests do not have a great background, they will generally take a break from the guests, so that they don’t gamble anymore, take a rest and then go back, they may rest. After that, this luck was gone.

If the guest disagrees, the casino will naturally have to warn secretly, don’t be shameless.

The waiter's face looked a bit ugly, and she just heard her speak and said: "Manager, that talent has played for more than half an hour. How can this let people take a rest? It's unreasonable."


The manager's face that looked calmer now finally changed his expression. It seemed that his face was strange, and it was obviously frightened.

When he first heard it, he thought it was a bet from the morning till now, that he won so much money, and won more than 10 million in half an hour. This is too fake, right? That guy played it to the end How old is it?

The manager couldn't keep calm anymore. He instinctively told him that people who dare to play such a big game must not be ordinary people, even those bosses, even when they just came over, they would not dare to play such a big game.

Just listen to the manager directly asking: "What's the identity of this person, is he a VIP of our casino, and whether he has been out of the world, can you tell?"

"We checked the identity. It is not a VIP of our casino. The exchange record shows that he is the first time he has come to our casino. He is from the Mainland and he is about 20 years old." The waiter clearly understood a lot.

I only heard the waiter continue to say something: "As for Chi Chien, the croupier didn't say this, it should be fine."

The manager's heart slammed into the stormy sea for a while. The croupiers in the casino are all trained. They can basically tell the situation of the elderly at a glance.

If he finds out a laoqian, he will report it as soon as possible. Playing a laoqian in a regular casino is a very taboo thing, and naturally he will not play with him until now.

That is to say, the guy from the mainland is either very high-level, or is very high-level, so that people can't tell that he is a thousand. In either case, it is more difficult.

Of course, he couldn't let him continue to bet like this. If he kept betting like this, wouldn't their casino lose out in a day.

The manager's expression looked a lot more serious, and he said directly: "Go and let the croupier stop first, stop for a while and don't continue betting. I will send someone over and will meet him for a while."

"Okay, I got the manager."

The waiter also knew that the casino was going to interfere with this person.

In the casino, in addition to the croupiers, there are also some expert gambling players. These people are not dry food. They usually seem very relaxed. In fact, they will go out when they encounter such tricky guests who want to come over and win money.

"Mr. Wu You, that kid, he should have two tricks in gambling, please go up and stop him."

The manager took a guy with him. This guy looks straight in a suit and looks very handsome~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He should be a mixed-race, and he is also very tall.

"OK, I like to fight against the master, otherwise it will be too challenging, this kid will leave it to me." The mixed-race gambling master said.

"Man, I heard that you have won a lot."

This guy walked up, pulled the bench directly, and sat down opposite Su Ming.

When Su Ming saw this guy coming, he seemed to be very targeted. Indeed, the **** croupier next to him subconsciously moved his position and gave him.

Su Ming understood it in his heart. It is estimated that this was sent by the casino. Winning so many casinos must have noticed, and this was also in Su Ming's expectation.

Without saying any nonsense, this person has no way to stop Su Ming, and Su Ming directly said: "Want to come and play?"


Seeing the provocation in Su Ming's eyes, the guy said directly: "Okay, let's play around, I will leave you a pair of underwear."

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