
And because Su Qishan must have used a lot of vitality in the battle just now, if that is the case, he must be backlashed by the forbidden curse in his body. This is a certain thing.

No wonder that Su Qishan feels very wrong from just now to now.

"this is----"

Su Qishan suddenly rolled up his sleeves, and Su Ming's eyes suddenly widened when he saw it.

There is a huge skull on Su Qishan's arm, like a tattoo, just printed on it, this is not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is that this skull head is still alive, it seems to be beating constantly, it is like a living horror blockbuster.

Since it looks too realistic, some courageous people will definitely scream if they see it suddenly, and even cause intense discomfort in their hearts.

After Lian Su Ming saw it, he was frightened for the first moment. The expression on his face looked like it was uncomfortable.

Su Ming suddenly thought of the Forbidden Curse in Huahua before, and the Forbidden Curse on Su Qishan's arm is indeed similar.

It seems that although there are some differences in details, most of them are the same.

From this look, it was obviously from the hands of the Underworld Sect.

Su Ming asked directly: "Dad, how do you feel as a whole now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"It's uncomfortable, and my brain feels dizzy. It is probably a side effect after using the vitality. I feel that I will never be able to use the vitality again."

Su Qishan said: "Because I have a hunch in my heart that I will be bitten more severely this time. If I continue to use my vitality forcefully, I may die directly."


Su Mu, who said in a word, was immediately frightened, with a very unspeakable feeling, for fear that Su Qishan's impulse would really be dead by then.

"Dad, do you know how to solve this forbidden curse of no sorrow?" Su Ming asked.

At present, it is necessary to find a way to solve this forbidden curse as soon as possible, otherwise, I will not say whether Su Qishan's situation will deteriorate.

You can't use your vitality for a lifetime. This is something that you absolutely cannot accept. Anyway, you are a master of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. When you really encounter a situation, how can you hold back your vitality?

But if it is used, it is a life. The price is too high, and it can hardly be hurt.

Su Qishan smiled bitterly, and said: "Tell you the truth, I've heard of this forbidden curse of no sorrow for the first time, so I don't know how to solve it.

"The little girl you took me to see last time was a ghost curse. This is a relatively low-level one. I have seen it."

"But I have never heard of the Forbidden Curse of No Compassion. The first time I saw it, it is estimated that only the people of the Ghost Sect know how to deal with it." Su Qishan's tone was quite helpless.

At the same time, there is also an element of annoyance. It is probably arrogant that he is too careless. If he didn't pay attention, he was secretly calculated by the ghosts.

This kind of no-sorrow forbidden curse can't be the kind that can be planted for you by just saying it, and it definitely depends on the target's response.

If you are prepared, then the chance of failure of this forbidden curse will be greater, but it is a pity that Su Qishan didn't think of this at first, and ended up losing Jingzhou carelessly.


Su Ming's eyes lit up, and Su Qishan reminded him of what he said just now.

Since this forbidden curse was planted by the people of the ghost sect, it also means that the people of the ghost sect must know how to solve it. A forbidden curse should not be insoluble.

It just so happened that Su Ming brought back a strong ghost sect today. He originally planned to raise him and wait for his vitality, but this time he came in handy in advance.

Su Ming glanced at the strong ghost sect on the ground, and patted his chest twice, hitting his acupuncture points, which directly caused him to wake up.

However, Su Ming had no room for him to react. The moment this guy woke up, Su Ming stared at his eyes with his own eyes.

The powerhouse of the Ghost Sect was already seriously injured, and he only woke up from a coma, and his mind was still in a relatively vague state, so Su Ming's charm technique easily charmed him. .

"Ask you a few questions and answer me honestly."


The powerhouse of the Ghost Sect, who seemed to be very cooperative, nodded and said directly.

Su Qishan sat there, feeling a little surprised, this ghost sect person, even willing to listen to Su Ming?

However, Su Qishan's reaction was quite okay. I could probably guess it. Su Ming guessed what special method was used, so Su Qishan held back no words.

Su Ming's first question is: "This curse of no sorrow, if it is touched, what will happen to it?"

"The Forbidden Curse of No Compassion is a relatively advanced forbidden curse in the Shadow Soul Sect. It is specifically aimed at ancient warriors with a higher level, and the probability of failure is relatively But this forbidden curse only needs to be planted successfully , You can directly abolish a powerful ancient warrior. In the Ghost Sect, this is a very precious forbidden curse."

Su Qishan's face went black, and there was an impulse to curse, because he had just heard that this ghost sect powerhouse said that this kind of no sorrow forbidden curse had a relatively high failure rate.

This made Su Qishan feel uncomfortable. He was also recruited because the failure rate was relatively high. How lucky was he?

If the success rate is 100%, Su Qishan is still more acceptable.

No one spoke, they were all listening to this ghost sect powerhouse, and continued to say: "No Sorrow Forbidden Curse, after planting, the goal is no different from the normal state."

"If the vitality in the body is not used, it is no different from a normal person, but if the vitality in the body is used, it will be in big trouble."

"After the vitality is used, the forbidden curse in the body will begin to backlash, the person becomes weakened, the spirit is weak, and the vitality in the body is also on the verge of collapse."

"If Yuan Qi is used more, you will directly lose your life, even if Yuan Qi is not used, your body will gradually deteriorate."

"There is only one final result, and that is death."

Su Ming's heart was really shocked when he heard it, and this forbidden curse of no sorrow was more cruel than he had imagined.

It's not a physical problem at all. What you mean by this means that as long as you use your vitality, even if you don't use it much, your life will be lost in the end.

In other words, what is waiting for Su Qishan will be death, but it will take a while.

This is something that Su Ming cannot accept.

I was just such a relative. I had never seen my mother since I was a child. If Su Qishan was gone, Su Ming would definitely collapse.

This book comes from

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