
Su Qishan is over there, his face is not too good-looking, no one can maintain a true calm when facing death, no one can do it.

The reaction to death was not as big as Su Ming's reaction. He did not express what he thought.

After experiencing a brief loss of consciousness here, Su Ming hurriedly continued to ask: "Is there any good way to solve this curse of no sorrow?"

"There are methods naturally, but it is more difficult, because this forbidden curse of no sorrow is very special. After it is planted, even the people of the Ghost Sect cannot easily untie it. It must be matched with a powerful treasure of heaven and earth. That's fine."

Su Ming said in a deep voice, "Tell me the method."

As long as there is a solution, Su Ming, who is highly nervous, is really relieved.

Fortunately, there is still a way to solve it. If there is no solution, then Su Ming can only find a place to cry.

There was nothing to hesitate in the ghost sect powerhouse, so he threw a bamboo tube directly to Su Ming. The bamboo tube was black all over, and it should be dedicated to the ghost sect powerhouse.

Su Ming opened the bamboo tube and looked at it for a while. His complexion was a bit ugly. He needed two kinds of treasures, but looking at the introduction above, these two treasures of heaven, material and earth seem to be very rare.

It is estimated that finding these two things is not an easy task.

"Where can I find the two treasures mentioned above, do you know?" Su Ming asked again at this time. It would be good if he could get a certain answer from them.

Unexpectedly, the powerhouse of the Shadow Soul Sect shook his head and said, "Sorry, I really don't know about this. If you want to find these two things, you can only inquire in the ancient martial arts world."

"Even in the world of ancient martial arts, it is estimated that it is very difficult to find these two things." This ghost sect powerhouse said non-stop.

These words made Su Ming's heart heavier suddenly, but Su Ming had nothing to ask, and he went up all of a sudden and stunned the powerhouse of the Ghost Sect. .

This time Su Ming made a heavy move, which caused this guy to fall into a severe coma. It is estimated that it will take a long time before he can get over.

Think about this guy, the no-sorrow forbidden curse that he planted, which put Su Qishan's life in danger at any time, Su Ming's heart was very angry, and he didn't kill this guy immediately, it was quite a shame for him.

"Su Ming, what do you say in this jade tube." Su Qishan asked.

When his life was almost impossible to save, Su Qishan himself, of course, was also anxious.

Su Ming directly handed the jade cylinder to Su Qishan, but after thinking about it, if you want to check the contents of the jade cylinder, you have to use your vitality. So Su Ming quickly took the jade cylinder back. Now Su Qishan, that It really hurts.

Su Qishan saw this movement of Su Ming and understood what was going on, and suddenly felt quite helpless.

Now he is almost like a waste person, he can't even do such an extremely simple thing as looking at the jade tube, or he doesn't have the guts to do it.

Su Ming said: "To solve your Forbidden Curse of No Compassion, you need two treasures of heaven and earth. Once you find it, you can unlock the Curse of No Compassion."

"Which two?" Su Qishan was moved in his heart when he heard this.

Su Ming said: "The first is rootless water, and the second is Xuan Lei bamboo tube."

"How can this be found?" Su Qishan suddenly felt desperate when he heard this.

It's just joking. These two kinds of treasures of heaven and earth are very precious. After listening to Su Qishan, he understood that they are not something ordinary people can find.

At this time, Su Ming didn't understand these things very well, so he asked, "Dad, are these things rare?"

Su Qishan showed a wry smile, and then said: "It's not only rare, it's rare at all, even in the world of ancient martial arts, they are all rare items."

"I haven't heard of Xuan Lei Bamboo Tube, but it's clear to hear this name. It's definitely not easy to find. As for the rootless water, it is even more rare."

"I have heard of this rootless water before in the ancient martial arts world. It is not very clear how it is produced and where it is obtained, but it can be used for alchemy."

"There are some more precious high-level medicinal pills that require rootless water to be added to serve as a supplementary effect, otherwise the success rate will be very low."

"Because rootless water is not like tap water, you can have it if you want to, so it is especially precious in the Guwu world. It is not something you can buy if you want."

"Even those ancient sects who want rootless water require some effort." Su Qishan said.

Su Qishan's remarks really made people feel discouraged, and he immediately lost a certain amount of This is too difficult.

Just a rootless water is so difficult, and Xuanlei bamboo tube, it is estimated that the degree of difficulty is not lower than this rootless water, so it would be more terrifying.

Just thinking about it makes the scalp numb.

Su Qishan was afraid that he was desperate, so he could only sigh: "Forget it, don't think about how to solve this forbidden curse of no sorrow. It's impossible. It's impossible to live a day."

"When the Underworld Sect designed this forbidden curse, it probably didn't think that someone could unlock him. Anyway, they didn't use it for their own people."

"No way!"

Su Ming directly shook his head at this time, and said: "Even if it is difficult, you have to go to the ancient martial arts world. You must try your best to find it. You can't just sit back and wait for it."

"Do you want to go to the ancient martial arts world alone, that definitely won't work." Who knows that Su Qishan at this time shook his head and said.

"The world of ancient martial arts is already very dangerous. You have been targeted by people from the two ancient sects. After you go, you may not be able to come out alive." Su Qishan said worriedly.

When Su Ming heard that Su Qishan refused to let himself go, he couldn't help but feel more painful, so he said, "Dad, you can't stop me with this."

"Even if it is difficult or risky, I have to pass it. If I don't go, you will be dead!" Su Ming almost roared.

Su Qishan trembled and looked quite moved. He knew that Su Ming was doing this for him, and then Su Qishan said, "But...but you are too dangerous to go so hastily."

"Don't worry, Dad, I've grown up, enough to deal with this, let alone save my life, it must be no problem."

Su Ming tried his best to make his tone sound more confident.

This book comes from

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