League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2448: A little disbelief



This sentence made Su Ming feel very honored and honored.

In the past few decades, he only took the initiative to meet three people. In other words, in the previous years, when so many people came to ask for bamboo, he only met two in total. This probability is too low.

This kind of person Su Ming thinks that he should not be able to lie, he should indeed be a strange thing with a strange temper.

Su Ming asked, "It seems that the first two people should also have high attainments in music."

In Su Ming's view, the weird-tempered person like the old Yinzhu, even the superb beauties, does not have any attraction to him. It is estimated that only people who love music can attract him.


To Su Ming's expectation, the old Yinzhu cursed directly and said: "I can't beat them for the first two special mothers. It won't work if you don't see them."


Su Ming was messed up in the wind directly, this old sound bamboo monster, seems to be a little different from the kind of hermit he imagined, it is too weird.

However, this is equivalent to an indirect reminder of Su Ming. Su Ming directly activated his Quinn W skill and took a look. He planned to take a look at the realm of this old sound bamboo monster.


After taking a look, Su Ming gasped again. He turned out to be a powerhouse in the Sixth Heaven Tribulation Realm. This should be the most awesome one Su Ming has seen so far.

The strength of the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation Realm can be imagined, coupled with the special terrain of this Yinzhu Island, he is fighting at home, and there must be some formations that can be used.

For his combat effectiveness, it is a big improvement. The average person has come over, and he is really not his opponent. No wonder that for so many years, no one can be dragged.

As for the two previous encounters that he couldn't beat, the strength was at least the eighth heavenly calamity realm. What a terrifying strength that was, Su Ming didn't even dare to think about it for a while.

"Okay, come in with me, go in and sit down and say, let's talk." Old Monster Yinzhu seemed to be interested in Su Ming.

Su Ming said: "These two are my companions, do you think you can follow along."

Try to ask them, if you can bring the best you can bring them together, but if the strange temper of the old monster Yinzhu says that it can't work, you can only ask them to wait outside.

Unexpectedly, this time the old monster Yinzhu was very compassionate and said, "Then let them follow in together. After they come in, remember not to walk around randomly."

Lin Yue and Master Yi are probably incidental in his eyes.

Seeing Su Ming actually went in with Old Monster Yinzhu, these people seemed to have one or two expressions on their faces, that was really weird.

I didn’t expect to be killed. Everyone was waiting here, but Su Ming was picked up by the old monster Yinzhu. For a while, the expressions on everyone’s faces were strange, and they could only be jealous. Hate to describe.

Why can't they think of such a good trick?

Entering the interior of the sound bamboo island, Su Ming feels that there are too many bamboos here. It is just a sea of ​​bamboo, which looks very dense.

Only after walking inside for a while, Su Ming was able to find that the bamboos growing inside were not ordinary bamboos, they all looked different.

Su Ming didn't know anyone, so he could only make a rough judgment.

"Come here and sit down." When he came to the door of a small house, Old Monster Yinzhu spoke.

Su Ming looked up and found that this is a hut made purely of bamboo. Living in it is probably very cool.

On this Yinzhu Island, there seems to be no tree, only bamboo, and it can only be built with these things.

"Come on, tea—"

After the old monster Yinzhu took someone in, he directly ordered.

Suddenly there were two women in palace costumes, and they got busy. One of them, Su Ming, had seen him, the one who came to remind himself when he arrived on this island a few days ago.

Su Ming looked around and found that there were no other people in this house at all. In other words, this old Yinzhu was living here alone with two girls. This is simply...

Su Ming thinks this guy is really a beast. From this point of view, he is not very weird. At least his hobbies are similar to those of a normal man.

Looking at each other with Lin Yue, the two of them could see similar ideas in each other's eyes.

After sitting down, Old Monster Yinzhu seemed to be relatively polite, and he didn't take any strange initiative. Su Ming was relieved anyway.

Seeing him like this, Su Ming felt that it would be better to discuss something with him later, and at least there would be a chance.

"Did you play with this flute just now?" The eyes of the old monster Yinzhu focused on Su Ming's flute again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two words are not separated from these things, it is obvious that the old monster Yinzhu still Interested in these things.

Su Ming nodded, indicating that he was right.

Old Monster Yinzhu became more interested, and he said directly: "Can you show me your flute."

Su Ming gave it to him without saying a word. Anyway, it's worthless, so you can give it to him directly.


As a result, the old geek Yinzhu started, and the expression on his entire face changed a bit. It was obvious that he had not expected that the flute was so rough.

Originally, in his idea, what could be played so beautifully, it must be a good flute, but the old monster Yinzhu is obsessed with music and is naturally very interested in musical instruments.

He has the habit of collecting good musical instruments, even if it is not his, he feels very satisfied if he can play with it.

As a result, Su Ming's flute, he took a look at it, and it was too rough and simple, and it was completely different from what he thought.

Just now, did this kid really use this rough flute?

When Su Ming saw his expression, he probably understood what was going on, so Su Ming said: "This flute was made by myself on the island when I was bored."


Old Monster Yinzhu was completely stunned, no kidding, he could do it himself, but it was too rough.

The timbre is not too good, and the tune that comes out naturally is not that good, but can Su Ming use this kind of self-made thing to play the perfect tune just now?

For a time, Old Monster Yinzhu felt a little bit unbelievable.

Su Ming said again: "I did use this flute to play that just now. I definitely didn't lie to you."

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