
After speaking, Su Ming himself understood that his words were too pale, no matter how true and sincere he was, people would not completely believe it.

So Su Ming decided to speak with facts, just listen to Su Ming said: "I can play for you live, you will understand after listening."

Sure enough, this old sound bamboo monster also became interested at once, and immediately handed the flute to Su Ming, obviously wanting Su Ming to try again.

Su Ming was not polite. After he took the flute, he played it directly, and the melodious flute sound suddenly rang in this hut.

After a few seconds, Su Ming's whole person was gradually in a good state, and Old Monster Yinzhu could tell it all at once. The person playing the flute outside was really Su Ming.

And it was really blown out with this extremely rough-looking flute, which is really not to be underestimated.

Su Ming was not the same as before. He had been playing for a long time. Su Ming put down the flute in about a minute.

Blowing this thing is actually quite tiring, Su Ming is just to prove himself, presumably the master Yinzhu should understand his level after a while.

"I just misunderstood, your level is indeed high." At this time, the old monster Yinzhu looked sincerely admiring.

The Old Monster Talking Bamboo took the flute that Su Ming had just used again, and then he did something that stunned Su Ming, and he even put it to his mouth and started playing.

"I wipe——————"

The corners of Su Ming's mouth twitched twice. This is so special that I have used it before. You can use it without even wiping it, and you are still two big masters.

This is too disgusting. Just looking at Su Ming's heart, there is a very strange feeling, saying that he is too careless about hygiene.

Maybe Old Monster Yinzhu is a pursuit of art, which caused him to be nonchalant and not care about these things.

However, Su Ming himself decided secretly that he would never touch the flute again. Su Ming was not interested in this kind of indirect kissing. All the special stuff above was saliva.

Master Yinzhu's level is also quite acceptable, after all, he plays this thing all day.

It is a question of whether ordinary people can play this crude flute made by Su Ming, but the old monster Yinzhu started to play the tune.

Only after playing for a few seconds, Old Monster Yinzhu gave up on his own. Only after he really experienced it, did he understand how difficult this thing was.

Anyway, Old Monster Yinzhu thinks this thing is too difficult, although he can also use this thing to make a tune, but it will certainly not sound too good.

At the very least, the old monster Yinzhu, who has strict requirements for music, would not agree with him, and because of this, he can be sure in his heart that Su Ming is a master.

"You are amazing."

The old monster Yinzhu sighed sincerely, at Su Ming's age, he could play such a perfect tune, and he also possessed this ability.

I am afraid that he is not only a master, but also a genius.

"My husband is really Miao Zan, he is not so good, but he has some interest, and then I delved into it myself." Su Ming said modestly.

Whether in the duny world or in the ancient martial world, the Chinese people still like the humble people after all. Sure enough, after Su Ming said these words, the impression of the old monster Yinzhu of Su Ming changed for a while.

The two of them took the flute and then extended it to the instrument, and began to talk non-stop. Lin Yue was very painful.

To be honest, he couldn't understand a word, and he didn't even know how to intervene when he went up and interjected. It was very embarrassing, but this was the old monster Yinzhu again.

For such a big man, Lin Yue didn't dare to speak casually. In case he offends him, it is estimated that Su Ming can kill him.

Lin Yue could only sit there boringly drinking tea by himself, but Master Yi was better. He didn't like to talk at first, and no one talked to him, which was the best.

It can be said that Su Ming and Old Monster Yinzhu are getting more and more enthusiastic as they talk. The two people have a tendency to not stop.

Old Monster Yinzhu was obsessed with music, but what was helpless was that in the world of ancient martial arts, there were few people who understood music at all.

Even if you find someone who understands music, and to put it bluntly, the level is too far apart, and there is no common language at all.

But the Su Ming I met today is different. Not only is his level high, but he also has a set of theoretical knowledge.

There are some novel remarks, sounded by the sound of the old monster Yinzhu, it also feels that it has benefited a lot, and for a while, there is a feeling of finding a confidant.

In fact, Su Ming didn't like to talk about this thing too much. What he wanted to talk about most was still the matter of Xuan Lei Zhu Tong.

But you can't come over and just tell people this, unless you are an acquaintance who can do this, if you have a very ordinary relationship.

Just say this when you come up, and people will think that you have something else, your impression is directly worsened, and the chance of wanting something is probably much lower.

Just like in the dunya, when looking for someone to do something to make a relationship, don’t you have to talk about other things first.

Su Ming's strategy in his heart now is to make this guy happy before talking. When he is happy, he will talk about it later, and it will be easier to speak.

As for music, if Su Ming wants to fool him, it is too simple, because Su Ming has used the passive skill of Qin Girl.

Has become a master of music, in the field of music, it can be said to be omnipotent, and the skills are so awesome.

Compared with Su Ming, Old Monster Yinzhu is far behind, and almost like Ye Luzi, so Su Ming fooled him, it can be described as one set after another.

After talking for more than an hour, the old monster Yinzhu couldn't help it, and said to Su Ming: "Little friend Su, I have always had a dream. I wonder if you can help me realize it?"


Su Ming was stunned, and said in his heart that your dream, how can I help you realize it, what does it mean?

But Su Ming didn't say anything strange, but asked: "Dare to ask Mr., what dreams do you have. If you need my help, I will naturally do my best."

Old Monster Yinzhu was obviously very helpful to Su Ming's words, and at least Su Ming's attitude made him feel very comfortable.

So Old Monster Yinzhu stopped being polite with Su Ming, and said directly: "I got a piece of music ten years ago. It can be said to be a masterpiece."

"But I haven't been able to play it..." Old Monster Yinzhu began to murmur.

This book comes from

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