League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 828: Pretend to force me to only serve Su Ming

At the entrance of the majestic company building of "Fengming Security Company", about one or two hundred people gathered at this time, including staff from related departments, and secondly, the backbone of the company, that is, the trained bodyguards. .

Of course, there must be more than these employees in the entire security company, and a considerable part of them ran to perform tasks.

One or two hundred people, most of whom were sturdy men, suddenly said that the voice was not bad, it was very loud.

"Everyone is polite!"

Su Ming just froze for a moment, and was not scared like Xia Qingchan and the others. He went forward and said to Cheng Ruofeng: "You are also true. I'll just come over and take a look. What do you have to do with such a big battle? Let everyone go in and do whatever they should do."

Cheng Ruofeng immediately despised Su Ming in his heart. He said that you were upset and you had to pretend to be coerced. I despise the person who pretended to be coerced the most, but the welcome is almost the same. So Cheng Ruofeng said: "Okay, everyone hurry Go to work, and Mr. Su will inspect in a while, so don’t be lazy!"

I have to say that Cheng Ruofeng's move was actually very effective, and at least it calmed down Xia Qingchan's aunt.

"Uncle and aunt, stop standing, come in quickly!" Su Ming said.

Liu Fang just reacted, and immediately beamed with joy. He looked up at the magnificent office building, with some unconcealed surprise in his tone: "Su Ming, is this Fengming Security Company your company?"

Cheng Ruofeng on the side was very clear about Su Ming's pretense routines. He naturally knew how to cooperate with Su Ming. Before Su Ming could speak, Cheng Ruofeng helped him speak: "Auntie, this is indeed our company Su Ming!"

"Oh, I didn't expect that Su Ming, your company is so big, it's so amazing!" Liu Fang's mouth couldn't close her smile. She was even happier than this is her own company. For a time, she felt like Su Ming. The son-in-law was more satisfied.

On the contrary, Xia Qingchan on the side was stunned. She didn't expect that Su Ming really had a company. This...Where did Su Ming's energy from a student start a company?

As everyone knows, Su Ming is just a hand-off shopkeeper who pays nothing. Of course, a large part of the reason is that Su Ming met some reliable friends.

Of course, the most stupefied person was Xia Qingchan's big aunt. The big aunt had an expression of seeing a ghost at this time. All this seemed to be different from what she thought. This kid really has a company?

"This is the general manager of our company, named Cheng Ruofeng, who is my right-hand man. Thanks to him for the development of the company!" Su Ming introduced Cheng Ruofeng.

"It turned out to be Mr. Cheng, thank Mr. Cheng for helping our family Su Ming in this way." Liu Fang and Xia's father immediately said to Cheng Ruofeng very politely.

Now Su Ming has become "our Su Ming" in Liu Fang's mouth.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't know who these people were with Su Ming, but when he heard the three words "our family", it was fine. They must have a close relationship with Su Ming, so Cheng Ruofeng immediately said politely: "Uncle and Auntie. You are polite, just call me Xiaocheng."

Seeing Cheng Ruofeng, the general manager of a dignified company, was so polite to her, Liu Fang felt quite satisfied for a while.

"Don't stand at the door, I'll take you to the company to have a look." Su Ming said at this time.

"Our company is a security company, which provides security services to the wealthy and large companies to protect their safety."

Cheng Ruofeng and Hu Zi walked in front, like tour guides, always introducing the company.

"This is the president's office, this is the meeting room our company usually uses for meetings, and this is the meeting room, and this is the strength room for our training..."

"Fengming Security Company" was originally decorated in accordance with first-class standards. The interior of the company is very luxurious and modern at the same time. It is not weaker than those large listed companies.

Liu Fang and the middle-aged and elderly people in these rural areas have never joined such a company, so they felt shocked for a while. This company turned out to be so powerful.

"By the way, this is our company's business license, you can take a look if you are interested!"

When I came to the president's office, the business license happened to be placed in a corner, so Cheng Ruofeng said.

This company is basically all funded by Su Ming, and these procedures are handled in the name of Su Ming. Although Cheng Ruofeng has a certain share, the legal person of this company is Su Ming, and the name on the business license is naturally also Su Ming.

Everyone is a literate person. At least everyone knows the word "Su Ming"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that the operator of this company is indeed Su Ming, now everyone has no doubts.

My aunt was still a little skeptical. It is possible that Su Ming had greeted everyone in advance and deliberately deceived everyone, but after seeing the business license, the suspicion in my aunt's heart was finally completely shattered. No longer doubt Su Ming.

"Wait a minute, the registered capital written on this is 50 million?!" At this time, Xia Qingchan's uncle keenly noticed a number, the company's registered capital turned out to be 50 million.


After listening to the uncle's words, Xia Qingchan's parents and his aunt were immediately shocked. You must know that for ordinary rural people, tens of millions of these are figures in legends, and they are rarely heard.

As a result, Su Ming actually needs so much money to start a company. This is too awesome. How rich is this young man?

Liu Fang was also taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Su Ming, no, do you need so much money to start your company?"

"Auntie, these tens of millions are actually not too much, it is normal to start a company!" Su Ming said lightly.

"Tens of millions is not much..."

Su Ming’s words once again had a very strong impact on Xia Qingchan’s parents and his uncle. The gap between this person and the other person was too big. In their eyes, a few thousand yuan was actually quite a lot. As a result, it came to Su Ming. It is normal to open a company.

Cheng Ruofeng on the side also glanced at Su Ming with a strange look. How could he not see that Su Ming was pretending to be coercion, but this coercion seemed to be an understatement but was actually full of impact, pretending to force him to only obey Su Ming.

Although he complained in his heart, Cheng Ruofeng cooperated with him and said: "General Su is right, these 50 million are really not much."

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