"The investment of Mr. Su's 50 million yuan is only the initial start-up capital of the company. In fact, a lot of capital has been invested successively later, but there is no detailed calculation."

Cheng Ruofeng said serious nonsense: "According to my estimation, the total investment of our security company is estimated to exceed 100 million."

"However, this investment of 100 million yuan will soon be repaid. In less than a year, Mr. Su will be able to recover the cost, and then our profit growth will become faster and faster." Cheng Ruofeng Keep bragging without changing color and heartbeat.


Su Ming on the side almost didn't cover his face and walked out, almost unable to listen. Cheng Ruofeng used to be a teacher, how can he learn to talk nonsense now, a serious bragging, Su Ming almost believed it.

The company Su Ming actually invested a total of tens of millions. After all, many employees of the company are trained by themselves, which saves a lot of money.

Su Ming just said that tens of millions of investment is nothing but Cheng Ruofeng's mouth, it broke 100 million, and the more important thing is that it can earn 100 million back in less than a year. If the company is like this If you make money, isn't Su Ming going to become a rich man?

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of those old fritters bragging, but you are afraid of honest people talking nonsense. This is the most terrifying thing.

Huzi couldn't listen anymore, but the company's first and second leaders were bragging here. What else could he say, he could only choose to pretend that he didn't know anything.

And Xia Qingchan's family didn't know this. How could he lie to them as the general manager Cheng Ruofeng, he didn't have any suspicion at all, and immediately believed his words.

"Su Ming, you are so promising. If your uncle has any difficulties in the future, you should take care of it." Uncle continued to give Su Ming a thumbs up.

Now even the eldest aunt was convinced, and the hostility towards Su Ming was gone. Such a promising relative must maintain a good relationship in the future!

The technique of Su Ming, who hasn't pretended to be forced for a long time, is not unfamiliar. The effect of pretending to be a little bit like this is very good. At the very least, he successfully suppressed the big aunt.

After sitting in the company for a while, seeing that the time was getting late, the uncle stood up and said, "By the way, I have to buy things when I come to Ningcheng this time. The car is out."

"Huzi, drive your elder uncle and aunt, lest they wait for the car again." Su Ming ordered Huzi.


In the afternoon, Su Ming wanted to send Liu Fang and Xia's father home, but they refused, saying that there was no need to trouble Su Ming, and Su Ming did not force them to send them to the station.

Turning around, Su Ming sent Xia Qingchan and Huahua back home, and Su Ming went up and sat for a while.


While coaxing Huahua to sleep, Xia Qingchan sat there and sighed involuntarily. Su Ming quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Xia Qingchan said quietly, "Su Ming, I feel I have to let my parents see you as little as possible in the future, especially my mom!"

"Cough cough——————"

Su Ming suddenly coughed twice in embarrassment. He knew what Xia Qingchan meant without listening to the following words, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

Just listen to Xia Qingchan continue to say: "My mother is more and more satisfied with you now, and even feels that I am no longer biological. What if my mother knows the truth someday and can't accept it?"


Su Ming didn't know how to answer this question, and it was even a little embarrassing to say it. After thinking about it, Su Ming comforted: "Don't think too much, it's too early to say this."

"That's true."

Xia Qingchan nodded and no longer said anything. In fact, she even felt a little regretful in her heart. She didn't know what she thought at the beginning. Why did she want to find Su Ming to impersonate her boyfriend.

People who pretend to be boyfriends are worried that their parents will disagree and be dissatisfied. Who knows that Su Ming would be better, and he directly performed supernormally, which made Xia Qingchan's parents satisfied.

"Huahua fell asleep, right?"

Su Ming glanced at the Huahua in Xia Qingchan's arms, and then said: "You can put Huahua in the room and sleep, I'm going back."

"it is good------"

Who knew that Su Ming had just left and Xia Qingchan was about to get up and hug Huahua to sleep in the room, but Huahua opened his eyes at this time, and the little girl was pretending to be sleeping.

Huahua got up directly, and then said: "Mom, you and Dad used to pretend to be together, you are trying to lie to grandparents, right?"

Xia Qingchan originally wanted to ask you why you didn’t sleep~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But when she heard Huahua’s words, Xia Qingchan was stunned. This four or five-year-old girl even understood all this and was too evil. Right?

Immediately, Xia Qingchan deliberately slapped her face and said, "What do you know, a little child, go to bed!"

Unexpectedly, Huahua was not scared by Xia Qingchan. Instead, she persuaded her: "Mom, I think Su Ming's father is really super nice. In fact, I think you two are quite suitable together."

"You are a little devil!"

Xia Qingchan was stunned, and even felt astonished. A small four or five-year-old child started to persuade her like an adult.


After Su Ming returned home, seeing that the time was still early, he was not in a hurry to cook at Qin Shiyin’s house, so Su Ming called Xiaona out and asked about her points status. After earning 30 points today, Su Ming has already I have 120 points, enough for one draw.

Last time I spent two hundred points to upgrade the card's big move. Although it is strong after the upgrade, Su Ming hasn't used it yet, so let's continue the draw this time.

"Corona, let's start the draw."

"Does the host confirm the draw, this draw will consume 100 points."

"Confirm the lottery!"

After Su Ming clicked the "Confirm Lucky Draw" on the screen, the whole big screen scrolled again. He didn't know what exactly he would get this time, whether it was a skill or equipment.

"Let's hunt down those who are trapped in darkness..."

After about twenty seconds, the screen finally freezes. At this time, a heroic voice came out at the same time. When Su Ming heard this voice, the name of a hero suddenly appeared in his mind: The Hunter of the Night-Wei En .

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