Because of the intense pain in the fingers, Wan Shaokun was actually trembling slightly at this time, but he endured the pain and began to nod ceaselessly.

The head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. It was in sharp contrast to the tough attitude just now. Under Su Ming's cruel methods, Wan Shaokun had to persuade him.

"Deserve it!"

But looking at Wan Shaokun's tragic situation at this time, except for Zeng Tianqi who felt a little heartbroken, none of the others sympathized with Wan Shaokun. This guy was just doing his own thing.

Everyone even feels that this guy is too cheap. If you agree to lose money from the beginning, it would be great that you won't suffer so many crimes, and you won't cry without the coffin.

"Uncle Long, how much is the jade that he broke?" Su Ming also said what he said. When he heard that this guy was willing to lose money, Su Ming didn't trouble him anymore.

He directly released his left hand, which had two broken fingers, and said to Long Fei.

Long Fei immediately replied: "The jewelry he broke was made of fine glass jadeite, and the price is 15 million!"

Long Fei didn't make a false price to pit this Wan Shaokun deliberately. For him, it would be pretty good to be able to get the compensation and guarantee, so he quoted the real price.

Glass jade jewelry was originally not so expensive, but there is no way that the current market environment is like this. The best jade is too scarce, so the price is involuntarily mentioned, otherwise it will not be regarded as a town shop. Treasure.

If possible, Long Fei would rather not want this 15 million yuan but the jade. After all, such a good jade would definitely appreciate if placed there.

"Fifteen million, right?"

Su Ming thought slightly at this time, and then said: "No problem, then you can directly pay 30 million yuan, and then let's forget about the matter today."


Su Ming directly frightened everyone when he reported the price of 30 million yuan. Wan Shaokun was stunned, and immediately said: "What do you...what do you mean? The jade is clearly one thousand. five million."

"Of course I know 15 million, and I am not deaf."

Su Ming said directly: "You also smashed other jewelry, shouldn't it be counted as money? At the same time, you have affected the business of the jewelry store for half a day."

"At the same time, it has caused mental losses to the employees and owners of many jewellery shops. Shouldn't they be compensated? There is nothing wrong with asking you 30 million."

As soon as Wan Shaokun heard Su Ming's words, he suddenly became annoyed. Among the things he damaged, the glass jade was worth money. The rest of the things are estimated to be less than one million.

There are also half-day sales and mental losses in the store, which are almost all nonsense. Wan Shaokun is not stupid at all. Naturally, he knows that Su Ming is deliberately cheating on him and directly doubled the price.

I saw that Wan Shaokun’s chest was undulating violently. It was obvious that the whole person was very angry. Wan Shaokun, who had been counseled, was energized again, and he directly cursed, “I’m paralyzed, do you want to blackmail me? , If I give you 30 million, I will only..."


Before he finished a sentence, Su Ming started to do it again, this time it was Wan Shaokun's left hand, but this time it was the ring finger, which was directly broken by Su Ming.

The intense pain made Wan Shaokun scream again, as tragic as a pig, and couldn't say anything before he finished speaking.

"You still have seven fingers now, if you don't give them, I will pinch them off one by one." Su Ming's voice was very cold, and it was even more like a demon in Wan Shaokun's ears.

Wan Shaokun felt a chill in his heart, anyway, he didn't doubt Su Ming at all. If he shook his head, Su Ming would probably pinch off all his remaining seven fingers.

Now that he has broken three fingers, he already feels that life is worse than death. If all ten fingers are broken, it will be fine.

Wan Shaokun persuaded again, and hurriedly said: "Yes, I gave 30 million!"

"It's so cheap--"

Jiang Xiaojun couldn't help but start scolding this guy at this time. He had to pinch his finger to know the counseling. If he counseled earlier, he would be fine.

"Okay, Uncle Long, give him the bank card account number." Su Ming finally stood up, no longer interested in this Wan Shaokun.

Wan Shaokun endured the severe pain in his fingers and transferred a large sum of thirty million yuan to Long Fei through online channels. Today Long Fei has made a lot of money in vain, and it is not a loss.

"Mr. Su, I have to take him to the hospital." Naturally, Zeng Tianqi couldn't watch Wan Shaokun sit idly by, so he asked Su Ming for instructions.

Su Ming nodded directly and signaled Zeng Tianqi to quickly take this guy away so as not to affect his mood here.


Zeng Tianqi asked his subordinates to drive the injured Wan Shaokun to the best affiliated hospital of Nanjing Medical University in Ningcheng, and used his influence to help Wan Shaokun arrange a consultation in advance.

"Doctor, what to do with his finger? You have been discussing for so long. You should come up with a plan. It's painful to eat." Zeng Tianqi was a little worried.

Wan Shaokun was lying on the hospital bed for infusion, groaning and screaming until now, just listening to it makes people feel a bit upset.

The people at the Affiliated Hospital of Ning Medical University also knew that Wan Shaokun's identity was unusual, let alone a big figure like Zeng Tianqi, so an expert group was specially set up to treat Wan Shaokun.

It's just that Wan Shaokun's situation was too serious, or Su Ming's hand was very ruthless, and he broke a few fingers with force. The bones were damaged very badly, and I am afraid that it would not be possible to recover just by surgery.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Zeng."

At this time, a director of a hospital came to the ward and said to Zeng Tianqi: "We can't find a good way to deal with this situation of Lord Wan."

"His finger was broken artificially. It's actually not much better than being cut off by a knife or even worse. We can't find a cure. It's impossible to restore it." The expert The expression on his face is also a bit serious.


The expression on Zeng Tianqi's face was a bit ugly. It was obvious that Wan Shaokun's situation was more serious than he thought.

And Wan Shaokun, who was lying on the hospital bed, suffered a severe blow at this time.

If there is really no way to recover, wouldn't he have to become a useless person? This is a result that Wan Shaokun cannot accept anyway.

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