League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 836: Wan Shaokun apologizes

Zeng Tianqi frowned slightly, and then asked: "Director Wu, your Ning Medical University Affiliated Hospital is the top hospital in China, can't you find any way to come?"

Director Wu’s apparent expression on his face was also a little bit embarrassing, but he still said, “I’m really sorry, Mr. Zeng, Wan Gongzi’s finger is damaged too badly. It is indeed very unlikely to want to recover.”

"What we have to do now is to quickly take care of the three fingers, so as not to further aggravate the injury, I am afraid that all the fingers will be amputated at that time." Director Wu said.

"You fart!"

Wan Shaokun, who was lying on the bed, became anxious as soon as he heard this. There were only five fingers in one hand, but Wan Shaokun broke three at once, and the three in the middle were even worse. , There is a thumb and a little finger left, and the **** are so far apart, it is actually useless.

When Wan Shaokun heard that he had to amputate his finger, his heart became even more angry. The young master's temper suddenly came up, and he cursed directly: "This **** hospital, the level is really bad, Uncle Zeng, hurry up. Book me a plane ticket and I will go back to Hong Kong Island for treatment."


After being scolded by Wan Shaokun directly like this, Director Wu’s face didn’t look good for a while, and at the same time he said coldly, “I advise you to stop tossing. In your situation, even if you go abroad, it’s useless, don’t believe me. If you do, you can just try it."

After speaking, Director Wu left without looking back. It was already a headache to encounter such a thorny problem, and even deliberately met for a long time to discuss it, but who knew that Wan Shaokun was scolded instead. It would be strange if Director Wu felt better.


After Director Wu left, Zeng Tianqi also had a headache, and he was about to return to Hong Kong Island. In the end, he also encountered this mess, which was really a headache.

Wan Shaokun was still saying: "Uncle Zeng, you tell me whether my family is up, I want to go back to Hong Kong Island."

Zeng Tianqi still patiently said: "Shaokun, now in your situation, it is not suitable to travel long distances by plane at all. It is harmful and unprofitable to you. Moreover, the affiliated hospital of Ningxia Medical University is a top hospital and its level is not as good as ours. The hospital on Hong Kong Island is poor."

Wan Shaokun was silent for a while when he heard this, and then said: "Uncle Zeng, then you ask the doctor to come over and get me analgesics, it really hurts."

"I just asked. They have already used a small amount of analgesics. If you have used it, your nerves are probably going to be problematic. Let's bear it for a while." Zeng Tianqi said.

At this time, Wan Shaokun was in great pain both physically and mentally. What was more worrying about his finger was what he would do in the future, and even the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, so Wan Shaokun asked, "Uncle Zeng, I am The fingers are not really hopeless."


Zeng Tianqi sighed directly and didn't speak for a while. In fact, he didn't know what to say. He said that if you didn't commit death to offend Su Ming, how could so many things happen.

But when he thought of Su Ming, there was a glimmer of light in Zeng Tianqi's mind. Zeng Tianqi suddenly thought at this time. It is said that Su Ming's medical skills are superb.

Zeng Tianqi naturally did not witness Su Ming’s medical skills personally, but after being subdued by Su Ming, Zeng Tianqi specifically repaired the relationship with Li Yuanshuang, and the two became business partners.

Zeng Tianqi once heard Li Yuanshuang talk about meeting Su Ming. It was clearly because of Su Ming's magical medical skills, so Zeng Tianqi thought that if Su Ming came to rescue Wan Shaokun, there might be a way.

Of course, Zeng Tianqi was just thinking about it like this. This Wan Shaokun’s finger was broken by Su Ming. If Su Ming were to come to rescue him, it seemed a bit funny!

"Uncle Zeng, why aren't you talking anymore." Wan Shaokun asked when Zeng Tianqi hadn't spoken all the time.

"Shaokun, you also heard from Director Wu just now that it is not easy to heal this finger of yours, and it is probably not easy to go abroad."

Zeng Tianqi finally spoke at this time: "But it's not that there is no way."

"Uncle Zeng, is it possible that you have a solution?" Wan Shaokun felt that he had hope immediately.

Zeng Tianqi hesitated and said, "Shaokun, maybe you don't know that the young man who pinched your finger today is actually a genius doctor. If he is called over, there may be a way to save you."

When Wan Shaokun heard this, he was stunned for a while, and never thought that Zeng Tianqi was talking about Su Ming, let alone connecting Su Ming with the genius doctor.

However, Wan Shaokun knew better that Zeng Tianqi would not lie to himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not refuse to allow him to be treated because he hated Su Ming. Instead, he said: "But... but is he willing to help me?"

"I'm not sure about this, at most I will give you a call and try it out. As for whether it will succeed, I am not sure." Zeng Tianqi said.

Immediately Zeng Tianqi dialed Su Ming's phone and said in a respectful tone: "Mr. Su, it's me, Zeng Tianqi!"

"What's the matter?"

"This is Mr. Su, Shaokun has realized his mistake today, so I ask if you are willing to help him heal his injured finger, Mr. Su."

Zeng Tianqi immediately continued: "Of course, Mr. Su is just asking for him. If you don't want to, you can just refuse."

"Oh, that's how it is..."

Su Ming on the phone showed a thoughtful smile. He made a decision in his heart in an instant, unexpectedly refreshed, and said directly: "Of course it's okay. Where are you, I'll go over." ."

After hanging up the phone, Zeng Tianqi still wondered why Su Ming agreed so quickly, and then told Wan Shaokun: “He’s coming in a while, remember to apologize to me and take your temper, otherwise God will I can't save you."

"I know Uncle Zeng, this time everything is done as you said!"

Sure enough, Su Ming arrived in Wan Shaokun’s ward after dozens of minutes. Wan Shaokun finally stopped being arrogant. He had a surprisingly good attitude. He sat up directly from the bed and said respectfully to Su Min: "Excuse me, Mr. Su. If you have offended, please forgive me and don’t be familiar with me."

Obviously, Wan Shaokun was not a sincere apology. Don't mention how much he hated Su Ming in his heart, but he made a deliberate gesture to let Su Ming save him.

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