League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 849: An expert made a shot just now

While talking, Su Ming immediately began to spread the yellow talisman paper on the table, frowned and began to concentrate on drawing the talisman.

With the experience of drawing amulet at the factory last time, this time, whether it was Su Qihai or Shi Dakai, both of them were watching Su Ming respectfully by the side, and they did not dare to breathe for fear that it would affect Su Ming's drawing.

Without anyone's interruption, Su Ming's drawing of the talisman would be much smoother this time, without fail, and it succeeded once, and Su Ming directly picked up the yellow talisman paper.

After Su Ming painted crooked characters with bright red cinnabar, the value of this talisman rose at least by a few hundred times, and Su Ming's movements did not stop at all.

Just stick this yellow talisman to the back of the gossip mirror. It's still the same as last time. It's obvious that any glue or the like is useless, but it's magically glued.

Immediately Su Ming stretched out two more fingers, and suddenly wiped it on the mirror surface of the gossip mirror, and then a magical picture happened. The originally dull and even yellowed mirror surface suddenly appeared. Layer of golden light.

However, this magical picture only lasted for a second, and it was fleeting in the blink of an eye. When Su Qihai and Shi Dakai were still in a daze, Su Ming handed the gossip mirror to Shi Dakai. .

Then he said: "Go find someone and hang this gossip mirror on the wall where I specify, hurry up!"

Shi Dakai took the gossip mirror respectfully and looked at his cautious look. Someone who didn’t know thought he was holding a baby. Shi Dakai immediately followed Su Ming’s instructions and went to find someone Moved a ladder by the way.

Su Ming found a most suitable position, directed the servant step by step, and carefully hung the gossip mirror on the wall of the balcony.

"Okay, just hang this mirror on it and don't move. No one should touch it. The evil spirit in this house will be broken in a few minutes." Su Ming said.

It's impossible for this thing to be effective all at once. If someone in Shi Dakai's family throws this thing away, Su Ming would be in vain today.

"Just... it's that simple?" Shi Dakai was stunned for a moment, and then asked in disbelief. It was obvious that he didn't expect it to be solved in such a simple way.

Su Ming glanced at this guy, and then said: "Don't worry, it's not a big problem, it will be fine in a few days."

This gossip mirror has been added by Su Ming with talisman paper, and a layer of aura is instilled on it. Hanging in this position will reflect the sunlight, which happens to break the "Heaven Slashing" game. .

Now it’s dark, so I can’t see anything. I can feel it when the sun comes out tomorrow. He can't understand so many explanations to Shi Dakai, so Su Ming doesn't say anything.


Shi Dakai glanced at Su Qihai at this time, as if he wanted to say something, but he held back and did not say. He always felt that Su Ming's action was too simple. This old problem of Shi Dakai was committed again, and he thought Su Ming was fooling. People.

However, at this moment, Shi Dakai’s daughter-in-law walked over with her baby and said anxiously: "Dad, Xiaoxin has been crying, so please arrange for someone to take her to the hospital."

This Xiaoxin is Shi Dakai’s granddaughter who is a few months old. I don’t know what kind of illness she has in the past few days. She has been arguing and crying all the time. She still doesn’t eat. For a few months old child, just keep going Got it.

Shi Dakai’s hair has turned pale these days. Most of the reason is because his little granddaughter, a child who is a few months old, can’t speak, and no one knows where he feels sick, just crying. .

When Su Ming saw this child, he immediately understood the reason. In fact, the evil spirit in this villa was relatively heavy, and the child was the most vulnerable. When contaminated with these things, his body would naturally become bad, as if he had been affected. I was shocked, crying all day long, and couldn't even sleep at night.

"Come on, get ready for a car!"

Shi Dakai was in his fifties, and there was such a child in the family, who was Shi Dakai's only granddaughter. She was so dear to her at ordinary times, and immediately called for someone to prepare a car to be sent to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming spoke at this time and said, "Wait a minute, take this kid over and show me!"

The child’s condition is actually not considered sick. If he goes to the hospital, it doesn’t have much effect, but it will make the child’s body weaker.

"give him……"

Shi Dakai's son didn't know who Su Ming was. For a while, he was a little wary of Su Ming, but Shi Dakai nodded to his daughter-in-law, indicating that there was nothing wrong with Su Ming.

After Su Ming took the child, he directly stretched out a slender index finger and lightly tapped it on the child’s forehead. It seemed a confusing move, but in fact, Su Ming was trying to get small. The girl's body is only infused with a little aura.

Next, a magical phenomenon happened. The little girl who had been crying all the time suddenly fell silent, and there was no sound for a while. Everyone looked at it again at this time, and the little girl was asleep.

"This... how is this possible?"

Su Qihai was okay. He was just a melon-eating crowd and couldn't see why he came, but for Shi Dakai and his daughter-in-law, he was completely shocked.

Because the child has been in this state for several days, and he woke up after a while before going to bed at night. It was so choking for adults. As a result, Su Ming just clicked lightly and she fell asleep, falling asleep fast It's jaw-dropping.

"She's fine, let her sleep for a while, and just feed some milk after waking up." Su Ming said, his voice still understatement.

After speaking, Su Ming left directly. Uncle Su Qihai also followed. Shi Dakai's reaction was a little slower. He wanted to say something, but Su Ming left before he could speak.

About an hour later, Shi Dakai's son came out of the room on crutches, saw Shi Dakai outside, and said, "Isn't he going to the hospital? Why haven't he gone?"

"Shhh, make your voice smaller. Now Xiaoxin is asleep. If you wake her up, I will have to smoke you." Shi Dakai immediately glared at his son~www.wuxiaspot.com~Shida Kai's son Shi Zhicheng was a little surprised when he heard this, and said, "Really, Xiaoxin, she actually fell asleep?"

"I did fall asleep. I have slept for more than an hour."

Shi Dakai's daughter-in-law said at this time: "It was an expert my dad asked just now, and he shot Xiaoxin and fell asleep."

ps: Thank you "aaashuaiaaa" book friend for your reward today, eleven consecutive times of 10,000 rewards, I have been stunned, the third leader of this book, and also become the number one fan list.

Thank you very much. I owe you more than a dozen chapters. I am currently saving the manuscript. I am waiting for the editor to notify the time of the outbreak. After I have confirmed it, I will tell you as soon as possible that this time there will be an unprecedented outbreak.


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