League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 850: Your nephew is really amazing

Shi Zhicheng originally saw his daughter fell asleep in broad daylight. It is very rare for these few days to know, but when he heard his wife's words, Shi Zhicheng was stunned.

"Superior, what superior?"

Shi Dakai’s daughter-in-law was obviously still recalling Su Ming’s move just now, so she still said, “I don’t know who he is. Just now I put my finger on Xiaoxin’s forehead gently. Fell asleep."

"There is such a thing?"

Shi Zhicheng is even more unable to calm down because of this, because it sounds a bit mysterious, and it can make people fall asleep with a little finger. This is obviously the plot in the novel. How can it happen in reality? Shi Zhicheng immediately asked, "Dad, who did you find come to the house?"

Shi Dakai didn't conceal it, and said directly: "We have had troubles in our family in the past two days. It is said that there is a problem with Feng Shui, so I asked someone to come and see Feng Shui."

"Dad, how can you do such a thing? Didn't you still teach me not to believe in those messy things?" Shi Zhicheng was taken aback for a while, to put it bluntly he didn't believe in such things.

Shi Dakai was said by his son this way. For a while, he couldn't hold back his face, because he did educate his son repeatedly before, saying how people with higher education can believe these feudal superstitions, but now he is himself. Believe it first.

So Shi Dakai said directly: "This kind of thing actually has some influence. Think about it. He does have an effect when he takes it. Don't you think Xiaoxin fell asleep right away?"

It's okay not to mention this. When talking about this, Shi Zhicheng immediately began to worry, and said directly: "Dad, how can you be so confused? Nine out of ten of those people are liars."

"Maybe it was some drugs on his hands. Xiaoxin was killed by him. Neither of you knows yet." Shi Zhicheng was very anxious.

"Ah, what should I do?"

When Shi Dakai was said to his daughter-in-law, he felt a little anxious for a while. In case it was really like that, something went wrong, so Shi Dakai immediately touched his granddaughter and woke her up directly.

After a few months old child wakes up, the first reaction is definitely to cry. Shi Dakai's granddaughter was a good sleeper. After winning, she seemed a little unhappy, and continued to cry with a loud voice.

But this time Shi Dakai and the others saw Xiao Xin crying, and they were not worried at all, but they were relieved. Since they can still wake up and cry, it means nothing is wrong.

"Huh, why doesn't Xiaoxin cry anymore?"

But after a few minutes of not crying, Xiao Xin's crying stopped, but her eyes widened. She looked at everyone there dumbly. This scene once again stunned the Shi family.

In the past few days, Xiaoxin couldn't stop crying as long as she was crying. The family members were so quarreled that their brains hurt. As a result, she only cried for a few minutes. I have to say that this is indeed a bit magical.

What Su Ming said before leaving again appeared in Shi Dakai's mind, so Shi Dakai immediately said: "Nanny, hurry up and get a glass of milk!"

A babysitter like this rich family has a high salary and naturally has a lot of professional skills. It can be said to be proficient in doing housework, cooking and taking care of children. In a few minutes, a cup of moderate temperature baby milk can be prepared.

After the nanny handed over the milk, Shi Dakai personally took the bottle in his hand and fed the milk to his granddaughter. It was just a try. Who knew Xiao Xin actually drank it.

He wrapped the pacifier and drank half a bottle of milk at once, then released his mouth. The whole process lasted about ten minutes, and the Shi family stayed dumbfounded for ten minutes.

Seeing this scene, none of them can remain calm at this time. You must know that Xiaoxin doesn’t drink milk at all these days, so she spit it out immediately after drinking one mouthful, almost not worrying Shi Dakai and the others. Bad.

As a result, after waking up today, I immediately drank half a bottle of milk and stopped crying. He looked very energetic. Such a change can only be described as a miracle.

Shi Dakai's daughter-in-law was stunned for a while, and then slowly said, "Dad, this won't be the expert you invited. Just click, and Xiaoxin will be fine?"

Shi Dakai was in a daze for a while, but besides Su Ming, there seemed to be no better explanation for this matter. So Shi Dakai couldn't help but trust Su Ming more, and then Shi Dakai directly said, "I guess 80%. He did it."

"Do you remember what he said before he left, saying that Xiaoxin has nothing to do. Let's just feed directly after Xiaoxin wakes up. It means that he has long known that Xiaoxin will drink after wake up." Shi Dakai The more I speak, the more I admire Su Ming.

"Also... is there such a thing?"

Shi Dakai’s son, Shi Zhicheng, was stunned at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he felt like he was beaten in the face.


It took about a week in this way. For ordinary people, a week may pass by in the blink of an eye, but for Shi Dakai, this week passed smoothly.

First of all, his granddaughter has recovered and his son's injured calf has recovered very quickly. More importantly, Shi Dakai's investment has also shown a good momentum, which is completely opposite to those days before.

Shi Dakai knew very well in his heart that it must be the last time that Su Ming was asked to take action, so Shi Dakai gave a death order at home, and no one was allowed to move the gossip mirror on the balcony.

Grateful Shi Dakai came to Su Qihai's factory again and found Su Qihai.

Su Qihai is also full of joy these days. After the factory started, several large orders have been received. More importantly, there are no more employees. This makes Su Qihai completely believe in Su Ming. It seems that Su Ming’s The shot is indeed effective.

"President Shi, you are here today. Our factory has resumed normal operation. According to my estimation, it should be profitable next month." Su Qihai is obviously in a good mood.

Shi Dakai did not come for this at all today, but as soon as I heard that the factory had returned to normal, Shi Dakai worshipped Su Ming more for a while and said directly: "Boss Su, your nephew is really a god."

"After he went to my house last time, he hung up that mirror. As a result, nothing happened during this period of time. He can only be described by a god."

Shi Dakai continued, "I didn't come for the factory today. Can you contact Master Su for me? I have to thank him very much."

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