Xiang Tian left in such a dingy manner. After this incident, Zeng Tianqi and Xiang Tian, ​​two famous figures on Hong Kong Island, were probably torn apart.

Su Ming watched Xiang Tian take his son away. In fact, he quietly planted blood nematodes in Xiang Ming's head just now. Su Ming noticed this guy's eyes, and he must be dissatisfied.

In order to prevent him from having any thoughts of revenge against Lin Yingzhu in the future, Su Ming used this method to quietly kill him, and at most one or two months, he would die in pain.

"There was a little mess just now, I disturbed everyone, everyone continue to drink the bar." Zeng Tianqi said aloud to everyone, after all, the reception is not over yet.

Zeng Tianqi immediately said to Su Ming and Lin Yingzhu: "Su Shao, and Miss Lin, I'm really embarrassed about this incident today. If this happened on my site, I promise that it won't happen again in the future."

"Okay, don't be so polite to me, I have to thank you for speaking of it, because I offended that Xiangtian."

Su Ming also knew in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Zeng Tianqi, it was only the death of Xiang Ming, and it couldn't be Zeng Tianqi's hotel that had something to do with him, and he didn't know this kind of thing.

On the contrary, what Zeng Tianqi did today moved Su Ming's heart. This guy turned his face directly with Xiang Tian for Su Ming, and he didn't give it any room, which shows the degree of respect for Su Ming.

Su Ming didn't regret his previous act of taking out the blood nematode from his head. This kind of person is still quite suitable for making friends.

After thinking about it, Su Mingsheng was afraid that this incident would have any bad effect on Zeng Tianqi. After all, Xiangtian is not a soft persimmon, so Su Ming said: "I have written down this favor today. If you or Zeng family meet If you are in trouble, just ask me directly."

Upon hearing Su Ming's words, Zeng Tianqi immediately became excited, and even his body trembled slightly. Su Ming's strength was too clear, his connections were strong and he was unpredictable.

With Su Ming’s promise, it also means that the Zeng family has won a death-free gold medal. No matter how much trouble they encounter in the future, if Su Ming takes the initiative, the Zeng family will definitely solve the problem. This promise is too significant. .

So excited Zeng Tianqi nodded repeatedly and kept saying: "Thank you Su Shao, thank Su Shao!"

Shi Dakai also looked at Zeng Tianqi with envy. He said that this good opportunity was seized by Zeng Tianqi, but he could only envy him. After all, he didn’t have the skills of Zeng Tianqi. See if there is any way to please Su Ming in the future.

Su Ming smiled, then patted Zeng Tianqi on the shoulder, motioning him not to be so excited, and then said: "Okay. I'll go back first. You two are busy with you."

After Su Ming left, Zeng Tianqi looked at Shi Da strangely and said, "Do you know Shao Su too?"

"I was fortunate to meet him when I was in Ningcheng."

Shi Dakai seemed unwilling to talk more about this topic, so he asked, "By the way, why didn't I see Li Chaoren today?"

"Who knows him, I heard that there have been a lot of things at home recently, and I didn't come over when I was in a bad mood." Zeng Tianqi said.


Lin Yingzhu followed Su Ming, and the very little birdie took Su Ming's arm and left the scene. His heart was as sweet as he had eaten honey.

Which woman is different from her boyfriend or man, is a hero, in simple terms, has the ability to protect them.

Su Ming's performance at this point can only be described as perfect. Knowing Xiang Ming's identity, Lin Yingzhu thought it would be a bad end tonight. Who knew that Su Ming used this method to make Xiang family father and son nothing to say, so handsome.

"Go back and take a shower and rest early. They don't dare to trouble you anymore." After arriving outside the door of the hotel, Su Ming said to Lin Yingzhu with a smile, for fear that Lin Yingzhu was still afraid of what happened just now.

Little did he know that Lin Yingzhu didn't have any fear at this time, but his heart was full of sweetness, smiled and nodded slightly to Su Ming, Lin Yingzhu returned to his room.

After taking a shower, wearing a bathrobe and draped hair, it seems that it is not as glamorous as at the banquet, but at this time, Lin Yingzhu’s attraction to men is fatal, especially the body in the bathrobe is in a vacuum. Status.

Lying on the bed, the soft big bed gave Lin Yingzhu a comfortable feeling, turned on the TV, and wanted to find a music channel on Hong Kong Island to listen to songs, but Su Ming's shadow was all in his mind.

For some reason, the thoughts in Lin Yingzhu's head have been floating, and even thought of meeting Su Ming for the first time. Su Ming helped her to deal with the harassment in the Monday bar.

Lin Yingzhu found that since meeting Su Ming, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes, and even all of this is inseparable from Su Ming.

At the same time, Lin Yingzhu also discovered a very terrible thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming's position in her heart has become more and more important. Before she knew it, Su Ming had become the most indispensable in her heart. a part of.

Su Ming's domineering performance tonight has completely opened Lin Yingzhu's heart. I am afraid that there are not many such men in the world, at least for Lin Yingzhu.

What kind of man is the best man in the world? If someone asks this question, Lin Yingzhu will definitely answer without hesitation. Su Ming is the best man in the world.

I don't know how long it took, and I couldn't sleep over and over again. Lin Yingzhu suddenly got up at this time, because a bold decision suddenly appeared in her mind.

In many cases, once a person has a certain idea, it is like a demon, and it is out of control. Lin Yingzhu struggled for a while, and finally showed a resolute look, as if he had made up his mind.

Lin Yingzhu got up directly from the bed without clothes. She was wearing a bathrobe and wrapped her body tightly. He opened the door and stretched out his head to take a look.

Finding that there were no people around here, Lin Yingzhu hurried out and walked a few steps to the side of Su Ming's room. Su Ming's room and Lin Yingzhu's room were next to each other.

Before arriving at Su Ming's room, Lin Yingzhu seemed a little nervous. He even looked up at the number on the door of the room, for fear that he had misread it. Then Lin Yingzhu took a deep breath and knocked directly on Su Ming's door.

"Boom boom boom——————"

Su Ming hadn't slept yet. After returning, he took another shower, and then lay on the bed in a bathrobe while reading a novel with his mobile phone. At this moment, he heard a knock on the door.

"Who else will knock on the door at this time?"

Su Ming muttered to himself in a strange way, then got up and opened the door.

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