League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 891: Lived for 18 years

Su Ming opened the door and found that it was Lin Yingzhu, so he said strangely: "Yingzhu, it turns out it's you, why don't you sleep at this late hour."


Lin Yingzhu seemed a little nervous. After looking at Su Ming, he slowly said, "I don't know what's wrong, I can't fall asleep tonight. Come and sit for a while."

When Su Ming heard that this was the case, he pushed the door immediately and said, "Then you come in quickly."

"Actually, you shouldn't run around at night. If you are seen by those with ulterior motives, it will have a great impact on your reputation." After Lin Yingzhu came in, Su Ming hurriedly closed the door. turn off.

Su Ming has heard that paparazzi is very popular in this place on Hong Kong Island. It is the father of those paparazzi in the Mainland. Maybe he took Lin Yingzhu.

The next day it was published directly in newspapers, magazines and media, and it was immediately news. It is estimated that the headlines such as "Lin Yingzhu Late at Night" by the unspoken rules would be heated up.

But Lin Yingzhu didn't seem to care very much, and said directly: "Don't worry, the management of the Hong Kong Island Pearl Hotel is very strict, and the paparazzi can't get in at all."

"Yingzhu, why is your face so red, am I hot here?" Su Ming glanced at Lin Yingzhu, but unexpectedly found that Lin Yingzhu's face seemed very red, like a red Fuji apple, which is like usual Lin Yingzhu seemed a little different.

Lin Yingzhu was indeed a little nervous, especially when he thought of coming over to find Su Ming, Lin Yingzhu's beautiful face turned red, unexpectedly being seen by Su Ming.

Lin Yingzhu's eyes seemed to flicker, and a slight nervous expression flowed through it. Then Lin Yingzhu concealed: "Ah? I don't know, maybe it was a little hot after the shower."

"Su Ming, thank you today, if it weren't for you..."

"Come on, don't say this to me."

When Su Ming heard that Lin Yingzhu wanted to thank herself, he heard her speak, and immediately interrupted Lin Yingzhu’s words, and said directly: “You don’t have to be polite to say thank you. I can't just stand by and watch things."

"Wait a while, I'll pour a glass of water for you to drink." Su Ming got up while talking, and was about to pour a glass of water for Lin Yingzhu to drink.

Looking at Su Ming's back, Lin Yingzhu's courage didn't know where he came from, and he stood up, hugged Su Ming from behind, wrapped his hands around Su Ming's waist, and his body was close to Su Ming's. Back.

Possessing Wei En's Q skills, he is extremely flexible in body and position, and is able to face the powers of the subtle realm with ease. This time, he was held by a woman, unable to move from behind.

Indeed, Su Ming's whole body stiffened, and the action of pouring water in his hands stopped. He didn't expect Lin Yingzhu, who had always been restrained, to make such a bold move.

At the same time, Lin Yingzhu only wore a bathrobe after taking a shower today. There was no underwear inside. It was in a vacuum, and the bathrobe was also very loose. Lin Yingzhu's chest was so close to Su Ming's back.

Su Ming can clearly feel that there are two huge and beautiful things that are sticking to his back. That feeling has already made Su Ming feel impulsive.

"Yingzhu, you..."

Su Ming spoke, and Lin Yingzhu immediately spoke: "Su Ming, I don't know when I started, my mind is full of your shadow, I just figured out that you are the man I have identified in this life."

"Su Ming, I will stay here tonight, okay?" Lin Yingzhu's ethereal and pleasant voice came into Su Ming's ears.

With the mentality of Su Ming Gujing Wubo, Rao couldn't help but tremble at this moment, he naturally understood what Lin Yingzhu said just now.

At the same time, Su Ming also knew more clearly how difficult it is for an excellent woman like Lin Yingzhu to say such things, but Su Ming still kept a trace of calm and did not impulse, but said: "Yingzhu, are you sure? , You have to think carefully."

"Su Ming, I think very clearly. I know that there is more than one woman beside you, and I also know that I may not be able to compare with them."

Just listen to Lin Yingzhu continue to say: "So I don't have any unreasonable thoughts by your side, just ask you to have my place in your heart, Su Ming, I love you..."

Lin Yingzhu's words, a naked confession, are more magical than those love words on the Internet, especially when they are spoken from the mouth of a stunning beauty like Lin Yingzhu.

When Su Ming heard these words, how could he stand it? Other women were so proactive. If he were a big man who would be more reserved, wouldn't he be struck by lightning.

So Su Ming turned around, put Lin Yingzhu into his arms, and said: "Yingzhu, you said something wrong just now. In my heart, you are no worse than anyone. You are you, and you are the best. Unique."

As soon as Lin Yingzhu heard this, a clever look flashed in his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming said that, it means that he actually has a good impression of himself.


As a result, at this moment, Lin Yingzhu suddenly yelled. It turned out that Su Ming's dishonest hands had unfastened the belt of Lin Yingzhu's waist-tip bathrobe, and Lin Yingzhu's perfect body was immediately exposed to the air in.

Immediately, Su Ming hugged Lin Yingzhu and gently hugged Lin Yingzhu on the big bed. Lin Yingzhu's eyes were closed and his face flushed. It was obvious that she already knew what would happen next, but she was very willing.

As a novice, Su Ming didn't quite understand it at first, and neither of them knew where to start.

"Ah, Su Ming, lighten it, it hurts—"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt in a while!"

With Lin Yingzhu's crisp cry, Su Ming formally became a man, and the spring scenery of the house was suddenly full, here...it is beyond description.

Like Su Ming, Lin Yingzhu has never experienced it. Just now, he almost hurt Lin Yingzhu. It can be seen that Lin Yingzhu's brows are frowning.

However, after a few minutes, Lin Yingzhu no longer felt any pain. Instead, he felt a very comfortable feeling.

I don't know if Su Ming is very powerful because he is an ancient warrior. The same is true on the bed, and he scored twice before embracing Lin Yingzhu and falling asleep.

This time, Su Ming finally became a real man. There was no accident in the middle. The taste of it made Su Ming sigh that he had lived in vain for the first eighteen years.

PS: Su Ming finally wrote about it for the first time, should my brothers vote for me, give me rewards for a wave of support? There is an old legend that anyone who gives me rewards can reach out to him this summer If you don’t believe me, try it in the girl’s bra and hood.

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