League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 903: It's all caused by greed

In fact, Li Chaoren didn't need to spend such a lot of trouble, because with Su Ming here, this Huang Daxian, no matter how capable, can not make any waves, there is no need to call so many bodyguards over.

So Su Ming said, "Lao Li, the bodyguards don't need to be. If I don't see any problems here, just ask what you want!"

How can Li Chaoren not understand the meaning of Su Ming's words, he must get the truth out of Huang Daxian's mouth, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

After understanding Su Ming's meaning, Li Chaoren couldn't help feeling grateful, because Su Ming was thinking about him, so Li Chaoren directly ordered the fierce bodyguard at home: "Okay, you go out first, and wait outside. , Don't come in without my order!"

The professionalism of these bodyguards was very high, and they wouldn't say a word of nonsense. They just turned around and went out. As soon as these people went out, they felt that the tightness of the whole room finally eased.

"Huang Daxian——"

Li Chaoren finally spoke, and slowly said, "You and I have never been injustice or hatred. We have not contacted before, but I still admire you in my heart, but why did you do such a thing that harmed my Li family? ?"

Li Chaoren is Li Chaoren in the end, and his verbal aura is very full. There is a kind of aura that is not angry and mighty in it. If he is an ordinary person, he may hear Li Chaoren’s words, I am afraid I will be scared and don’t know what to do Answered.

Huang Daxian was still pretending to be stupid, shaking his mind twice, and then said: "Li Chaoren, I really don't understand what you are talking about, but it's just a small stone. Why do you want to listen to that kid's nonsense."

"Let’s not say that I don’t even know what the stone is. Even if I did it, what does a stone represent? It is clear that the kid is deliberately taking revenge on me." Hei Su Ming, who spared no effort, shows that he really loves Su Ming.


By now, Li Chaoren naturally chose to believe in Su Ming. This Huang Daxian was just quibbling, so Li Chaoren said, "I warn you, my patience is very limited. Don't force me to lose patience!"

"I'm sorry, I really don't understand what's going on. It's meaningless for you to force me like this. It's better to let me take action and solve the specific problems of your family. This stone is not the problem at all. Don't listen. He is talking nonsense here." Huang Daxian made it clear that he would not admit it to death.

Seeing Li Chaoren opening his mouth still wanting to say something, Su Ming directly interrupted him: "Let me come. If you ask like this, I'm afraid some of you will ask, he won't explain it at all."

Su Ming's method is also very simple. In the face of such a person who does not cooperate, he can directly use violent means to make him cooperate. Su Ming directly held one of the hands of this guy, and then slammed hard.

Su Ming squeezed his wrist just by hearing a "click", and this guy's hand was abolished. Su Ming was expressionless and there was no psychological pressure in his heart.

As the scum of the Feng Shui master, this guy has gathered so many evil spirits and evil spirits, and he does not know how many harmful things he has done. This kind of person is left behind and it is harmful to the society.

"Don't tell me? If you are not honest anymore, I will slowly squeeze every bone in your body." Su Ming spoke slowly, with a devilish smile on his face.

Zeng Tianqi and others on the side shuddered in unison, and felt the horror of Su Ming every time like this.

Just now, he squeezed a hand off in the blink of an eye. Everyone had no doubt that if Huang Daxian didn't cooperate, Su Ming would make him desperate.

If this guy is a hard bone, maybe Su Ming is still a bit troublesome and has to do a bit more work, but the bones of this guy are a bit soft, and after one hand is broken, he is scared to pee.

It was so painful that he yelled, and then he said, "Say, I will say everything."

As soon as he heard this, Su Ming let go of his hand, stood up, and said to Huang Daxian who was lying on the ground with a miserable appearance: "Hurry up. It's better to tell me more in detail, and just say what you know. what."

"The stone in your hand is called the Soul Calming Stone. I condensed it for a long time with my evil spirits. This thing has the function of devouring new life." Huang Daxian finally slowly said the truth.

Sure enough, he did this thing, using this soul-suppressing stone, and then this series of things happened in the Li family.


Li Kaize's eyes were red here, and he seemed to have some signs of madness. He went up and kicked Huang Daxian who had just gotten up to the ground, and yelled: "Where did I provoke you? Why did you take my child? life?"

The thought of his child's life that was taken by this vicious means before he came to life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Kaize's mood at this time can be imagined.

Even Li Chaoren on the side was shaking with anger after a lot of years, wishing to stab Huang Daxian with a knife.

"You didn't provoke me, but you provoke others. I am entrusted by others. When others pay, I will help."

After being kicked by Li Kaize, Huang Daxian touched the blood on the corner of his mouth. Instead, he calmed down and said slowly: "So I set about preparing this soul stone, and bought one of your Li family's servants. For a large sum of money, you secretly placed this soul-saving stone under your couple's bed."

The stone was placed very carefully. It stuck in a dead corner of the bed under the bed. In this way, it would not be noticed by the people sleeping on the bed, nor would it be discovered by people who usually clean.

Everything can be said to be seamless, Huang Daxian is very confident, even if the Li family finds a Feng Shui master, I am afraid that he will not be able to find out, who knows that he has met the awesome Su Ming.

In fact, even if Su Ming found out, he wouldn't doubt Huang Daxian's head, but this guy died and came back on his own initiative.

Two days ago, Li Chaoren looked for Huang Daxian, but it was Huang Daxian who did this thing. Huang Daxian, who knew everything about him, pretended to check for a while, and said that he didn't find any problems and he just flicked over.

But two days later, Huang Daxian changed his mind. He felt that he could take advantage of this opportunity to fool Li Chaoren. Anyway, they don't understand Feng Shui, so they can arrange it casually and cheat hundreds of millions.

If one day is discovered by Li Chaoren, he will leave Hong Kong Island. Because of his greed, this guy will eventually fall into Su Ming's hands.

Responding to the old saying in the feng shui industry, feng shui masters who do more wicked things generally do not end well.

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