Now that everything has come to light, no wonder Su Ming is still wondering why there is such a good Feng Shui situation in Li Chaoren's home.

From the perspective of the overall environment, there will be no problems, but it is another matter if someone secretly manipulates their hands and feet. This feng shui problem is not formed naturally. Second, it is thought to be created.

There is still such an unwritten rule in the feng shui industry. Basically, when teaching feng shui knowledge, people of the older generation will say this rule, that is, you should not deliberately set the line and use feng shui to harm people.

However, these words were nothing but **** in Huang Daxian's ears. It can be seen that this guy is already frantic. Su Ming didn't catch him today. Sooner or later, this guy will be killed by others.

The faces of Li Chaoren and his son were pale, indescribably ugly. At the same time, their eyes were full of anger, while the expressions of Zeng Tianqi and Shi Dakai were a little unnatural.

Although they are outsiders, it is inevitable that they are a little bit uncomfortable when they see the Li family encounter such unlucky things. This is simply a disaster.

Who would have thought that a feng shui master could do this kind of thing? In their cognition before, feng shui masters were always helping people solve problems.

After being silent for a while, Li Chaoren said, "Who paid you to do this kind of thing?"

Li Chaoren had no grievances and grudges against this Huang Daxian, he could not come to retaliate for no reason, and just now Huang Daxian also personally confessed that someone paid him to do this.

It shows that the hatred between that person and the Li family is definitely not small, Li Chaoren will definitely pick out that guy, whether it is for revenge or to avoid future troubles.

Huang Daxian originally wanted to bite the bullet and directly say that he didn't know, after all, the other party told him that he must not reveal his identity.

But looking at Su Ming on the side, Huang Daxian suddenly felt his scalp numb. When he reached his mouth, he swallowed it back, and then honestly confessed: "Mr Gao made me do it!"

"Which Chief Gao?" Li Chaoren continued to ask in a deep voice.

"Gao Fang!"

Huang Daxian slowly uttered two words, and after Li Chaoren and Li Kaize heard these two words, their complexions suddenly changed, and Shi Dakai and Zeng Tianqi on the side were also a little unnatural.

Only Su Ming didn’t understand what was going on. He asked what kind of character this Gao Fang was. He should be a woman. But why didn’t anyone speak after hearing her name, and everyone looked ugly. , Or just weird.

Shi Dakai on the side winked, he should have seen the confusion in Su Ming's heart, so he whispered: "Su Shao, this Gao Fang is Li Kaize's ex-wife!"

"That's it!"

Su Ming calmly glanced at Li Kaize, who was pale, and now he understood that the co-author Gao Fang had this relationship with him.

Li Kaize once had a marriage before. His father, Li Chaoren, was firmly opposed to this marriage because Gao Fang's ambition was too great, and it didn't seem like a woman should show it, and the Li family was such a rich man. To put it bluntly, it is impossible to need such a woman.

At the beginning, Li Kaize had some conflicts with Li Chaoren because of this incident. He refused to persuade him to marry Gao Fang, but only after getting married did he find that he was not getting along well, and Gao Fang always wanted to intervene in the core affairs of the Li family company.

This marriage didn't last long, and Li Kaize divorced and gave her generous compensation. The amount is very huge, let alone one person, even a hundred people can live a life in style.

To be reasonable, Gao Fang has already made a profit, but she is too ambitious and unsatisfied. At the same time, she deliberately wants to retaliate against Li Kaize. After hearing that Li Kaize’s current wife was pregnant, she came up with such a shameful way to cause damage to the Li family. A big blow.

Su Ming didn't say a word, this kind of thing is their family affair, Su Ming is really not suitable for an outsider to say anything, after all, it is difficult for an upright official to rule out housework.

"Come here, hold him down for me, and inform everyone in the circle of everything he does!" Li Chaoren said coldly.

After Huang Daxian was dragged away, Li Chaoren said to Zeng Tianqi and Shi Dakai: "Two, I have to ask you to testify."

"No problem, this is easy to say—"

"Old Li, you are too polite. We should do this kind of thing."

Zeng Tianqi quickly said to Shi Dakai.

Obviously Li Chaoren is going to destroy Huang Daxian, but considering that this guy is quite famous in the rich circle, Li Chaoren doesn't want to upset too many people, if you tell Huang Daxian about these things , There is no such worry.

As for what Li Kaize's ex-wife will do, this is not something other people should worry about. The Li family will definitely not let her go.

At this time, Superman Li walked in front of Su Ming with a respectful face, bowed to Su Mingyao, and said, "Master Su, thank you so much today."

Li Chaoren said these two sentences briefly, and didn’t say much other nonsense, but he fully expressed his gratitude. If it weren’t for Su I’m afraid he would be scammed by Huang Daxian today. The last one, if you were killed, you still have to pay.

Su Ming never expected to make Li Chaoren, a deadly big man in the world, bow. Su Ming also quickly said politely: "Old Li, you are not welcome, since you have invited me over to help, then these should be done. of."

"Kaiser, bring me my checkbook." Li Chaoren said.

Then he took the checkbook and a small black gel pen from Li Kaize. Li Chaoren handed it to Su Ming and said, "Master Su, I don't know what price you charge."

"Today you helped my Li family a lot. As for how much you want, you can fill in it yourself." Li Chaoren is full of sincerity.

Su Ming couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He had never seen a cheque book that allowed people to fill in numbers casually. This shows the domineering Li Chaoren.

However, Su Ming pushed his hand and said, "Lao Li, I won't come out. I came today because two friends were invited to come and help, so the money is unnecessary."

The two friends in Su Ming's mouth naturally referred to Shi Dakai and Zeng Tianqi, who had sold their favor invisibly. Zeng Tianqi was fine, but Shi Dakai was very happy.

Li Chaoren originally thought that Feng Shui masters would make money and give money as a matter of course. This is a tradition here on Hong Kong Island, and the prices of Feng Shui masters are higher than each one, but Su Ming doesn't even want it.

Seeing Su Ming's attitude so resolute, Li Chaoren no longer reluctantly, but the impression of Su Ming in his heart is even better. This young man has good skills and character and is worthy of friendship. No wonder Shi Dakai and Zeng Tianqi Full of praise.

So Li Chaoren said: "Well, I won't be so vulgar with Master Su. I owe Master Su a favor in this matter. I will use my old man's place in the future and just speak directly. I will definitely help. "

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