League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 940: Su Ming's new idea

In fact, Su Ming also knew very well in his heart that from the beginning of this morning wave, today's sales will certainly not be low, and completion of the task is a certainty.

However, Su Ming was shocked when he heard Hu Dejun's precise sales volume. It was more than 22,000 catties, which was several times higher than that of yesterday and far surpassed Su Ming. The mandated amount.

Like Hu Dejun and others, Su Ming said that he was not excited and it was false, but Su Ming was more excited because he completed a cheating task and got 70 points.

For Guanyin Tea, the two-day agricultural exhibition is also a good start. For those well-known domestic industrial brands, such as Longjing and Maofeng, they can only sell more than 20,000 jin in two days. A piece of cake.

Because they are facing the entire domestic market, and the dealers across the country are particularly large, the sales volume is naturally very large. Guanyin tea is just a start. In the case of obscurity, it can achieve this result. It's amazing.

So excited Su Ming said: "Everyone has worked hard these past two days. I will invite everyone to have a good meal in the evening. You can choose where you want to eat. Don't be polite to me!"

"President Su, don't worry, we can't go now. We have to go through the formalities at this time. The deposit for participating in this agricultural exhibition has to be refunded to us, and there seems to be a final evaluation session." The Germans said.

Su Ming frowned: "In the evaluation session, what the **** is this?"

"It is to count the transaction records of each booth during the past two days of the agricultural exhibition. Let's compete, select a final sales champion and issue a certificate!" At this time, an employee next to Su Ming explained to Su Ming. .

Su Ming understood what was going on. He said that it turned out to be such a situation. This selection event sounds a bit boring, but since all booths have to participate, Su Ming has no opinion.

About half an hour later, the statistical work should have been almost done. The person in charge of the scene picked up the microphone, and the sound was transmitted through the sound throughout the exhibition center, allowing everyone to gather in the open center.

"The two-day exhibition has ended successfully. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all participating merchants and companies. Without your support, there would be no success in the agricultural exhibition." At the opening, the person in charge on site was very polite. , The scene immediately burst into applause.

This guy is not too much nonsense, he went directly to the subject: "Knowing that everyone is in a hurry to eat or go home, hurry up and enter the last link, let's announce the sales champion this time."

"During the third agricultural exhibition this time, the sales champion is our Ningcheng Guanyin tea!" The enthusiastic voice of the person in charge seemed to overturn the roof of the entire convention and exhibition center.

"What, the sales champion turned out to be Guanyin tea. Isn't that booth completely empty?"

"You don't know about that. Secretary Li went to their booth yesterday and was immediately caught on fire."

"Then you can't just win the championship, right? How expensive is their tea?"

"I thought the champion this time was Shi Danfeng compound fertilizer. The champions of the previous two sessions were all of them."

"Don't mention it, this time everyone didn't expect it to be this Guanyin tea. Everyone is looking away!"


Unexpectedly, after the person in charge had finished speaking, the people on the scene did not show too much enthusiasm. Everyone was surprised. It was unexpected that the "hanging silk" on the exhibition of Guanyin Tea would directly counterattack. Up.

It is worth mentioning that the criteria for determining the sales champion is not based on how many catties you have sold, because it is very unfair. For example, your bag of compound fertilizer is at least a few dozen catties.

And a box of tea may not even have half a catty, which is not comparable at all, so the comparison is the final sales. Although there are some injustices, this is the best solution.

The price of Guanyin tea is amazing. Basically, it costs at least one to two thousand yuan per catty. It sold more than 20,000 catties at once. You can imagine how terrifying this sales was and won the championship. Also expected.

The others are okay, they just didn't expect it, but Shi Danfeng Compound Fertilizer's big-back head manager has a very ugly face. This Shi Danfeng Compound Fertilizer is a star company.

In the previous two agricultural exhibitions, they were both the last sales champions. This is a good gimmick~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They can use it when they advertise. This year the manager also came with orders. Won three consecutive sales titles.

It was pretty good at the beginning, everything went well, and the sales volume was much higher than the previous two sessions. I thought the championship was a good time. Who knew it was snatched away.

Moreover, it was the Guanyin tea that was ridiculed by the manager of the big back head that robbed the sales champion. The feeling in the heart of the manager of the big back head can be imagined for a while, it is called a depressed.

The next step is to issue a certificate. In fact, the organizer did it by himself. It has no gold content, it is just a title at best.

Su Ming and his party came out with the certificate happily. The big guys also felt a little staggered. They didn't expect to be killed. The first time they participated in the agricultural exhibition, they would be able to win a sales champion. No one believes it.

Taking advantage of everyone being good, Su Ming said: "To reward everyone, eat whatever you want tonight!"

After finishing talking, Su Ming found a well-known five-star hotel nearby, and directly booked the most high-end private room, putting on a posture of "I have money, you can eat whatever you want".

"Hello sir, Longjing shrimp is here. This is one of our signature dishes. I hope you will taste it while it is hot. The taste will not be so good when it is cold." The slender waiter brought a dish.

I don’t know who ordered the Longjing Shrimp. After Su Ming heard the name, he froze for a moment. He has been selling tea for the past two days, and has also studied some tea. He is allergic to various tea names, such as Longjing, Mao Feng, Taiping Houkui and the like.

Su Ming was in a daze after hearing the dish of Longjing Shrimp Suddenly, and then suddenly a good idea popped up in his mind. If it succeeds, it may greatly improve the reputation of Guanyin Tea.

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