League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 941: Chef Su is online

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"I rub, I'm such a genius————"

A man like Su Ming held his chopsticks there and imagined his new propaganda idea. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was a genius, and he even yelled directly without holding back.


In the originally quite lively box, there was a moment of silence. Su Ming was the key figure here. He called out so suddenly, and naturally no one spoke.

Everyone looked directly at Su Ming, their eyes clearly wanting to ask what the situation was. Benjamin said directly: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I saw this Longjing Shrimp, so I was a little excited. Who knows how this Longjing Shrimp is made? Is it made with Longjing tea?" Su Ming changed the subject without showing up.

For a while, everyone's eyes were staring straight at the table and the plate of Longjing Shrimp was still steaming. Hu Dejun was the first to take Su Ming's words and said, "Yes, this The Longjing Shrimp is cooked with Longjing tea, otherwise it would not have the name."

Su Ming was relieved when he heard these words. He didn't know much about this Longjing shrimp. He didn't know whether it was made with Longjing tea and got its name, or because of the existence of Longjing, it was finally confirmed.

Hu Dejun continued: "Longjing Shrimp is a famous dish from Suzhou and Hangzhou, and West Lake Longjing is also a product of Suzhou and Hangzhou. It is with Longjing tea that makes this Longjing shrimp."

"I've heard people say that this method of Longjing shrimps is to use fresh big river prawns, take out the shrimps, and cook them with fresh Longjing tea before and after Qingming."

"The shrimps are white with jade, the buds are green, the color is elegant, and the taste is unique. After eating, the appetizer is clear and appetizing, and it is endless aftertaste. It is a special dish of Suzhou and Hangzhou." Hu Dejun said: "When I was young, I went to West Lake After doing research for a while, I have some understanding of the food there."

"Wow, Master Hu, you are so amazing. Not only do you know tea, but you also know food!" Benjamin gave Hu Dejun a thumbs up.

Hu Dejun smiled awkwardly, and then quickly waved his hand and said: "These are some scenes. It is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do. There are many details that need to be paid attention to, otherwise it will not become a well-known nationwide. One dish."

Su Ming couldn't help but nodded after hearing what Hu Dejun said. No delicacy is actually as simple as it seems on the surface. Just the selection of ingredients and the heat is enough to cause headaches.

Of course, it’s not a coincidence that Su Ming and the others chose this dish today, which is mainly Suhang cuisine. In addition to the Longjing shrimp, there are Dongpo meat and Xihucuyu fish. , Called Huaji are famous dishes of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

It's just that the Longjing shrimp caught Su Ming's attention suddenly, and he gave Su Ming a big reminder that people can use Longjing tea to make a famous dish, why can't I use our Guanyin tea to develop a famous dish.

When the time comes to promote Guanyin tea with famous dishes, the effect should be there. Su Ming can't help but feel a little excited when he thinks of this.

This is also a last resort. Although Guanyin Tea won a big victory at the Agricultural Exhibition this time, Su Ming knew what was going on in his heart, and it was entirely with the help of Li Ziyao and Li Yuanshuang.

This craze may continue for a while, but it will decline sooner or later. So how to keep Guanyin tea hot in Ningcheng is what Su Ming needs to consider. After all, it is his own smell. Su Ming still has a snack. .

However, Su Ming didn't directly say these things. After all, it was just an immature idea. So Su Ming said, "Okay, don't study this. Let's try if it tastes good!"

A meal was very lively. After the meal, Su Ming directly paid the salaries to the girls who were invited to work part-time in Hanfu. They were all local college students in Ningcheng and worked part-time for two days. Su Ming followed suit. Promise to give double salary.

The smiles on the faces of a few girls cannot be concealed. It is worth mentioning that there are two more courageous girls who come to Su Ming for WeChat ID. It is not common for such handsome and rich young people.

It's just that Su Ming gave him a haha, and transferred the topic to the past, and the matter was no more.

"Lao Hu, after you go back, you immediately urge the workers in the factory to speed up production and replenish the 20,000 catties of tea orders as soon as possible." Su Ming told Hu Dejun before leaving.

Hu Dejun nodded quickly. He was very convinced of this young boss. He nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Su, I understand all this."


After returning home, Su Ming did not delay. He immediately wrapped himself in an apron that was not white, ran into the kitchen, opened his own refrigerator, and studied what kind of food should be cooked with Guanyin tea. To a good taste.

Most people certainly can’t do it this way. Researching a new dish is something that requires great skill, but Su Ming has Tam’s passiveness. The cooking skills are top-notch, and the probability of success is much higher. .

"What kind of ingredients should I use?" Su Ming had a very headache and didn't have any clues for a long time.

There are a lot of dishes in the refrigerator, and Su Qishan has a lot of money now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Generally, if you buy food, you will buy some of all kinds of dishes, and there are various types, so Su Ming does not worry about finding these daily dishes. Ingredients.

"First of all, you have to have meat dishes. You can't use tea to match vegetarian dishes. It won't make any sense, and everyone won't be interested." Su Ming used the elimination method.

It’s definitely not possible to match tea with vegetarian dishes. Although everyone likes to be vegetarian these days and start to pay attention to dietary collocation, but from ancient times to the present, every place understands, think about it, most of them are meat dishes. Vegetarian dishes can be famous and spread. Very few.

"You have to pass the shrimp, they have already used it!" The tea-boiled shrimp is indeed very good, it is a good choice, but the name of the Longjing shrimp is first. If you are using it, you will inevitably have some imitating suspects in it. Even if it is delicious, people will not accept it.

Su Ming saw two crucian carp in the refrigerator at this time, so he said, "Forget it, let's try it with crucian carp first and see if it can be done!"

While talking, Su Ming took out the crucian carp and soaked a pot of Guanyin tea buds.

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