League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 979 Chapter977 I will also pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

Under Lester's continuous questioning, Sia puffed up her cheeks angrily, as if a jar had been broken.

"It was because the old dragon discovered that I had evolved to the level of an ancient dragon. He learned from me that I was laying eggs with my master, so I grew up quickly, and then I couldn't fight anymore!

The old dragon can't wait to send all the female dragons who can change human forms to lay eggs with you, master. The old dragon even wants you, master, to help lay eggs with the dragons who can't change shapes, just like me...if not Worried that casual actions will offend you, the guys from Dragon Island have already swarmed over!

Therefore, Longdao is also willing to join the empire because of its master. I am right to say that! "

Lester was dumbfounded and had no conscience. He had never heard of this. He had always thought that the empire had conquered those ancient creatures by force, and the empire had only briefly reported the success. There is no detailed explanation of the cause and effect. Who knows that the reason why Longdao is willing to surrender is because of... laying eggs?

"Xia, the 'old dragon' you are talking about is the ancestral dragon [Patragtos] of Dragon Island?"

Shia nodded seriously.

"Who else could he be, but I still have to say that Patragatos is just an abbreviation of the Imperial language that the old dragon is willing to accept. The old dragon's dragon language name is too long. Even we can't Only part of it is known.”

"So, Patragtos thinks I can solve the dragon family's fertility problem? Doesn't he know that it's harder for me to lay an egg than to conquer the world?"

Having said that, Lester is very aware that he is completely different today from before. Now that he controls most of the life runes, Elena's power is getting stronger and stronger, and she will no longer be forced to deprive her of her. His ability to produce offspring,

As long as he wants, he can have children with whomever he wants, and have as many children as he wants. He can fully play the role of the queen ant.

But this would make the problem even bigger. If he had so many women, they would be able to establish a country on their own if they had only one child. Even if they were ranked according to seniority and distance, it would be difficult to avoid the problem of heirs, let alone inheritance. may cause disputes,

Just talking about the inheritance of the Noxus Empire, according to the law, it should be inherited by his and the imperial queen's legitimate son, but who should the imperial queen be? Even if Xina had enough qualifications and power to secure the throne of queen, where would she put Ahri?

You must know that before this, Ahri was completely trained according to the successor of the empire. Although some people were not convinced, Ahri's specialness was enough to shut everyone up.

Once a beginning has been made, I, who have been indebted to my daughters for a long time, will definitely not be able to refuse those wives who have long wanted to be mothers. I am afraid that I will have hundreds of more children waiting to be fed in any minute.

When the time comes, will the wives who have descendants still maintain the sincere unity as before? Women are the most jealous, especially women who have children. You can think of the answer to this question with your buttocks. The greater possibility is that there will be some kind of nine hundred dragons to seize the heir, and the huge empire will fall apart. That will make people laugh. .

Precisely because the troubles caused by having children have far outweighed the troubles of not having children, he continued to retain his glorious tradition of keeping people but not seeds. They already knew his "unspeakable secret" and no one dared to mention it to him. The problem of giving birth,

He didn't tell anyone the secret of being able to have offspring. After all, the reason why mortal emperors left heirs was because they couldn't live forever and needed legal heirs to maintain political stability. He was already an immortal demigod, so he didn't need one. The heir inherits the throne after his death. Rather, having too many offspring during the war years will do no good except shake the country.

Not knowing Lester's little helplessness, Sia lowered her head sadly and touched her belly. After Lester gently grabbed Sia's little hand and comforted it for a few times, Sia's mind calmed down a little before she whispered. road.

"Old Dragon actually knows this, so he doesn't force himself to lay eggs. He only hopes that Master, you can help the dragons evolve properly. You don't need to make all the dragons like me. You just need to properly improve each young dragon. With the female dragon’s fertility, the female dragon will have a greater chance of becoming pregnant and bring Dragon Island back to life.”

"Did you agree to this matter to Patragtus?"

Knowing what Lester was worried about, Sia shook her head.

"I only promised to help the old dragon convey his thoughts. He sent the dragon army here to show his goodwill. By the way, the three pure-blood dragons of the dragon army are all female dragons who know how to transform into human beings. , not long after he came of age, Lao Long chose to let them lead the team... I'm afraid he had other ideas."

Hearing what Sia said, Lester breathed a sigh of relief. The man lowered his head and thought to himself.

It's not a problem just to purify the blood of three pure-blood dragons to increase the chance of pregnancy. It just so happens that I am going to Ixtar and get the matter done. By then, the Ancestral Dragon will see the specific effects, and it will be worthy of Dragon Island. With the trust of the Archosaur, after all, everyone puts the meat to their mouths, and it would be disrespectful to not eat it.

Even if the Ancestral Dragon will continue to send people to learn from it in the future, he can use this relationship to continue to maintain the friendship between the empire and Long Island.

"In that case, once the chaos in Ixtar is calmed down, you can bring those three pure-blood dragons to me."


"Get ready. When Ryze arrives, we will go directly to the teleportation array."

Deep in the jungle of Ixtal, a hidden city-state covered by green plants and swamps is located deep in the rain forest in the southwest. From a distance, there is only an endless sea of ​​dense forest on the earth, and there is no human habitation for thousands of miles. Only by passing through the large elemental array outside the city-state can one get a glimpse of the little-known hidden kingdom.

Under the elemental circle, looking at the rainforest from a high altitude, the green ocean formed by the eastern rainforest of Shurima is divided into four distinct areas by the majestic white and majestic city.

The capital of the city-state is called Isuoken. Below the city of Isuoken is the bottomless waterfall of the Abyss.

The rivers coming from the Sea of ​​Watchers in the east to the west converge into an inland lake in Isuoken, and then form a huge river abyss all the way to the west, pouring down into the lower Baili Valley, irrigating Isuo In an area of ​​thousands of miles, the rivers nourish all things and the land is fertile, enough to allow tens of millions of people to live a comfortable life with enough food and clothing.

Within the capital city of Ixoken, the magnificent Yuentar white tower resembles two overlapping cubes, one large and one small.

The diagonal extension of the inner tower overlaps the center line of the outer tower, showing the harmonious beauty of the elements of a city within a city. There is the highest sacred tower in the center of Ishoken, and the elemental energy released by the sacred tower It held up four giant floating towers that could accommodate ten thousand people.

The floating tower is Ixtal's high-end military defense building and the core of Ixoken's city defense formation.

The higher inner tower is home to the Yuen'alai, the royal family of Ixtal, and the outer layer is the Yuntar, the ruling class of Ixtal.

The other small towers surrounding the tower are where the Ixtalians who study elemental magic are located. Further outside, there are the Ixotas located along the rivers and rainforests in the four major areas of Ixoken. villages and towns.

Temples and libraries have also been established in villages and towns for young Ixtalians to study elemental magic. Therefore, the defenses of the villages near Ixoken are more complete than those in the villages further north of the capital, and Ixtalis are stationed all year round. use element.

During the war, the villages and towns surrounding the capital Ixoken became the first line of defense on the war front.

In the village affiliated with the capital city named [Tapule], it was bumpy day and night. Ellie, who had spent more than two months traveling south from Omta, was sitting in a temporary settlement tent worriedly. There was a slight cry from Ixtali outside the tent. Indifferent voice, before we knew it, it was time to distribute relief porridge again.

After listening to her childhood sweetheart Ignaz, Ellie persuaded her parents after parting ways with him. The family of three took their belongings and rode a donkey cart southward all night, and finally arrived at the capital of the country without any danger. Isuoken is a village only twenty kilometers away,

It was a pity that the news of the invasion of foreign enemies was faster than the donkey cart loaded with goods for the family of three. Before they had time to be happy, when they arrived at Tapu Le, they received the news that Ixoken had closed the capital.

With nowhere to go, Ellie's family had no choice but to follow Ixtali's arrangement and settle down in the resettlement area of ​​Tapule Village.

Ellie and her family have been living in Tapule for more than half a month. After selling their property to a local businessman in Tapule, and paying a large amount of 'entry fee' to Yuntar in Tapule, they entered the city. However, the request has never been approved. On the contrary, more and more foreign nationals are arriving in Tapule.

The village that originally had a population of only 20,000 was forced to squeeze in 120,000 people, with four families living in one animal skin tent. With the rapid expansion of the population, it became bloated, and the security of Tapule became increasingly worse. Coupled with the skyrocketing prices and theft of property, Ellie's family, which had already paid an expensive entry fee, has been reduced to eating soup.

"Ellie, let's go."

Glancing at his daughter who was getting thinner and thinner, Agulal touched her daughter's head distressedly, and called her silent daughter to go to the soup kitchen together.

As for his wife Tayana, she will stay in the tent to guard her belongings, lest the small amount of life-saving money will be targeted by something that can kill a thousand knives again. When he and his daughter come back from eating the relief porridge, his wife Only then can we go to the soup kitchen to receive food.

"Agulal, be careful."

Tayana, whose cheeks were sunken, sat on the straw bed and gave instructions. Agulal nodded, glanced at the other residents in the tent, took Ellie's little hand and left the tent.

"Ellie, hold on a little longer. When we get to the city, you and your mother can take a good bath first, and the three of us can have something good to eat."

"Um...Dad, do you think Ignaz and his family have arrived in Isuoken?"

A trace of unnoticeable worry flashed between Agulal's brows. Judging from the gossip, there were not many survivors in Omta, the initial place of the undead invasion, and there was no time to escape. However, his daughter told him that Instead of retreating, Ignaz advanced and went to Omta to look for his family. In this case, Ignaz would have no hope of survival.

Ignaz was a good boy that he watched grow up, and he was also his daughter's childhood sweetheart. He was down-to-earth, kind-hearted, smart, and very filial. He would have been happy to see it happen, but unfortunately, now Ignaz His life or death is uncertain, and there is a high probability that the life-saving son-in-law he is optimistic about will not come back.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if it would be better if his daughter kept Ignaz and Ignaz ran away with his family.

It's a pity that he can't continue to deceive his daughter and let her continue to feel sad.

"Ellie, Ignatz's family should be a little later than us. We arrived here without taking much rest, and there is no news about them here. I'm afraid Ignatz's family...sigh."

The girl pursed her dry and wrinkled lips and said nothing, but held her father's hand tightly.

Agular didn't say anything more, and took Ellie to blend in with the crowd and headed to the nearest soup kitchen.

There are a total of 23 resettlement areas in Tapule Village, which almost takes up all the available open space near the village. There is also a large area that has been cleared and developed in the edge area. The relief points allocated in each resettlement area are based on the number of residents in the resettlement area. They are all different. There are four relief points that Agulal knows about. Generally speaking, the number of relief points is enough to deal with the incoming refugees.

When they arrived at the relief point, under the watchful eye of Ixtali, Agular and Ellie held wooden bowls of the same size. Under the indifferent eyes of the soup cook, they received more than half a bowl of millet porridge mixed with white rice, plus two more A palm-sized piece of whole grain cake is enough for a girl like Ellie who doesn't have a big appetite to eat until she's 80% full.

Ellie broke the whole-grain pancake in half and gave half of it to Agulal, who silently took it and put it in his mouth. The two walked out of the crowded crowd and found an open space to devour it. stand up.

"Wait, why haven't I seen you?"

"I've never seen it before and I bought your bowl. A bowl costs ten silver coins, but it's much more expensive than this gruel and dry pancake... Taking advantage of the national crisis, the philanthropic master made a lot of money this time, right?"

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble? Come here! Get this stupid shelf out of here! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't deal with you!"

It seemed that there was some dispute at the soup kitchen. Ellie looked up and saw a young man holding a relief bowl and looking at the middle-aged man in charge of serving the rice with a smile.

Different from other people, the young people are upright and slender, with a sense of aura. They don't look like 'foreign refugees' like them, but like the Yuen'a who grew up in the palace since childhood in the story. Lai. (End of chapter)

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