League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 980 Chapter978 Those who make it difficult for the country to make money are unforgivable si

Two guards Ariel holding spears walked towards the troubled youth, trying to take the young man away by force. However, the young man in simple robes raised his right hand, and there seemed to be ripples of magic in his palm. In an instant, a wave of Invisible heavy pressure was exerted on the sky above Tapule Village.

Whether it was the high-ranking Ixtali or the refugee who had to rely on relief porridge every day, facing the gravity that could crush the knees, they all lay down on the ground without distinction. Only in this way can they avoid being hurt.

"Who are you!?"

"Since you don't want to talk properly, there's no need to say anything more."

He kicked the frightened soup man to the ground and used gravity magic to seal everyone's mouths. The young man sat down on the soup man's rattan chair and closed his eyes.

"Vidalian, long time no see."

At the same time, Yuen Tal, the old mage who was responsible for guarding the elemental weaver Vidalian at the Yuen Tower in the center of the Yuen Tower, was horrified to find that Vidalian, who was heavily guarded at the core of the Yuen Tower, actually It's out of control,

No longer caring about meditation, the old mage Yuental tried to get close to Vidarian, but was blocked by the elemental aftermath emitted by Vidalian, making it difficult to get even close. The old mage could only check Vidar through the fluctuation range of elemental energy. Leanne's situation.

Under the perception of the old mage Yuntar, the huge elemental weaver no longer maintains the balance between the elemental channels and the floating towers, and all the elemental power is emitted through Ixoken's four floating towers. , forming a tide of energy that could spread to the entire territory of Ixtal,

In order to supply enough elemental energy, all the elemental power accumulated by Ixioken was drained. Even if he was right next to Vidalian, he could not obtain any elemental energy from the air. The closer he was, the more energy he had accumulated. It is the elemental energy stored in the body that has a strange illusion that it is forcibly absorbed by Vidarian, which is simply crazy.

The old mage has been guarding Yuen Tower for more than sixty years. Not only in the years he is familiar with, but also in all the historical books of Ixtar, Vidalion has never been in this situation.

In theory, this situation will never happen at all, because no one in this world can use their spirit to break through the heavy defenses composed of Vidalian and the inner and outer towers to seize the authority of the weaver. Even if someone inside the Yuen Tower uses tricks to obtain it, Whatever Vidalian wants to do with his authority, it is impossible to use human mental power to control the elemental energy of the entire Ixoken or even nearly half of Ixtar.

The scene was so unrealistic that the old mage Yuntar, who was born in the royal family, was in a trance. His expression changed from panic to comfort. The old mage thought that he might actually be in a dream. This idea lasted until more than a dozen people guarded it with him. Until they broke into the Weaver Temple together with Yuentali of Vidalion.

With a 'bang', a group of noble Yuntars burst open the solemn and solemn gem door without dignity, and ran to the white-bearded mage in a hurry. The thin old man at the head raised his staff angrily and questioned Fugue. Taixu's white-bearded mage.

"Mage Moskra! How long has it been since you were still here in a daze? Tell me what's going on!? Why is the entire elemental network closed? What on earth do you do for food?"

The white-bearded mage known as Moskra smiled and said casually.

"I didn't expect to see Master Kondela and all of you in my dream, and I could smell Master Kondela's bad breath. It's quite real..."

"You idiot! How long have you been here and are you still going crazy? Take a good look to see if this is a dream!"

Just as he was speaking, the grumpy Master Kondra used the staff in his hand to give Master Whitebeard a solid blow on the head. Without any regard for the past feelings, he made a crisp sound of "dong", which was visible. Others shook their heads.

The real pain made Master Whitebeard burst into tears. He covered his head and squatted on the ground speechless. It was obvious that it was really painful.

"Why are you still hanging around here?! Why don't you hurry up and check on Vidalian! If something goes wrong with the weaving machine, our heads will have to be moved!"


At this moment, a group of elemental guards from the Queen's Guards broke into the Weaver Temple and directly approached the furious Kondra.

"Your Majesty Condela, Her Majesty the Queen invites you."

Kondra, who looked unhappy, made the primary and secondary responsibilities clear. After all, Vitalian's problems were closely related to Moslak.

"I just arrived here. I don't know what happened. Moslak happened to have hysteria again. I will check the condition of the weaving before going to see Her Majesty the Queen."

The female captain of the element guard frowned.

"In that case, please speed up, Your Majesty Condra. Her Majesty the Queen is in a very bad mood. I'm afraid she won't be able to wait too long."

It didn’t take long. Ten minutes later, Archmage Kondra, the guardian of the Elemental Weaver Temple in Yuen Pagoda, walked into the palace hall.

As an elder of Yuentali, Kondela did not need to kneel down. The short old man just lowered his head slightly, held the staff in his left hand, touched his chest with his right hand, and looked up vaguely.

The contemporary Queen of Ixtal, Flora, is sitting on the throne with a cold and majestic expression. Sitting below her is the queen's husband, the insignificant but somewhat anxious King of Ixtal, Thomas.

The nine Yuen princesses who have the right to inherit were dressed in noble palace robes and sat down in order of eldest and youngest. Only the most unruly tenth princess Qiyana was not in the palace and was still imprisoned in the Tower of Elements. Guilty, bearing the price of hurting my sister.

"Your Majesty, Condra, respectfully wishes the Queen's blessing."

"Get flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Condra raised her head and faced the Queen's accusation with a calm expression.

"Elder Kondra, what happened to Vidalian that caused Isuoken's elemental network to completely lose control? This is the time of war. Do you know that the undead from the north may come to the city at any time? If there is no Under the protection of Vidalion and the Tower, Ixoken will surely shed a river of blood, who can bear it?"

"Back to Your Majesty, the mage Moslak who was guarding the weaving machine today happened to be suffering from hysteria. Now I have rearranged the guarding mage of Vidalian and tried my best to recapture Vidalian.

After inspection, I am convinced that an elemental mage whose strength is far beyond imagination has forcibly seized control of Vidalian from the outside world and drained away the elemental energy of the entire imperial capital. As for the purpose of this, we still have no idea. Not known yet. "

Queen Flora frowned, having difficulty understanding what she heard. If Vidalian, who maintains the balance of the entire Ixoken element, could be seized from the outside world, this ancient and sacred forest country would have been destroyed long ago. Destroyed countless times,

By analogy, it is as outrageous as a lone wolf hacker seizing America's nuclear bomb launch authority across the continent, which is equivalent to Gambia using Kalashnikov to rule the solar system.

"Elder Kondela, are you also suffering from hysteria?"

"Everything I said is true. If there is even half a lie, Master Moslak, the liar, will not die well."

"Is there a solution?"

"The invaders who control Vidalion... are far more powerful than we imagined. I can only do my best to summon the Yuntar to fight for the elemental weaver Vidalion. In addition, your majesty may be able to send the most elite elements." The guards and envoys will try to negotiate with each other, and of course, just in case, I will go with you all the way."

The Queen stood up, not hiding her anger.

"Negotiation? You want me to send my most powerful warriors just to negotiate with the other party?"

Condra said solemnly.

"Before coming here, I have arranged for more than 300 Yuntar to fight for Vidarian. May I ask, Your Majesty, may you feel the power of elements in the city now?"

Queen Flora was silent, let alone the elemental power, she could feel that the elemental energy in her body was slowly being withdrawn.

Each Yuntar is an elemental mage carefully trained by the royal family. Counting the entire country, the number is only four figures. Yuntar is proficient in the axioms and rune magic of the early Yuan Dynasty. His strength is unfathomable, and he often only consumes it. It takes a lifetime to achieve such success in the ways of the elements and magic.

A Yuentar is enough to serve as a local governor and protect the peace of a place on his own. It can be said that Yuentar is the real support for the royal family to rule Ixtal.

Three hundred Yuentals are already half of Ixoken's strength. Even so, they cannot recapture Vidalion. How strong is the enemy?

Sitting back on the throne in silence, roughly knowing what kind of existence was targeting Vidalian this time, Queen Flora took a deep breath and forcibly accepted her weak position.

"Where is that person?"

"If Yuental's element tracing is correct, or the other party did not use magic to deceive us, the invader is in the Tapule Village north of Isuoken.

Your Majesty, I am afraid that the other party is doing things in such a big way because he wants to show us his power. Otherwise, if the other party wants to do something, relying only on the power of the elements that Vidalian can gather, the imperial capital may be destroyed in an instant. It will be reduced to ashes. "

After hearing this, the nine princesses and the absent-minded king understood the seriousness of the matter, and their faces instantly turned pale. Only the queen remained calm and looked at her eldest daughter.

"Inessa, are you willing to be the diplomatic envoy this time?"

Hearing her mother address her by name, Yi Nesa broke into cold sweat on her back. She stood up staggeringly with a slightly embarrassed but willing expression, and inadvertently showed her mother her very inconvenient wooden leg prosthesis.

"My daughter is willing to be the diplomatic envoy for this trip, but she is worried that the pair of wooden legs will miss her. She also asked her mother to arrange a carriage for her daughter so that she can leave immediately."

After taking a look at Inessa's legs that had been tortured by the ten women, the Queen frowned and looked at Condra. Condra was stunned for a moment and then spoke.

"From my perspective, His Majesty Nesa's majesty is enough to show his magnanimity. Unfortunately, His Majesty's current condition is not convenient for travel. Tapule Village is not far from the imperial capital, but it is still some distance away.

Every minute Vidalian loses control will bring unpredictable serious consequences. The situation is urgent, and the envoys must arrive as soon as possible to avoid complications. "

The queen nodded, looked at her two daughters, ignored the pleading eyes of the two daughters, and spoke in a tone that could not be criticized.

"Mara, I will arrange ten elemental guards for you as escorts. You and Elder Kandra will immediately ride the flying dragon to Tapule Village to convey our country's friendship to that gentleman."

Inessa secretly breathed a sigh of relief, sat back in her seat with a look of shame and worry, and silently blessed her sister with her eyes.

As long as there is breath left, this country will belong to her sooner or later. Of course, she does not need to do anything risky. She understood when her legs were destroyed by the sister who deserved death. Nobility is innate, and it is meaningless to let her sisters toss it. The elders and people of Ixtal will only recognize her power, and she does not need to do anything, she only needs to ensure her own safety. That’s it.

Inexplicably being tricked by her eldest sister, Mara, who had a somewhat cowardly temperament, did not dare to refute, so she responded with a trembling voice, and followed Condra back with concern.

At the same time, in the Tower of Elements not far from the palace, Qiyana, the tenth daughter of the kingdom who had been imprisoned for a long time, opened her eyes and sat up from the bed. She was surprised to find that the power of the elements rippling on the door disappeared quietly.

Qiyana pushed open the door and looked down at the slightly agitated imperial capital. The girl sneered.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the entire Isuoken. They are really a bunch of incompetent people... I have to be the one to protect this country."

As she spoke, Qiyana tried to mobilize the elemental energy in the environment. After a moment, the girl froze on the spot in disbelief.

"What about my big pile of elements? No, I have to find my Oletar Ring Blade. The more times like this, the more I need it!"

After closing the door again, Qiyana left the Tower of Elements and prepared to sneak back to her palace to retrieve her weapons.

Within half an hour, a group of subspecies flying dragons glided across the sky of Tapule, circled in a circle and then landed outside the village under Yuental's instructions.

Under the protection of the elemental guards, Mara and Condra walked into the village. They saw all kinds of people crawling in the village. The village was silent. Countless pleading eyes were focused on Mara. The environment was strange and evil. , what she saw in front of her made the girl, who was already extremely frightened, clench her thighs, her body was shaking like a sieve, and she couldn't even walk.

"Your Highness."

Condra glanced at the elemental guards, and the two accompanying female elemental guards immediately stepped forward to support Mara, and then Mara dragged her limp body forward.

Soon, they saw the young man sitting with his eyes closed at the soup kitchen.

Condra was about to step forward to speak when the young man opened his eyes. The cold look in his eyes made Condra's body tremble and he swallowed his greetings back in his stomach.

"I will return the right to speak to the people here and give you ten minutes to help me figure out why the huge Ixoken can't accommodate a hundred thousand refugees. Why can a broken wooden bowl dare to be sold for ten silver coins? Give it to me Bring here the head of the instigator.”

As soon as the words fell, tens of thousands of hoarse cries drowned the ears of the imperial envoys, and Condra roared angrily.

"Shut up if you don't want to die!!!"

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