League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1000 Chapter998 The Heart of the Swordsman

"Hold me? No matter how arrogant you are, there should be a limit."

In Suzana's sneer, the Void Worm arched its body, opened its mouth and bit Yasuo, shaped like a toppling mountain, and the momentum was terrifying.

The Void Worm is fast enough, but it can't match Yasuo's movement speed.

Seeing that the Void Apostle was already jealous of him, Yasuo dodged and fled away from the others. The shadows covering the sky quickly approached, giving Yasuo a lingering sense of coldness.

Facing the void worm that was swallowed with its mouthparts wide open, Yasuo kept moving and turned around to draw his sword and slash. A sword energy about ten feet long flew towards the worm's mouthparts. He had already turned into a breeze and escaped from the worm's mouth. Jaw limb range.

Sensing that the sword energy was enough to cause damage to the worm's mouth, Suzana's face changed slightly and she immediately ordered the worm to close its mouth.

The worm Herpaz closed its mouth while swinging its jaw limbs to block the sword energy. The extremely sharp sword energy left a three-centimeter-deep sword mark on the void worm's jaw limb. It's nothing to the void worm, but Yasuo already knows that the worm's chamber is a big weakness.

Suzana stared at Yasuo who was running away, with an unabashed sneer on her face.

"You have a eloquent mouth and a tough guy's face, but you run like a coward without looking back. It seems that you, the Gale Swordsman, are not a hero."

Having said that, Suzana also knew that Hepaz's speed alone could not cause harm to Yasuo, and it had to be supplemented by her void spell. As for the others, it didn't matter whether they were alive or dead. Now she only He wanted to kill Gale Swordsman and make him understand how stupid it was to refuse his invitation.

When Yasuo successfully restrained the ninth Void Apostle, Darius and everyone from the Wind Swordsmanship Dojo completed the rendezvous.

The two teams formed a temporary battle formation with a tacit understanding to jointly resist the attacks of void creatures.

The fifteen surviving heavy armored cavalry did not lose their morale due to battle losses. They were divided into three teams under the order of Darius. Two teams of cavalry continued to charge on horseback under the leadership of Draven, while the other team dismounted as a The hoplites followed Darius and Queletta into battle,

Five armored horses formed a circle, using their bodies as a shield wall to protect Thalia and Sears, providing the safest space for the two mages who needed to focus on casting spells. The outer circle was composed of the wind warriors and the wild wolf team. consisting of heavy infantry,

With the soldiers of the Wild Wolf Squad acting as taunting human shields at the front, the wind warriors at the rear showed extraordinary strength, sometimes breaking out of their formations to kill void creatures efficiently, and then retracting and re-arming themselves when the void creatures surrounded them. Behind the soldiers, the void creatures were unable to break through everyone's defense line for a while.

When the void creatures' offensive slowed down, the leaders of the two teams had a chance to speak.

"Thank you General for the rescue. I wonder if you can help take Thalia out?"

The first one to speak was Yongen. Yongen, who was holding two swords, had a bloodied face and could not hide the fatigue between his brows and eyes.

Darius looked at Thalia out of the corner of his eye. He knew that there was a Shurima girl mage in the exploration team that Yasuo, the wind swordsman, was in. Moreover, the famous wind swordsman and the girl mage were still in a relationship. Many of them were lovers. People don’t say anything with their mouths, but they send blessings silently in their hearts.

If you think about it from his perspective, if Queletta gets a helping hand when he needs help from others, he will definitely be grateful.

"Quiletta, you join Draven, take Miss Thalia away from the battlefield, and guide the large army over.

Angelo, Dustin, you two will accompany you as guards. You must protect the safety of Miss Talia without any mistakes! "


Queletta didn't say much, and took a deep look at Darius. He immediately mounted his horse, picked up Thalia, who was no longer able to fight, and placed her in front of him. Under the cover of the other two, he moved towards Darius. Breakout in Levin's direction.

"General Darius, I will never forget your life-saving grace."

After watching Thalia kill under the protection of everyone, Yongen finally felt relieved. Yasuo trusted him so much that if there was anything wrong with Thalia, he didn't know how to explain it to Yasuo.

"There is no need to be so polite. If Master Yasuo hadn't restrained that monster for us, we would have paid a heavy price. What's more, the master of the Wind Swordsmanship Dojo came all the way here to fight for the empire. It's us who should be grateful. ,

Master Yongen, I have just reached the rank of captain, so I don’t dare to call me a general. Master, just call me by my real name, otherwise the military title is fine... Speaking of which, Master Yongen actually recognizes my name? "

He broke open the head of the void burrowing beast with an axe, then turned around and swung the ax at another burrowing beast, splitting its head into two sections. Darius's eyes were reddish, but his mind became clearer and clearer. Influence communicating with Yongen.

"You can't be a master... Captain Darius's Wild Wolf Squad is famous in the expeditionary force. How many people don't know the name of 'Head Wolf' Darius? I have admired him for a long time, but I have never thought of being with him." Such was the case with the captain's first meeting.

Captain Darius, I wonder where the outpost is currently? How far is it from here? When will reinforcements arrive? "

"The outpost is less than forty miles away from here. If everything goes well, it will take less than two hours."

On the other side, Queletta and Draven merged smoothly, and a dozen riders fought their way out of the encirclement, heading north.

On horseback, with Queletta holding her waist, Thalia looked back from time to time, but she could no longer see the overwhelming void monsters. Now that she was out of the battlefield, she was a little worried about whether her friends would be in danger.

Compared with the past, she has made amazing progress now, but every time she fights, the enemy's strength still makes her feel very powerless.

Unlike in the past, fighting in this land corrupted by void energy is unimaginably difficult. This is not due to inner weakness. In fact, only Yasuo and Yongen, including her, can play a real role in the entire exploration team. Others included did not play an irreplaceable role, and more often than not they were holding back, but no one said it clearly.

Thalia's worries were seen by the thoughtful Queletta, and she spoke to comfort her.

"Girl, don't blame me for talking too much. Instead of worrying about other people, it's better to seize the time and recover your strength now to deal with the battles you may encounter next.

In my opinion, only by taking care of yourself first can you have enough time to consider the safety of others, otherwise it will be easy to let others down. "

Thalia turned her attention to Queletta. The woman in her eyes had clean, medium-length golden hair, a resolute face, a majestic and dignified appearance, plump and sexy lips, and a neutral but powerful voice. She could be said to be perfect. It reflects the valiant and heroic appearance of an imperial female soldier.

"Sister, you are right. Thank you for your guidance. I will take a short rest."

Queletta nodded appreciatively to Thalia and let the girl take a nap against him, feeling a little better in his heart.

If the world were full of happy people like Talia, she couldn't imagine how beautiful the world would be.

After marching for about half an hour, the rumble of horse hooves woke up Thalia, who was sleeping soundly in Queletta's arms. Thalia opened her eyes and looked at the armored cavalry troops sweeping in from the north, feeling refreshed. Vibrate.

The mighty cavalry legion did not stop, avoiding the people who were stopped and continuing to march south. Kled left the army alone, tightened Skaar's bridle and stopped not far in front of Queletta, and said solemnly .

"So it's Beast Team? Lieutenant Queletta, what's the situation with the enemy?"

Without saying any nonsense, Queletta responded loudly.

"Back to General Kled! The number of void beasts exceeds a thousand, and a woman who can control giant worms has appeared. She claims to be the ninth apostle of the void and has launched an attack on us. My team members are currently resisting with the members of the exploration team. !”

Kled frowned, disgust etched on his face.

"The Ninth Apostle of the Void? I didn't expect these inhuman things to show up again... Okay, you guys go back to the camp and have a good rest... Skaar! Follow the big army! Go fight the big bugs!"

"Snort, snore, squeak!!!"

Under the watch of Queletta and others, Kled riding Skaar quickly caught up with the cavalry legion, his back getting smaller and smaller.

"Brother Yasuo, you must come back safely."

Broken Rock Land, as the name suggests, is a barren place covered with piles of rubble and the rock walls are filled with various holes and pits. The terrain here is uneven and complex, which is not conducive to the activities of overly large creatures.

As if he had been favored by God, Yasuo, who had been fleeing all the way, came to the Broken Rock by chance and got a chance to breathe.

In order to avoid the search of the giant void worm, Yasuo held his breath and clung to the cave wall. His face was pale and bloodless, and his body was shaking slightly due to pain.

At this moment, Yasuo's body was covered with bruises. His left forearm, which had been affected by the worm's venom, exuded an unpleasant odor. The tight blood vessels were purple-black. It was obvious that he had suffered a serious injury.

The poisoned Yasuo had no time to deal with the toxin, so he could only forcefully lock the toxin on his left forearm with magic power. He tore his shirt into a bandage and wrapped it tightly around his left arm to prevent the poison from entering his body.

Outside the cave, Suzana controlled the giant worm Pachez with all her strength to circle around in the gravel field, sometimes violently smashing the rocks blocking the road. She used the worm's tentacles to capture the smell of blood in the air. What made her extremely annoyed was that there was always an inexplicable odor permeating the air here. This odor seriously interfered with Pahz's taste perception, making it impossible for Pahz to confirm Yasuo's specific location.

"I have left deadly toxins on your body. Your hiding is meaningless to me. Lord Yasuo, isn't the taste of worm toxin unpleasant? Hehehe~ There is no need for me to do anything. In a few minutes you will It will become a rotting corpse, what a pity.”

"Come out, I will give you one last chance. As long as you are willing to surrender to Her Majesty the Queen and become my husband, I will let you enjoy happiness that you can't imagine. Even if you want to share Pahz with me, it's not impossible. "

Yasuo closed his eyes tightly. The Void Apostle's words would only strengthen the murderous intention in his heart, but it had no other effect.

But Suzana was still trying to persuade Yasuo, trying to convince the man to surrender to her.

Before she was called, she liked resolute and strong men. After leaving the mortal body, she also played with many tough guys who fit her personal aesthetic, but no man could bring her such a heart-pounding feeling like the Gale Swordsman.

The process of chasing this man is like chasing a passing wind. She can see that the man is right in front of her, but it is difficult to catch him. This process is the ultimate pleasure for her.

"Life is so precious, so why are you stubborn? Those of you who are against Her Majesty the Queen have no chance of winning, because you have no idea how powerful Her Majesty the Queen is!

Among the thirteen apostles, I am ranked second to last in strength, far inferior to the others. A man as powerful as you is no match for me, let alone the other apostles. Could it be that you are naive and think that killing some Can lowly bugs and ethereal fish be called a victory? That's ridiculous. "

Yasuo suddenly opened his eyes, and he didn't know if he was sure to be defeated. The Void Apostle Suzana actually revealed such important information in her words.

[In this way, the fact that the first apostle Malzahar has not appeared has probably been in some special state. If every void apostle can control such a terrifying void beast like the ninth apostle...]

Thinking like this, Yasuo couldn't help but feel a layer of haze in his heart. Due to the excessive use of the spell, an uncontrollable impulse took control of his body. His throat felt sweet. Yasuo covered his mouth and coughed up a small mouthful of bloody phlegm uncontrollably. .

Even though he tried his best to lower his voice, the movement in the cave still reached Pahz's ears, and Pahz's tentacles instantly pointed in the direction of the sound.

Following Hepaz's instructions and looking towards the cave, Suzana instantly locked onto Yasuo's position. The woman grinned, and the giant worm immediately crashed into the cave where Yasuo was hiding.

Hearing the sound of the mountains shaking outside the cave, and knowing that his position had been exposed, Yasuo jumped out of the cave without hesitation. The hilltop behind him was flattened by worms, and gravel flew everywhere.

"Look at how embarrassed you are now, how can you fight me?"

On the head of Pahz, the giant worm, Suzana looked down at the desperate Yasuo. She chuckled and threw the void spell she had prepared at Yasuo.

Purple light flashed past, and Yasuo's body, which was hit by the spell, seemed to be filled with lead and became extremely heavy. Yasuo groaned and used the spell power in his body to forcefully dispel the spell applied to his body.

The man's arm was shaking unconsciously, but he still held the knife tightly, without any intention of surrendering.

Under Suzana's gaze, the man chopped off his left arm with one knife. Because the bandage had been wrapped in advance, the blood loss in the broken arm was not serious under the squeeze of the spell.

The blood surged, the sword was drawn, and the strong wind surrounded the swordsman who was ready to die. The two people's eyes met, and the face of the ninth apostle turned completely cold.

"I still have half a life, killing you is enough."

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