League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1001 Chapter999 Contingency

"Warriors of the Empire! Come with me! Crush them!"

Following the roar of the Yodles, the imperial cavalry, which was still a thousand meters away from the void creatures, launched a charge. The overwhelming cavalry entered the chaotic battlefield with cavalry guns, tearing them apart as easily as a piece of rotten rag. Formed the front line of void creatures.

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, Darius and others who were holding on to their position were greatly inspired. Together with Yongen and others, they fought through the siege of the void creatures, completed the rendezvous with the large army, and were completely safe.

Glancing at the embarrassed people, Kled's eyes paused slightly on Yone and others, nodded approvingly, and then looked at Darius, who was waiting solemnly.

Kled's right arm swung to his side, and the purple blood on the long-handled ax spread all over the floor. It was obvious that he had killed many void creatures just now.

"Where's Captain Darius, the Void Apostle who can control giant worms? Where has he gone?"

Darius knelt down on one knee and saluted solemnly.

"Back to the general, the Void Apostle was led to the southwest by His Majesty the Gale Swordsman. If not, all of us would have died here."

Kled nodded.

"Very well, Captain Darius, you will continue to escort the exploration team back to the outpost, and protect the safety of the heroes at all costs! Free up some horses for them!"

"As you command!"

After Kled and Darius finished speaking, Yongen stepped forward and offered his hand.

"General Kled, thank you for your timely rescue."

"Everything is for the empire. You are also a part of the empire. As a soldier of the empire, I have the responsibility to protect every citizen of the empire."

Kled, who also surrendered to Yone, began to greet the reorganized cavalry regiment.

"All troops! March to the southwest!"

The Kled Cavalry roared away like a strong wind, with no intention of returning to the battlefield with Yone and Darius, leaving those who were preparing to go back with the army to rescue Yasuo at a loss.

Noticing Yongen's worried look, Darius hesitated for a moment and then spoke to comfort him.

"Master Yasuo is a hero worthy of admiration from others. Master Yongen, I think we should have more confidence in the hero."

Yongen smiled bitterly and nodded, mocking himself.

"I always tend to forget that my younger brother is now a master of wind swordsmanship in his own right. I always treat him as the child who has not grown up yet. Little do I know that I am actually being protected by my younger brother... Sorry, I told you Some random words will make you laugh."

Darius shook his head, patted Yongen's shoulder with his hand, and noticed Yongen's chapped lips. Darius took the initiative to take out the wine bottle from his backpack and took a sip to show that it was not poisonous, and then continued He handed it to Yongen, but he didn't know that Yongen, who abided by the precepts of a good man like an ascetic, never drank alcohol.

There was obvious astonishment on Yongen's face. He was stunned for a moment and then silently took the bottle of wine, and took two big sips into his mouth like an old drunkard.

What surprised Darius was that Yongen, who was skilled in movements, choked on the strong wine as if he had never drunk alcohol. His face turned red and he coughed. Even so, Yongen did not spit it out, but wiped it with a handkerchief. At the corner of his mouth, such a manly manner made Darius feel good about him.

"I also have a younger brother. I can understand to some extent what it feels like to be an older brother. Of course, my younger brother is incompetent and there is no way he can be compared with Master Yasuo..."

Before Yongen, who was shaking his hands, could say something that Ionians never leave their lips to humbly say, Darius smiled, waved his hands, and continued.

"I always teach him to make progress. I want him to grow into a powerful imperial warrior, expand territory for the empire, protect his family and country, like a true Noxian!

Although he didn't like the path I arranged for him, he still chose to follow my wishes and came to the imperial army with me to fight the enemy. He smiled and said nothing, but I could see that he cared about me. I'm actually not very satisfied with the arrangement.

To be honest, his fighting talent is actually very good, and his brain is also very flexible, especially the skill of throwing throwing axes. If that guy is willing to endure hardship, he will definitely be much more powerful than me. Unfortunately, he has already Although he showed enough 'effort', in my opinion, there is still a lack of love in his eyes.

Later, I gradually understood that he was different from me. To me, becoming a glorious imperial soldier and going into battle to kill the enemy was an honor worth pursuing with all my heart. To him, it was just a kind of respect and obedience to his brother. ', completing military training is just a routine task.

He was willing to listen to me just because I raised him up, and he didn’t want to disappoint me as a brother. At that time, I understood that my love for him had already become a shackle that I couldn’t break free from or express. He has always lived in the shackles I created.

I shouldn't use my own ideas to control him, and I shouldn't force him to follow the path I arranged for him. This is wrong. He is no longer the kid who follows me every day and asks me to stand up for him. He should have Your own life, your own preferences, your own path, just like me, put 100% passion into something when you do it. "

Darius took back the wine bottle and took a sip, mockingly sighing to himself.

"Sometimes, it's really not easy to admit that your brother has grown up.

Master Yong'en, it's not convenient for me to comment on the matters between your brothers, but I can see that your brother is different from my brother.

Every step Master Yasuo takes is out of his own will. His sword is full of passion. He lives for himself, not for you.

Therefore, no matter what the outcome is, Master Yongen, you do not have to bear this responsibility that no longer belongs to you. On the contrary, you should be proud of all the decisions your brother has made. "

"Captain, I have learned a lesson from you. I am very grateful."

In silence, Yongen bowed to Darius. Darius was stunned and quickly stepped forward to hold Yongen's shoulders. When Yongen straightened up, what he saw was a relaxed and free face. His handsome and smiling face seemed to have been completely transformed, as if all its luster had faded, and it had a completely different mental outlook.

While he was still struggling with etiquette, the man in front of him had broken free from the shackles he had left for him, understood the deep meaning of his words, and cut it off with his sword without hesitation, giving it to Yasuo and himself. free.

It's easy to kill people with a sword, but it's harder to kill people with a sword. To be able to make changes so resolutely and decisively, the man in front of him can afford to be called 'Master', precisely because he knows that he can't do it because of a few words of persuasion from others. It was only after he quit drinking that he admired the man in front of him.

Faced with Yone's relaxed look, Darius also smiled. The two of them got on their horses and rode away at the same time, as if they were old friends who had known each other for many years.

"What I said just now was to persuade you, but it was also to persuade myself, so there is no need to say thank you.

When I return to the empire this time, no matter what my stinky brother is going to do, I will not stop him anymore. I will not force him to do anything. I just hope that he can find someone as gentle and kind as Miss Talia in his life. Girl, to be honest, if that brat was as handsome as Master Yasuo, I wouldn't have to worry so much. "

"If that brat Yasuo knew that the leader of the Wild Wolf Squad praised him so much, he would probably scream for the rest of his life. Captain Darius, you treat me to a drink. When this battle is over, I'll treat you back. You are not allowed to refuse.”

"Haha, it's free to drink. If you don't eat, you won't eat. When the time comes, we'll get drunk again!"

"Okay! It's a deal!"

In the broken rocky ground, a biting storm emerged out of nowhere, raging across the earth like a tornado. The flying sand and rocks rolled up covered the strange fluorescent purple sky, and condensed into sharp skinning and boning knives, scraping the giant bite alive layer by layer. Worm Pahz's body caused heavy trauma to the thick-skinned void beast.

The one-armed swordsman melted into the wind. Apart from a suit of clothing that concealed his ugly appearance, the man who abandoned all external objects only had a long sword as sharp and dazzling as the deep winter snow.

The long knife in his hand turned into the deadliest murderous intention. The afterimage of the blade shrouded the body of the ninth void apostle Suzana, chopping up the proliferating void bone shield like a hot knife cutting butter. It was just a wanton wind blade sword. The light caused the Void Apostle, who was arrogant just now, to be covered in bruises and miserable.

For Suzana, she was also extremely unjust. This was a 100% battle. The injured and poisoned man ran away and dragged herself down. She also cut off an arm and seriously injured herself. It can be said that she had all the advantages from the beginning. Advantage.

No matter how you consider it, it should be a one-sided fight. However, after the man broke his arm, he seemed to be a different person. He had a cold face with a face of 258,000 yuan, but a Suzana... A special energy that has never been seen before lingers around the man's body. The three-inch white light on the blade is particularly terrifying. Every move can cause the wind element here to turmoil, causing Suzana and Pahz to feel like needles. instinctive fear,

What makes Suzana most incomprehensible is that the void energy that can suppress and swallow the energy of the four elements is actually vulnerable when faced with the white light that is only three inches above the sword's edge.

What kind of terrifying ability is it that can even cut off the void energy that symbolizes nothingness?

There was no room for thinking. Suzana controlled the void worm Pahz under her body to protect herself with all her strength. In addition to the armored bone shield condensed by the void worm, Suzana also had a layer of void skin attached to her body.

The Skin of the Void comes from the gift of the Queen of the Void, Belvis, and can only be possessed by the Apostles of the Void. It can not only resist, absorb and counterattack various elemental energies except light and darkness, but can also resist the slashing and stabbing of swords. Absorbs most of the impact.

Such an impeccable defense, Suzana herself didn't know how to break it, but the one-armed swordsman flying into the sky just used the simplest slash to break through the bone shield and void skin, allowing Suzana to use it. The ethereal body strengthened by magic brings irreparable wounds.

If the death threat hadn't been accompanying her like a shadow, Suzana would rather believe that she was daydreaming about being tortured and killed by a handsome man in the lavender sea.

"Yasuo! You deserve to die! You really deserve to die! You are hurt so badly! Why are you still going against me? Why are you still hurting me?"

When Suzana was embarrassed and frightened, a strong wind blew, and Yasuo's silent figure appeared in mid-air, and he slashed at Suzana with a simple sword.

Facing a simple sword, notice that the bone shield of high-level magic is being separated like a layer of paper. The skin of the void opens a crack several inches long, and once again goes deep under the surface, giving Suzana It brings unspeakable pain, as if the soul is split in two. Even childbirth is not so painful.

While screaming, she even had the feeling that if the Void Skin hadn't blocked her, her body would have been cut in half by the blade, and even Her Majesty the Queen wouldn't have been able to save her.

[How could I meet such a freak? 】

Seeing that she could not defend herself, and that the void spell could not hit Yasuo who was hiding in the wind, Suzana, who was secretly resentful, could not help but retreat. It seemed that the man who was running out of gas became more and more courageous as he fought. , He wanted to kill her here as if he had been given blood. It was almost as if he was risking his life.

Such strange things made her recall the scene when she faced the Queen of the Void. She could understand that the Queen of the Void, Belvis, was the creator of the Purple Sea, and that the Purple Sea was a special environment filled with void energy. , but she couldn't understand how Belvis controlled and changed the lavender sea,

She still clearly remembered the scene of Pahz crawling out of the corpse pit under her crotch. Under the Queen's order, the lavender sea seemed to have taken on an entity and formed an airtight giant corpse pit.

Hundreds of thousands or even millions have gone through double screening. Void creatures with different shapes and races but very powerful strength are killing each other and devouring each other in the corpse pit, eliminating the weak in the corpse pit like poison.

Every void creature in the corpse pit has extremely high intelligence, and its only purpose is to kill and devour other void creatures, survive and gain the approval of the Queen.

Pahz is a powerful void creature born in a corpse pit. After testing, Pahz has a very good compatibility with her. With her unremitting efforts, Pahz finally recognized her and became her guardian beast.

Even if she got to this point, she had to pay a huge price. She had just completed the evolution and obtained Hepaz. She had not enjoyed more, and she did not want to die at the hands of a madman so early.

Suzana, who had no intention of fighting anymore, used all her strength to heal the void skin and cast another defensive spell.

Pahz roared, and under the control of Suzana, he swung his body towards the Storm Blade hovering in the air.

It didn't matter. Pahz's lower limbs were cut off one by one by the storm blade hovering in the air. The purple blood and residual limbs were crushed and strangled by the wind blade before they even hit the ground. Pahz whined in pain. With a sound, the body began to shake.

Taking advantage of the Void Worm being severely injured, Yasuo ducked out to the worm's head, slashed it with a knife, and the huge head rolled to the ground.

Losing the point of continuing to control Pahz, Suzana struggled to crawl out of Pahz's head.

"Spare my life, I tell you..."


The light of the sword flashed, and the wind and prison gradually ceased.

Yasuo knelt on the ground, holding his knife on the ground.

One meter away, the body of the Void Apostle was broken in the middle, split into two sections from the Tianling Cap to the crotch. He was already dead and could no longer die. (End of chapter)

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