League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1011 Chapter1009 The Battle of Ixoken (10)

Blood spattered on Thain's body, like a spark falling into an oil tank. The dry hell furnace rekindled the flames, the cursed human skin began to fall off, and the lost power returned to Thain's body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three more merciless blows, and a big hole was smashed out of the thorn helmet.

Thain roared angrily and put his hands on the broken part of the helmet. With a pull, the heavy helmet was torn into two pieces and thrown out. The damaged heavy helmet smashed the two of them like a cannonball.

Without stopping, Thane pulled out dozens of arrows stuck in his body, clasped his fingers directly on the peeling edge of the cursed human skin, and tore the cursed object that suppressed the furnace of hell away from his body, skin and flesh.

Such a brave move made the other five Mitna warriors fly away from their souls. They are not afraid of dying bravely, but if the death is as meaningless as the heavy helmet of thorns and the cursed human skin, this death will definitely not be called glory. .

According to the consistent style of the Dark Lord, if a battle is a one-sided massacre, then the Dark Lord will definitely pay more attention to the murderer, and the victim will only become a sacrifice for the winner.

It is a pity that when the steel gate of the death arena is closed, it will never be opened unless there is a decision between life and death.

Without any weapons, the other five people on the field were caught and torn apart like rag dolls, bringing an undisputed massacre to the residents of Mitna.

The Lich Director also did not expect that the hell chariot ordered by Mordekaiser would have such terrible destructive power, and it could not even last for an hour or three.

Afraid that the fight would be too ugly, the Lich Director hurriedly sent other gladiators to the battlefield temporarily. Facing Thain who lost his restraints and gradually regained his strength, the gladiators who entered the battle were naturally annihilated.

The only thing that makes the Lich Manager happy is that Mordekaiser did not show any dissatisfaction, so those gladiators' deaths were considered valuable.

After watching a hearty massacre, Mordekaiser felt refreshed and went directly to the dark dungeon. In the dark dungeon, he still had a unique performance to watch.

"The fire is going out again."

The unshaven Akshan was wearing rags, hugging his legs and sitting against the wall stained with flesh and blood, helplessly watching the firelight dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye, like an increasingly faint light of hope.

When the pyre was completely burned and the flames were extinguished, a cold feeling came from all directions, like an evil beast that eats people without spitting out their bones.

The coldness of the dungeon is not a human feeling, but a substantial curse. The entire dungeon seems to be alive, with a shadow curse penetrating every living person in the dungeon.

If you stay in a place without firelight and heat for a long time, the power of the shadow curse will gradually deepen.

If they fail to act in time, living people will be directly transformed into undead creatures by the shadow curse. They will become part of the dungeon forever and never be able to get out.

In the dark dungeon, living people must take action if they want to survive, and keep advancing in the dangerous dungeon until they find a safe camp where they can have a good sleep or die in the dungeon and become part of the endless withered bones. until.

If you are a resident of Mitnarachen, you don't need to consider the shadow curse. You only need to keep fighting to get Mordekaiser's gift. Akshan, who is not ready to abandon his human identity at the moment, naturally has to die to get it. privileged qualifications, we can only continue to struggle.

"We should go."

Under Akshan's gaze, Sally neatly packed her luggage and carefully checked the equipment she carried with her.

Different from the frivolous female Bodhisattva style in the past, as the vanguard of the three-person team, Sally now shaved off all her hair, equipped with a one-handed hammer and wooden shield, and looked very reliable.

Gayed is holding a skeleton staff picked up in the dark dungeon, which can temporarily serve as a spell-casting medium, because it is difficult to replenish mana in the dark dungeon. Unless necessary, Gayed can only rely on himself. Believe in the Holy Light to release some healing spells and apply positive status to teammates.

As for Akshan himself, he used a short bow he picked up and acted as an archer.

Opening the heavy wooden door, the three of them left the abandoned safe camp.

As they expected, the dark corridor with the castle style of the Dark Ages outside the camp was no longer what it was before entering the camp. The broken bottles and cans and scattered bones on the ground looked extremely unfamiliar.

Every once in a while, the dungeon will undergo unpredictable terrain changes. It is unrealistic to find a way out according to the map drawn by Tu Suo Ji. Of course, it may also be because the three of them have not understood the rules of the dungeon changes.

When the three people were forcibly thrown into the dark dungeon, the malicious Mitner undead guard did not tell the three people anything about the dark dungeon. Although he did not say it explicitly, Akshan always thought that he could survive until now. kind of miracle.

There are no enemies on both sides of the corridor and at the end of the corridor. There are only three wooden doors. For the three of Akshan, there is no need to consider how to go ahead, because there will always be a road ahead, like an endless corridor leading to the abyss.

"Click, click..."

At Sally's signal, Akshan put his ear against the wooden door and soon heard the collision of armor on the other side.

Akshan let out a breath and immediately made a gesture, and the three of them slowed down and quietly walked away from the wooden door at the end of the corridor, whispering.

"How about it?"

"It's the Iron Knight, we have to find another way."

When she heard it was an armored knight, Sally's face didn't look good.

The difficulty of the armored knight is enough to rank among the top ten in the dark dungeon. Apart from the shortcoming of slow movement, the armored knight can almost be called the nemesis of dungeon survivors.

Neither the one-handed hammer in her hand nor Akshan's bow and arrow could cause effective damage to the armored knight.

The only one among the three that has an attack effect is Gayed's Holy Light Magic. One shot can dispel an armored knight, causing the invulnerable iron shell to scatter on the ground.

But if you exhaust all your faith energy as soon as you go out, you will have to use cold weapons to fight if you encounter any trouble later.

He re-checked the other two wooden doors. Akshan, who still had the most sensitive hearing, investigated first, but he didn't hear any sound.

Quiet dungeon rooms tend to be more threatening than armored knights that move on their own and make noises.

Arriving at a wooden door, Akshan took out two unlocking wires and inserted them into the keyhole. If you don't know how to open the lock, you can directly destroy the wooden door with a weapon, but this will easily alert the snake and attract some monsters that are sensitive to sound.

There was a soft "click", and the door lock was considered to be unlocked. Akshan retreated behind Sally and watched with bated breath as Sally gently pushed open the wooden door.

The new dungeon room is not too small, about 200 square meters. There is a large long table in the center of the room, and an iron metal treasure chest with a hidden lock is hidden under the table.

The table was scattered with various silver plates and red candlesticks carrying food. The aroma of roasted whole pigs wafted in the air. Akshan, who had a sharp eye, even saw several unopened bottles of wine and couldn't help but lick the dry ones. lips,

Everything in front of them was like a banquet that had just ended, full of temptation for the three of them.

Although he was so hungry that he wanted to stuff all the food on the table into his stomach, Akshan knew that he must not be tempted by the food randomly placed in the dungeon.

It would be fine if we didn’t find those magically protected food and water bottles. After all, living people can’t starve to death.

Akshan is not that stupid even though he clearly knows that edible survival resources can be found in the treasure chests in the dungeon and yet he eats these foods which are clearly traps.

The fact is just as Akshan guessed. If you eat food and water that are not protected by magic, you will be instantly transformed into a monster in the dungeon by the shadow curse.

"Six skeletons, get ready."

Sally pointed to the scattered skeletons in the corner of the room, and lowered her voice to remind the two of them,

Akshan nodded, took out an arrow from the quiver and put it on the bow string, while Gayed silently stood at the door and watched the rear to prevent any monster from attacking from behind.

After a long period of running-in, the three of them have already developed an extraordinary tacit understanding.

Seeing that the two were ready to fight, Sally carefully moved towards the pile of bones closest to her. When she got close to a distance of five meters, the scattered bones floated up and quickly reorganized in the invisible force.

Before the skeleton could fully regain its footing, Sally suddenly stepped forward and hit the skull with a one-handed hammer.

The garlic-shaped metal hammer made a sound of breaking through the air. It was rounded and hit on the top of the skull of the skeleton, making a half-fist-sized hole, and directly performed a craniotomy on the skeleton.

Even though he was severely injured, the skeleton man still did not die and slashed at Sally's head with the long sword in his hand.

Sally raised her shield to block the slash from the sword, and the sword made a crisp sound when it hit the wooden shield. Akshan shot a bow arrow that hit the skeleton man's head, breaking the skull into pieces.

The skeleton who suffered the second fatal blow finally fell to the ground, and the long sword in his hand turned into black smoke and disappeared. Judging from this scene alone, it is difficult to say that the skeleton was really killed, more like The skeletons return to the dungeon cycle in an incomprehensible way.

At the same time that the first skeleton was killed, the other five skeletons had already stood up and staggered around from both sides of the banquet table.

Sally raised her shield alone to block the side, fighting the three skeletons while stuck in her position.

Akshan, who was fully focused, took the initiative to attract the other two skeletons. The spacious environment gave Akshan the opportunity to fight guerrillas. With the help of the complex environment of the long table and armchairs, Akshan nimbly avoided the skeletons' attacks. The two of them quickly Each of them quickly cleared out a skeleton,

Just when the pressure on the two of them was greatly reduced, Gayed's expression changed. At the end of the dark corridor, the solid and heavy wooden door was making a frightening impact. Seeing the vibrating wooden door being An ax opened a crack.

"The armored knight has discovered us! The heavy ax knight is breaking down the door! You move faster!"

While speaking, Gayed had already locked the wooden door of the room, in order to reduce the noise and delay.

Sally and Akshan's expressions changed. They no longer considered whether the fighting method was safe or not, and began to aggressively attack the remaining three skeletons.

The sizable skeletons were all wiped out within half a minute, and the footsteps of the armored knights could be heard in the corridor.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The cold plate armor feet made a dull sound when they stepped on the floor tiles.

Without taking a breath, the sweaty Akshan fiddled with the wire and continued to unlock the next dungeon door. Sally and Gayed remained silent, hoping that the armored knight would not determine their location.

"Click", another dungeon door leading to other rooms was successfully unlocked, but Akshan did not dare to open the door. Instead, he and the other two silently waited for the verdict of fate.

Three minutes passed quickly, and no other sound came from the corridor, as if the armored knight had left. However, the three Akshan people did not dare to be careless at all, let alone speak.

There was no point in just waiting, so Akshan made a gesture to the two of them, lay down on the ground and crawled quietly to the bottom of the long table, and poked the keyhole of the iron treasure box with the unlocking wire.

In order to give the survivors in the dungeon a chance of survival, some treasure chests may appear in each dungeon room.

The treasure chest will randomly provide some weapons and equipment or necessary survival resources. All items that can be used safely will exude a dim white luster in the dungeon, which is quite obviously different from the delicacies on the banquet table.

In addition to some of the most common wooden treasure chests, most metal treasure chests have complex hidden locks. There are many trap treasure chests connected to other traps and mimic treasure chests disguised as treasure chests. How to judge whether the treasure box is safe has become the key to survival. ,

Because of this, Akshan, who has mastered lock-picking skills, has become the busiest among the three, and his lock-picking experience has improved by leaps and bounds, because most of the secret locks in the dungeon have design specifications from the Dark Ages, and the method of unlocking has changed. No dressing change.

If it were replaced by Fidelette's magic lock and hexagonal lock, even Akshan would have no choice but to wait for death.

After unlocking the secret lock of the iron treasure chest, Akshan glanced at his two companions and carefully opened the treasure chest.

Inside the treasure chest were quietly placed three leather kettles filled with clean water, and two pieces of dry bread that were hard enough to be used as bricks.

In addition, there was a clean bandage for dressing the wound and a ring with unknown effects. Akshan put on the ring directly and put the food and water in the treasure box into his bag.

After Akshan had collected the loot, the three of them no longer hesitated, quietly opened another dungeon door and headed to another dungeon room.

At the same time, Mordekaiser, who was connected to the core of the dark dungeon formation, shook his head with regret. From his perspective, ten armored knights were standing quietly outside a wooden door, headed by a giant axe. Executioners are motivated by killing and are looking for any clues.

If there was any movement, the heavily armored knight would break in and chop the three little mice into pieces, but from beginning to end, the heavily armored knight made no move.

The little mouse's vitality was actually stronger than he imagined. (End of chapter)

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