League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1012 Chapter1010 The Battle of Ixoken (11)

"Master, I will bring you a glorious victory. May you witness my path of blood. May you give me courage and strength and make me strong and courageous. May this world surrender at your feet..."

Leopold knelt before the skull altar he built with his own hands and prayed. Before each battle, he would set aside some time to express his emotions and thoughts to his master, although most of the time his master would not respond. However, he still maintains a persistent and optimistic attitude.

In fact, he did feel that his body's strength was increasing day by day. He firmly believed that this was a gift given to him by his master, and he would rely on this gift to move forward and eventually be reunited with his son.

"Lord Leopold, Lord Sebastian has given the order for the legions to assemble, and we must set off."

The profane warrior Abdo came from behind carelessly, as if he had just completed the sacrifice. Abdo's armor was still covered with bright red blood, and it was somewhat disrespectful to come to see his superior without cleaning it.

Compared with before, Abdo's strength has been significantly enhanced, and the aura emanating from his body is actually approaching the death knight, far superior to other fallen warriors, and I don't know how much he has eaten alone on the battlefield.

Noticing the obvious change in Abdo's attitude compared to before, Leopold felt cold in his heart. He stood up and stared at Abdo silently without saying a word.

The blank look in his eyes made Abdo feel a little nervous. His body involuntarily became shorter, and his tone became humble again.

"Lord Leopold, when you look at me like this...do you want me to do something?"

Not prepared to continue to succumb to Abdoux, Leopold knew that if he could not completely subdue the rebellious fallen warrior in front of him, his end would be no better than Tusman.

"Abdo, after all, you are a fallen warrior who took the initiative to surrender to me. I could tolerate your little tricks on the battlefield before, but don't forget, I can make you stand up, and I can also make you lie down forever.

This is the authority granted to me by the Lord of Darkness. As the general of this undead army, I have the authority to grant you eternal death. Even if Lord Sebastian knew about it, he would not say anything. "

"Sir, what are you talking about? I have always been loyal to you..."

Before Abdo finished speaking, Leopold had already grabbed Abdo's head.

The heavy fallen warrior was picked up by Leopold with one hand. His feet were dangling in the air and he kept struggling, but he couldn't break free from the powerful hands like steel pliers.

Abdo, who was horrified in his heart, could not imagine why the ordinary Orion who had become a monk in front of him would grow so fast. Even though he was trying his best to make progress, the gap between the two sides was still getting wider and wider.

Leopold saw what he wanted from Abdo's wavering, and the man sneered.

"Until now, you are still playing tricks on me. If you were really loyal to me, the prisoners sent to me should not be so small. So, you are challenging my patience. You want to give it a try. Do I dare to kill you?"

After saying that, Leopold tightened his fingers, and Abdo's carefully maintained helmet began to dent, making a tooth-gripping sound. Abdo could even feel that his head was deforming.

"Lord Leopold, please spare my life! I swear on my soul that I will devote my loyalty to you! From now on, I will fulfill your orders meticulously!"

With a "pop", Abdo fell to the ground, covering his head in pain, and looking at Leopold, there was only fear and awe in his eyes.

"Stop talking useless nonsense and let me see your actual actions. Otherwise, I will crush your head the next time we meet."

The terrifying hunter left the altar and began to gather his soldiers. Abdo got up from the ground in embarrassment, throwing all his little thoughts out of the sky.

He completely understood that the hunters of Omta were different from him. Leopold was the true chosen one and had received endless blessings from the Dark Lord.

If not, it would be impossible for a mortal to defeat the Death Knight, let alone to grow to a level that far surpasses the Death Knight in such a short period of time.

He is really looking for death by playing tricks with such a being.

"Sir, this time, we will definitely capture this city."

The Lich Ahsoka stood behind Sebastian, leaning on the skull staff. The two of them were floating in the air, overlooking the Royal Capital of Ixtar not far away. Sebastian in front was still an ancient well. With a waveless expression, Ahsoka in the back showed a lewd and confident smile.

Through the secret method of the underworld, Ahsoka can penetrate the fog of death. From his overlooking perspective, the endless undead army has surrounded Iso Oken.

With the undead creature [Soul Reaper] created by Sebastian himself suppressing the formation, Ixoken's defenders no longer dared to leave the city to fight, and could only defend the city, watching helplessly as the mist of death slowly pressed down on them. Ixioken's Holy Light Barrier shrinks towards the city wall at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It won't be long before the fog of death will cover the outer walls of Ixoken and compress the battle line within the city of Ixoken.

At that time, endless undead creatures and four undead legions that have been prepared will launch a full-scale attack on Ixoken. Coupled with the spread of the fog of death, it only takes a week for Ixoken to turn into a piece of land. death place,

Tens of millions of souls are enough to change the entire war situation and make Ixoken the capital of Hades in the material realm.

As a member of the 'Higher Commander', Ahsoka couldn't even imagine how many benefits she would get from this battle.

When he was alive, he spent his whole life as a dark wizard hiding in hiding. He lived in fear of being beaten to death as a street rat. But when he died, he could become the leader of hundreds of corpse demons and attack the city. Sure enough, it is better to die early and start over while still alive, which can save some time.

Regarding Ahsoka's certainty, Sebastian showed a non-committal attitude.

"Ahsoka, nothing you say before victory is meaningless. Instead of talking about these useless nonsense, I want you to do one thing. This thing can only be done by you."

Hearing this, Ahsoka couldn't help but be startled and had a bad feeling in her heart.

He has always been by Sebastian's side to guide the country. He has never left Sebastian unless necessary, so much so that he has almost forgotten that his identity is just a pendant of a big shot, not even an aide. Yes, at best he is an errand boy.

The reason why he can still be used as a pendant is because the big shots haven't thrown him out yet, and the reverence and smiling faces of the undead army generals are not just for him.

The huge gap between reality and ideals did not defeat Ahsoka. Instead, it made Ahsoka more motivated and eager to be reused.

"My lord, please give me your instructions. Even if you go up mountains of swords and go down into seas of fire, I will definitely get things done for you."

Still satisfied with Ahsoka's attitude, Sebastian took out the summoning crystal that Ahsoka was already familiar with and handed it over.

"I want you to personally control the Soul Reaper. Your mission is to use the Soul Reaper to collect mortal souls as much as possible while ensuring that the Soul Reaper does not die.

The outcome of the war has nothing to do with you. You only need to ensure the safety of the Death Reaper and bring the Death Reaper's summoning crystal back to me intact. Even if you complete the task, do you understand what I mean? "

Ahsoka held the crystal and wanted to put it away, but Sebastian did not let go. He just stared at Ahsoka coldly and waited for Ahsoka to express her stance.

Seeing this, Ahsoka retracted her hand and did not directly agree to this seemingly simple task.

He vaguely felt that he seemed to be involved in some terrible conspiracy. You must know that the capture of Ixoken was the death order of the Dark Lord. But now, the matter involving the Soul Reaper was actually more complicated than the capture of Ixocan. The priority of his task is even higher, but this task still falls on his head.

He didn't need to think about it to know what would happen to his phylactery if he didn't get things done.

He hadn't lived a good life for a few days after his death. If he had lost himself in such an inexplicable way, wouldn't his death have been in vain?

Ahsoka's face became a little more flattering.

"Lord Sebastian, how could the Soul Reaper you created be in danger if it is so powerful? Even if it kills all the people in the city, it is just a matter of time, right? And I am just a little lich, so I'm afraid I'm not suitable. Do this, otherwise you should consider others..."

Seeing that Ahsoka was about to back down, Sebastian took the initiative and forced the Soul Reaper's summoning crystal into Ahsoka's hand. He lowered his head and glanced at the summoning crystal in his hand. The smile on the Lich's face Suddenly it was uglier than crying.

God knows, he originally thought this thing was a fighting tool that could be sacrificed at any time.

"The Noxus Empire never lacks strong men. Even the soul reapers may suffer heavy losses or even be completely destroyed. Can you guarantee that this will not happen?"

Ahsoka made a grimace and said nothing, and Sebastian's heavy tone changed, becoming more serious and thoughtful.

"Well, because this thing is so important, I need a smart person I can trust to help me prevent all possible accidents. I can't rely on those guys who only believe in drastic measures to help me do this."

At this point, Ahsoka had no room to refuse, so she could only nod and carefully put away the summoning crystal.

"Since the adults trust the villain so much, the villain must do this well even if he risks his life."

After watching Ahsoka leave in a hurry, Sebastian returned his attention to the battlefield and issued the order to attack.

Under the control of the corpse demon, hundreds of thousands of death umbrellas opened their umbrellas one after another, spitting out streams of black-green opaque light mist. The light mist soon merged into dots of very beautiful and deadly mist of death. Swarming towards the outer battlements of Ixocan.

Sebastian stared intently at the northwest gate of Ixoken, watching the fog of death roll towards the city.

Although Radiant Blessing can resist the immediate fatal damage caused by the fog of death to humans, its effectiveness is not endless.

It is more than enough to cover hundreds of thousands of defenders. Once the fog of death spreads to densely populated areas in the city, no matter how powerful Vidalian is, it will be impossible to trap all humans affected by the fog of death. A layer of shining blessings,

At that time, the humans who died in the fog of death will become part of the fog of death, releasing a large amount of death energy and providing a more efficient combat environment for the undead army's attack.

In addition, the fog of death can also protect the undead army from launching a surprise attack on the defenders on the city wall. As long as the Noxians have not cracked the mystery of the Umbrella of Death, the city of Ixoken will inevitably fall.

It wasn't that he was arrogant, but he didn't know how to fight this battle if he thought from his perspective.

However, unexpected things will always appear when expected,

When the fog of death approached the city wall less than ten meters, the magic cannon that had not fired for a long time roared. This time, the magic cannon fired was not an enhanced magic shell with very limited power, but one after another. white light bomb,

The light bomb flew out of the city in a parabola according to different coverage areas. However, it did not land and bloom as Sebastian thought. Instead, it exploded in the air and sprinkled a crystalline light powder.

The light powder seemed to be controlled by some kind of delay spell and spread further in mid-air, forming a holy mist that could cover a hundred square meters.

Just like a mouse meeting a cat, after blending with the holy mist, the death mist was purified on the spot, achieving perfect restraint in terms of attributes.

What shocked Sebastian the most was the effect of the holy mist on the Umbrella of Death. Within the spread range of the holy mist, the Umbrellas of Death turned from virtual to real, and then died one after another, and soon formed a patchwork of death in a short period of time. The vacuum zone where umbrellas cannot reproduce,

The fog of death that lost its stamina quickly became thinner, and continued to retreat under the counterattack of the Holy Light Barrier, exposing the undead army that had approached the city.

The morale of the city defenders was greatly boosted. Under the cover of three other types of artillery, they launched a condescending attack on the undead army outside the city.

Covered by a wide range of holy light magic and artillery, the numerical advantage of the undead army disappeared. As low-level undead creatures died suddenly, the powerful fallen warriors and annihilation shooters were quickly exposed and became holy spear shooters. Focusing on the target of fire, the undead army fell into an absolute disadvantage for a while.

Witnessing the instant reversal of the battle situation he had planned, Sebastian, who had been nurturing his energy for a long time, also felt a little more uncontrollable anger.

Counting those low-level undead creatures serving as cannon fodder, a million-strong army was already approaching the city, and the Umbrella of Death had lost its effect. If he retreated at this moment, he would no longer be able to capture Isu Oken. He would have to fight to the death with hard power. Entering the city, relying on the Soul Reaper as a surprise move, you may be able to turn the tables.

"Pass my order! Attack with all your strength at all costs! This city will be destroyed today!" (End of Chapter)

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