League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1042 Chapter1040 Shyvana’s Experience

For Lester, who has already touched the door of truth, even if his body is pierced by Atreus's star-penetrating spear, let alone the Holy Silver Crossbow, his life will not be in danger.

Shyvana is different. Her dragon-shaped body cannot resist the holy silver crossbow arrows with armor-breaking and demon-breaking properties. Coupled with the existing wounds, even if an ordinary steel crossbow arrow pierces into the flesh, it will be extremely painful. , the injuries were too serious and there was even a risk of losing his life.

Shyvana didn't know what kind of mentality she had because she overestimated her own capabilities and took the initiative to block the arrows of a magical wolf that was much more powerful than herself. She only knew that she would never regret doing this.

"You've done enough, just watch next."

The giant wolf transformed by Lester spoke human words with such clarity that Shyvana was envious.

"Ice barrier."

The wolf's claws shot it in the air, and the ice element condensed into a protective dragon armor outside Shyvana's hot dragon body.

Although the two elemental attributes of water and fire are incompatible, Shyvana did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, she felt that the cold ice was unusually comfortable. She flapped her wings a few times, and the ice armor condensed outside her body was actually It won't have any impact on her actions.

After further self-examination, Shyvana was soon surprised. Her wounds seemed to be healing quickly in the ice armor. The ice element magic with healing properties was simply unheard of and unseen.


The ice armor formed in an instant was three minutes faster than the pre-emptive crossbow bolt. After the ice armor was formed, the crossbow bolt arrived belatedly, and was blocked by what seemed to be only a thin layer of azure blue ice. Opened and fell to the ground.

Shyvana's eyes widened and she raised her long neck, looking a little cute. She knew that there were some particularly lethal silver crossbow arrows among those crossbow arrows, but even the silver crossbow arrows couldn't break her body. Apart from the ice armor, how strong is this man who came out halfway?


The silver giant wolf looked up to the sky and roared. The war cry, which was more oppressive than the dragon's roar, directly turned into a substantial sonic attack and overwhelmed the rebels' formation.

After taking a blow from Leicester's wolf roar, the Forbidden Army crossbowman guarding the entrance to the palace covered his head and staggered to the ground. The weak-willed person fainted directly, and the stronger person retained consciousness but lost it. Ability to resist.

The giant wolf began to change shape. When the magical light dissipated, the rapidly shrinking giant wolf had turned into a handsome man over 1.9 meters tall. It was Lester's undisguised human form.

Seeing that the magical wolf that saved her had transformed into a human body, and her injuries were relieved, Shyvana also tried to recite the dragon's shape-changing magic, and successfully transformed into a scarred girl. She followed closely, wanting to see what the man was going to do. do what.

She was completely stunned after taking only two steps. Even though she had become a human, the ice armor outside her body still existed on the surface of her body, playing a role in protection and healing. Such an unreasonable spell was not so much Magic is rather a legendary miracle.

Not knowing that he had been regarded by Shyvana as the god of magic walking in the world, Lester strolled up to the rebel commander, spread his fingers and grasped the commander's twisted head,

A strange force was injected into the commander's brain, the commander regained his 'calmness', and Lester also let go of the commander's head.

"What's your name? Which family are you from?"

The adjutant who was being questioned by Lester looked full of respect and obedience.

"Sir, my name is Segura Chrisman, and I am a descendant of the Chrisman family."

Looking back at the tall dragon girl standing behind him like a bodyguard, Lester was a little surprised that Shyvana was not the purple-skinned one in the game, but a sexy, tall lady with fair skin and long violet hair. Boy, this look is right in his strike zone.

Is this a genetic mutation or something? How come the race has changed?

Lester suddenly became curious about Shyvana's life experience, but it was not appropriate to talk about it now.

Nodding to the shy innocent dragon girl, Lester looked back at the Demacia noble kid with hanging eyes.

"Who instigated you to betray Demacia?"

"It's the head of the Eldred family. He said that the Forbidden Demons are finished. The Forbidden Demon Stone will be dismantled sooner or later. The kingdom will be destroyed by the Noxians and magic. The Chrisman family has no way out.

Instead of watching the Chrisman family being destroyed by the Noxians, it is better to actively join the Blood Dynasty. All members of the Chrisman family can become noble blood descendants and enjoy eternal life. "

Hearing what Segura said, Sivana clenched her fists, wishing to blow Segura's head off with one punch. These insidious villains had made up their minds to side with the vampires from the beginning, but she still felt stupid. It was a misunderstanding that led to the attack.

Thinking of this, Shyvana uncontrollably turned her attention to the man in front of her who was half a head taller than herself. If she hadn't met her savior, she would definitely have been killed by these insidious humans and the vampire. Get killed!

Hearing the name Eldred, Lester frowned slightly.

If he remembered correctly, this sufferer was supposed to marry Galen's aunt of the Crownguard family, Tiana, the former Grand Marshal of Demacia in the world line.

This guy Eldred obtained political resources by relying on soft food, and after winning over a large number of nobles, he expanded the forbidden demons under the Chrisman family from the security police to the level of the Gestapo.

After this guy came to power, he used the Demonic Ban to arbitrarily eliminate dissidents and political opponents. In order to gain power, he harmed countless innocent people in Demacia. He is indeed a ruthless person.

It's a pity that this guy met him. During a diplomatic visit, he directly abducted the heroic blond iron lady Tiana to the Noxus Empire. Naturally, the marriage between the Chrisman family and the Lightshield family ended without any problem.

Eldred, who had already lost the political resources of the Lightshield family, met Prince Jarvan who was close to the empire. The Forbidden Demons had no room for development at all, which was quite unlucky.

Speaking of which, he really wasn't the one who won people's love. You must know that Tiana is the holder of Kindred's mark. Let alone poaching, Tiana must be kidnapped back to Noxus even if it is kidnapping.

Taking into account the above factors, Leicester has every reason to suspect that Eldred is so hostile to the Noxus Empire because he took Tiana away. Why is it purely for the sake of the Chrisman family and Demacia? It's fart.

"Where is Eldred?"

After looking around blankly, Segura didn't see Eldred and spoke.

"The head of the Eldred family entered the palace and never came out again."

After taking a look at the disabled and sick people on the ground who still had not recovered, Lester ordered.

"Catch all your men and tie them with ropes, and wait for my announcement. There must be no mistakes."


Only then did Leicester have time to look behind him at Miss Long Nu, who was a little nervous due to his gaze.

With his eyesight from seeing countless women, he could see through at a glance that this tall, mature-faced lady was actually an innocent girl who had not experienced much, and was the type of person most easily deceived by scumbag men.

Fortunately, he is not a scumbag.

"May I have your name?"

"Shyvana, Shyvana is my name."

"Shvana, come with me. I think the palace is also in chaos. Maybe you can help."

Shyvana nodded happily with joy in her heart.


Lester took the lead in walking into the palace of Demacia. Just like walking into his own home, he took Shyvana and walked straight to the main hall of the palace.

In the splendid palace, you can see various corpses and vampire salt piles,

Most of the corpses came from the fearless vanguard and the royal palace guards, and a very few came from the palace maids. All the dead had their blood sucked out. They died in a miserable state. They obviously encountered a very powerful enemy.

Considering that the vampire killed by his own claw also had the strength of a pure-blood clan, Lester deduced that the blood descendants who entered the palace might belong to a certain top-ranked pure-blood clan.

"Are you a hunter? Have you passed the night hunter's test?"

Lester suddenly spoke, startling Shyvana who was in a daze.

"Not yet, but Teacher Gehrman said that after the trip to Demacia is over, he will arrange the trial of the Night Hunter for me."

Lester raised his eyebrows slightly, quite surprised.

Speaking of Gehrman, this guy is a truly ruthless character, the imperial god of murder without any trace of water.

For most of the elite soldiers of the Noxus Empire, just surviving on the alien battlefield is enough to be proud. However, Gehrman had some strange encounters. He loved killing very much and his fighting talent was astonishing.

Gehrman, who likes to act alone, has developed abnormally all the way. From an ordinary soldier to a king of imperial soldiers, he killed astral mages and clan blood descendants in a mortal body and cried for their fathers and mothers. There will be high-value kill targets that will be hunted day and night by several astral apostles.

It stands to reason that a hard-blooded elite like Gehrman would serve in the Imperial Legion for the rest of his life. He could rise up the ranks and at least become a major general. However, Gehrman still retired. The reason was naturally not because he was injured or tired of killing, but because he had gained To complete the task of forming the Night Hunters,

On the surface, Hermann is a small leader of the Night Hunters, but in fact, Hermann is the founder of the Night Hunters. He is only responsible to the Imperial Prime Minister Xina. Hermann's military status is still retained, and he is a major with real power.

The Night Hunters are different from the existing regular or elite troops of the Noxus Empire.

There are only two types of members of the Night Hunters. One is a natural warrior who has undergone some unknown mutations like Gehrman on the alien battlefield, and the other is a person with extraordinary talents who is personally recommended by the Night Hunter instructors.

The former uses self-created methods to train the latter in order to enable the latter to gain unknown power.

As far as Lester knows, the Night Hunters have not yet figured out what the fighting ability Gehrman masters is. Because they don’t know the principle, it is also very difficult to reproduce and inherit this power through training. After all, it is the time of creation. But after five years of experimental army, this matter is really too urgent.

How did such a powerful figure like Gehrman get connected with Shyvana?

Lester, who thought of this, asked the question directly.

"Gehrman is your teacher? How did you become Gehrman's apprentice?"

After hesitating for a moment, Shyvana spoke with lingering fear.

"Ivar's mother asked me to go to the Noxus Empire to join Sister Shia. Mom said that Sister Shia has a lot of delicious and fun things here. I followed the map my mother gave me, and I was hit by a crossbow as soon as I flew over the empire's border. The cannon is trapped,

A group of people were pointing at me with such big and terrifying ballistae. I thought I was going to die, so I shouted that I was a dragon from the Noxus Empire and a good dragon. They heard me speak Imperial language and didn't attack me. However, They tied me so tightly that I couldn't move. They said they wanted to find someone to verify my identity, which scared me to death. "

Lester was silent. The dragon-slaying crossbows at the empire's border were weapons of war set up to deal with the skeletal dragons on the Shadow Island. It was a miracle that Shyvana, an idiot, crossed the border directly without being shot to death by a crossbow.

Unaware of Lester's emotion, Shyvana's face looked better.

"Teacher Hermann came to me after that. The first time I saw him, I knew he was a terrible person. I must not mess with him.

Teacher Herman asked me a lot of questions, and I could only answer them truthfully. After that, he said that he would take me to Fidelette to find Sister Xia, the leader of the Dragon Legion.

He asked me if I could transform into a human being. When I said yes, he left a set of women's clothes and asked me to find a place where no one was around to transform.

The teacher also told me that except for the Holy Emperor of the Empire, I must never let anyone else see my body, let alone touch it, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

I didn't dare to disobey, so I followed the instructions and directly beat up those who wanted to see me and touch me. Those who I couldn't afford to offend were also dealt with by teachers. As time went by, no one cared about me anymore.

I wasn't used to wearing clothes at first, but then I got used to it. It felt awkward not to wear clothes. "

Hearing this, Lester was deeply moved and decided to promote Hermann to colonel. For such an outstanding talent who cared about the emperor, the rank of major was too condescending.

Unaware that her words directly boosted Lester's favorability, Sivana scratched her head and said embarrassedly.

"After that, I followed Mr. Gehrman all the way. I learned that Mr. Gehrman was a hunter of the Night Hunters, so I thought about whether I could try to make a career before joining Sister Shia.

After asking for my opinion, Teacher Gehrman agreed for me to join the hunter organization. After training for a period of time, I followed the teacher's motorcade to Demacia... If it weren't for you, I would have almost been killed. "

Speaking of this, Shyvana was confused and hesitant, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Shvana, did your mother Iva tell you about egg stealing?"

Shyvana was stunned, not quite understanding what Lester meant.

"What about stealing eggs?"

"Did any humans go to the dragon cave to steal dragon eggs before you hatched?"

Unexpectedly, Lester would ask such a question, Shyvana shook her head blankly.

"No, my mother never told me about stealing dragon eggs. How could any human being be so bold as to steal dragon eggs?"

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