League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1043 Chapter1041 Death of Jiawen

Hearing what Shyvana said, Lester nodded thoughtfully,

Perhaps because the Noxus Empire, the Light of Mankind, respects dragons, few people in this world line of Rune Land would provoke dragons out of greed.

The more powerful people are, the more they understand the relationship between the empire and the dragon, so no one dares to become a saboteur.

Without the interference of the egg-stealing human mage, Shyvana's life path was on the right track and she became a veritable dragon lady.

In addition to her name being forcibly corrected, Shyvana now has a sense of belonging to the dragon clan and has her own brothers, sisters and mother Iva. Instead of being mixed in the human and dragon worlds like the original world, she has no sense of identity. With no one to belong to, he can only hope to be an orphan accepted by Jarvan IV and the Kingdom of Demacia.

If we speculate further, I am afraid that Shyvana's purple-skinned half-dragon form is simply because the stolen dragon egg was not fully hatched. The dragon egg lacked the care of the fire dragon Ivar and had congenital defects. Now this purple-haired and white The tall and slender woman with beautiful skin is the most perfect form for the dragon to change shape.

He did not interfere with Shyvana's destiny, but Shyvana's destiny actually changed for the better because of him.

Tonight's encounter outside the Demacia Palace may have been destined to be the moment when he and Shia became attached. Now that he thinks about it, his second life is really wonderful.

Lester kept walking, but his gaze seemed to penetrate the Demacia Palace and reach a place further away than the stars in the universe.

If one day he can ascend to a higher-dimensional existence through the Gate of Truth, can he see the fate lines of his lower-dimensional self that symbolize fate?

How powerful would it be to be able to change the fate of living beings at will?

"Many people died."

She didn't know if it was because her answer failed to satisfy her savior. She didn't want to remain silent in the low pressure. She mustered up the courage to secretly glance at Lester, who had a complicated expression, and whispered.

"Are these monsters here to kill the emperor?"

Lester, who has a delicate heart with seven orifices, turned his head and saw the flattery and uneasiness in Shyvana's heart at a glance.

He smiled at Shyvana with a gentle face, calmed the dragon girl's heart with gentle words, and told the dragon girl that he was not in deep thought because of her.

“They come for the king, but not for the king, for disorder and chaos,

Miss Shyvana, the palace in Xiongdu is very big, and a blood descendant who can kill a Dauntless Vanguard Shield Sergeant with one blow is definitely not a good person. We'd better speed up, maybe we can do something before the situation is irreversible. "

Although she didn't say anything explicitly, Shyvana heard the implication of Lester's words and felt at ease.

"I'll listen to you!"

The two of them stopped talking and ran towards the main hall of the palace one after the other.

The smell of blood was getting heavier and heavier, and the almost substantial evil spirit in the air made Leicester's heart tremble. There was a layer of strange blood mist in the air, which actually gave him a slight sense of threat.

It’s just fantasy. It’s really inconsistent to use the term ‘Blood Evil Qi’ in the Rune Land of Sword and Magic. However, the thin blood mist that permeates the air is indeed different from the energy residue of blood magic.

The method of refining evil with blood is essentially equivalent in power to the red runes that symbolize killing and evolution. It can be said to be a law of truth that is not weaker than the power of runes and surpasses 90% of the power of Rune Land. Anyone who masters this method can They are both peerless monsters. As long as they have ideas, they can easily make the world flow like a river of blood.

There are only a handful of strong men who can condense evil energy with murderous intent and strengthen themselves by killing creatures. Counting Lester himself, he has only seen six people in his life.

The true demon swordsman Doron fell into the path of Shura because of the wrong killing of his master, killed his beloved, and almost slashed him to death with the life rune.

Gehrman, the number one hunter who became a god of death on the alien battlefield and even dared not launch a siege against the astral apostles if they did not unite.

The four elders of the Blades of Night fell into the abyss due to their miserable lives, and Hector, the uncle of the demon clown Shaco, the Skinned Butcher. If Hector had not personally ended his own life, I am afraid that the Noxus Empire would have been destroyed. A horrific massacre.

He is extremely talented. In order to fight against the protoss, he realized the magic of the origin of blood. He is the true ancestor of blood. Even Aatrox has to call him "big sister" when he sees him, and Vladimir has to kowtow three times when he sees him. The group of Ascended ones in the ancient Shurima Empire is in charge, and the Blood Dragon General Yagnis, who uses the scarlet dragon as the symbol of ascension,

The last one is, of course, Mordekaiser, who has long lived on the throne of Mitna Rachen in the city of the underworld, enslaved half of Valoran as a mortal, and hanged the Mother of Masks.

Counting himself, there are six people in total. A weaker one can slaughter an entire city without any pressure. Stronger people like Mordekaiser and Yagnis can easily overturn the world structure. It can be said that they have the ability to destroy the world.

Now it seems that there is a seventh such person?

Thinking of this, Lester's heart sank slightly. If there was such a strong person among the blood descendants, Gehrman might not be able to defend the old emperor of Demacia if he wasn't here.

When Lester and Shyvana rushed to the hall with all their strength,

Ten minutes ago, the palace hall, which was made of exquisite white jade-colored forbidden magic stone wall tiles, was already bleeding like a river.

Lorena stepped forward, and two fearless vanguard swordsmen, one of a thousand, put down their heavy helmets and charged at Lorena.

As if being cut into pieces by a thousand invisible blades, the Mithril heavy armor on the fearless vanguard soldier's body cracked, revealing to everyone his body that had been cut to pieces by blood under the armor.

There were two muffled sounds of "Plop", and the two elite Demacia swordsmen who were charging fell forward heavily and fell to the ground. Blood spurted out from the wounds in the bodies like fountains in the garden.

The tragic Demacian warrior died as humbly as an insect on the roadside due to the absolute power gap. The only effect was to allow the vampire who was walking barefoot to raise his toes slightly above the ground for more than ten centimeters and step over the obstacle. Corpses at feet.

Until all the blood sprayed from the body of the deceased to the outside of the body is gone, the blood-colored mist in the air seems to be much thicker.

Lorena continued to move forward, with the bodies piled up behind her.

Her crimson eyes, which were as clear as rubies, were filled with fierce murderous intent. However, the expression on Lorena's face and body movements were still as elegant as before, as if she were an ancient lady who had stepped out of an oil painting. Every move she made They are all so touching and soul-stirring.

Jarvan III clutched the scepter tightly, his bloodshot eyes staring angrily at the vampire approaching his throne. The tight veins on the back of the old man's hand were like ivy creeping on a dark yellow wall, although it was already on the wall. Trying his best to suppress his fear, his buttocks were still trembling slightly uncontrollably.

As if seeing the fear in Jarvan III's heart, Lorena's lips suddenly turned into a sarcastic arc.

"Swear to defend His Majesty to the death!"

"Live up to the name of fearlessness with your life! Everyone! I will take the first step!"


Just like those colleagues who died tragically, the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard died suddenly before they could touch the enemy's clothes. Even in such a desperate predicament, the Fearless Vanguard still had no intention of backing down, killing those who came one after another. Then he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

In order to reflect the supreme majesty of the Lightshield royal family and the King of Demacia, the audience corridor was built by Demacia's royal craftsmen to be as broad and grand as the Oren Plaza Memorial Corridor.

Because the terrain is open and easy to form military formations, Jarvan III set the final line of defense here. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack and can enhance morale. But now it seems that these measures are in vain, even if the corridor is further expanded. Three times, no one can stop this vampire.

He rejected the offer to be personally protected by the vampire hunters of the Noxian Empire, and now, the fearless vanguard he was so proud of was no longer useful, and the jewel of the kingdom became a lamb to be slaughtered, dying so hastily.

Although he had known that he would die one day, Jarvan III still could not calm down the fear in his heart when he witnessed this sudden day.

"Your resistance is meaningless, but your courage to die happily makes me look at you with suspicion."

Lorena, who was immersed in the killing, expanded her nostrils with satisfaction, greedily breathing in the smell of blood in the air, her cheeks flushed with temptation, and she was as charming as a pure woman who was satisfied by her husband.

The woman's black and red low-cut slit dress is solemn and slutty.

Every time he takes a step, his unusually plump body will tremble slightly, almost jumping out of his immature chest.

A woman is like a blooming stamen waiting for benefactors to pick it, but countless twisted and struggling skeletons are buried under the intertwined roots. Only when facing death will the picker understand where the death breath of the beautiful blood rose comes from. Come.

It's a pity that the soldiers present have long known that the beauty in front of them is a beast and demon in human skin, and have no intention of admiring this peerless beauty.

The only thought on everyone's mind, including Jarvan IV's, was how to kill this beautiful and elegant monster, no matter the cost.

The smell of blood flowing into her body from her nose gave Lorena great satisfaction. She was immersed in a web of fear, awe, hatred and violence, like a black widow spider patrolling her territory. ,

Absolute power makes her an absolute predator, and her strength and confidence give her the qualification to play with her prey calmly.

"I will patiently taste your blood, taste the sweet and hot blood of Demacia warriors. Having said that, the king of Demacia is still handsome even in his old age. It would be a pity not to continue this bloodline."

Under the glare of Jarvan III, the female vampire stretched out her long, pink and flexible tongue and sucked her fingertips seductively. Her charming face was full of hints.

Jarvan III's face suddenly turned livid. Although he was reluctant to admit it, he was indeed affected by evil magic. Otherwise, with his age and experience, it would be impossible for him to respond to such despicable means.


The last guardian also fell to the ground, his guilty eyes stayed on the king for a moment, and then became dark and hollow.

The female vampire approached the throne, stepped up with her fair feet, and stepped on the blood-stained bright silver mithril plate armor of the Fearless Pioneer.

Perhaps because there was no one else present, the female vampire stepped up the steps with one leg, and her words became more and more unrestrained.

"If I had met His Majesty Jarvan forty years ago, perhaps I would pursue His Majesty at all costs and pray for His Majesty's favor. However, old men also have the taste of old men. I would like to taste the taste of the King of Demacia. Taste, if your Majesty is in good health, maybe I can leave you a son and a half daughter."

The smell that hits your face is not the rusty stench of blood, but the rich and delicate fragrance like flowers.

Jarvan III knew that the beautiful monster in front of him was playing tricks on him. He was sure of this, but a certain possibility still appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

After all, he is the king of a country. If this woman wants to use his royal body to obtain heirs and compete with his son for power, it may not be impossible...

As if seeing Jarvan III's wavering, Lorena's face became even more serious and charming.

The slender hand that had killed more than forty fearless pioneer warriors touched the wrinkled cheek of the old king. It was gentle and affectionate, like an old lover who never forgot, and like a mother who dotes on her children.

"If Your Majesty really lets me get pregnant with a child, I will let Your Majesty go. I have only one condition, and that is to wait until the child grows up and let him come back to take over the throne.

As for your majesty, I want to take you back to the north. With just one kiss, your majesty will immediately gain endless life. If you still want to continue to be the emperor, your majesty can also come back and continue to be the king of Demacia. "

The soft voice like a siren told the old king a fantasy land that he never dared to dream about. It was a handsome and young king who wisely ruled an eternal kingdom.

This dream suddenly appeared in front of him, within reach.

Jarvan III's vision gradually became empty. He could clearly feel the woman's fingertips gently brushing his crow's feet, sliding over his age spots, and pushing aside his noble royal robe as if performing a miracle. The soft fingertips stayed on My time is running out and my heart is getting weaker and weaker.

As if to show him the strength of her heart, the goddess-like beautiful woman gently pulled his withered right hand and held it close to her chest.

Perhaps because there were too many things between them, or perhaps because there were too many distracting thoughts in his mind, the old king scratched his hands and did not feel the heartbeat of the goddess.

With a cry, Lorena's eyes were as charming as silk.

"With just one kiss, aging and disease will be a thing of the past,

Your Majesty will become a perfect being like me. You are a king of the same standard as the Blood King, and you are more wise and powerful than the incompetent Blood King. One day, perhaps Your Majesty can go one step further with my assistance. "

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