League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1044 Chapter 1042 Demacia will rise from the ashes

The demon-like whisper in his ears defeated Jarvan III's last sense. The old king's eyes were red and he stared at the beauty in front of him.

"Is this true?!"

"Whether it's true or not, your Majesty won't know if you try it?"

Jarvan III was silent, staring at the beauty in front of him with her sexy red lips open. Two sharp and thin long teeth poked out from the pink upper gums and approached his neck.

It was as if a small insect had landed on his neck. For a moment, it stung slightly. Jarvan III's vision became a little blurry.

It seemed as if he had returned to the night before he was about to take the throne. His father sent his favorite palace maid to his room and let him have whatever she wanted. The only request was to kill him with his own hands after the end. This was not something that should and could not be done. of white moonlight.

He still can't forget the tears on the maid's face, nor can he tell who the tears came from.

Born into a noble family and destined to be the king of Demacia, he could never marry a lowly palace maid, but his status as king gave him the power to obtain treasures without marrying him. This was something that even the iron laws of the kingdom could not control. A little indulgence,

Even if an innocent maid is executed for the ridiculous reason of "seduce the prince", no one among the noble ministers will gossip, and the ministers will stand on his side, because all families will do the same thing.

No one who shouldn't know will know what they don't want others to know. There is no need to use the army. The dark side the kingdom has is enough to block the mouths and noses of all those who want to speak out and discover the truth.

These people will be buried quietly next to the maid, using their own lives to maintain the kingdom's stability and peace as always.

After watching the maid being buried, he understood the two things his father wanted him to understand.

The first reason is that the entire kingdom belongs to the Guangdun family, and all the people are bathed in his royal favor. He is above the law. The iron laws of the kingdom are used to manage the common people, not the nobles, let alone the nobility. Unless he is the king, he and his ministers have another set of laws to follow that will not be made public.

The second reason is that as long as he holds fast to the two banners of royal power and equality, there will be an army of countless Demacians to support him as a ruler. The rule of the Lightshield royal family is deeply rooted. As long as the Fearless Vanguard remains loyal to him, his The position will never waver.

As the king of Demacia, he thinks that he has done his best. He has tried his best to resist until now, but he still cannot resist these vampires.

Why should he cling to these old rules when his courtiers and bodyguards had so incompetently handed him over to his enemies?

Jiawen III closed his eyes and felt unprecedented expectations for his new life.

If he is such a wise and powerful king, he will definitely not become a person like Darkwill. The kingdom will flourish under his hard work and will not necessarily be weaker than the Noxus Empire.

"call out."

Before he could react, a crossbow bolt shot from Jarvan III's eye socket, ending Jarvan III's ambitions.

The crossbow arrow shattered the old king's brain, and Lorena couldn't save it even if she wanted to.

Maria walked out of the shadows, and indifferently threw away the gorgeous one-handed crossbow with a vampire style in Lorena's dissatisfied eyes.

"The older things are, the easier they are to break. I'm afraid you'll have a bad stomach and I'll help you. You're welcome."

Lorena licked her scarlet lips, and there was no trace of dissatisfaction on her face. After all, she was not prepared to embrace an old man for the first time, even though she was not too young.

"I'm not allowed to eat old food, so I'll have some fresh food. I hope you don't mind."

Maria pulled out a mutant Western sword and stood it in front of her. The double blades were as sharp and smooth as mirrors, reflecting the hunter's cold and solemn burgundy eyes under the blood moon.

The hunter sprinkled the powder he had prepared in advance evenly on the sword blade, and then walked elegantly into the hall that was already stained red with blood.

"If this can make up for the shortcomings in your heart."

Lorena pursed her lips and smiled, her blood-stained red lips looked particularly charming and charming.

"You are an interesting guy."

By the time Lester and Shyvana arrived at the main hall of the palace, the battle under the throne had ended.

Women with soft silver hair like Maria were rare, so among the corpses everywhere, Shyvana immediately found Maria with a strange dagger stuck in her chest.

The huntress sat under the throne with her head lowered, holding a broken Western sword in her hand. Next to her was the dead Jarvan III. Judging from the results, the huntress seemed to have failed to protect the king.

Maria, who was extremely angry, raised her eyes and glanced at the visitor. She wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth and lowered her head weakly.

Finally letting go of the broken weapon, the huntress quietly waited for the passage of life.

Her leather armor had long been broken into pieces, and the blood-stained whiteness was exposed to the air from the damaged parts, showing her youth seductively and poignantly. The huntress, who had always valued her chastity, had long since lost the energy to maintain her dignity.

Shyvana ran forward to check Maria's condition, and shook her head at Lester behind her with a sad expression.

"If I had known that the enemy was so powerful, I would have come here with Sister Maria. I was the one who harmed Sister Maria..."

This was the first time Shyvana had truly felt the emotion of grief. She witnessed a familiar friend walking into the arms of death, but she could do nothing. This sense of fear and frustration filled Shyvana's face. Feeling helplessly sad.

"The blood descendant who killed the king is far more powerful than the boy outside the palace. It won't help if you come here. It's just a waste of one more life."

Lester glanced at Jarvan III who was killed by a crossbow, and with a stern expression he held Maria and placed her on the large throne. Shyvana looked at Lester's actions in confusion. Although she didn't know Lester was ready to do something, but he also knew that there was something wrong with a man doing such a thing to a woman.

Lester's next words dispelled Shyvana's hesitation.

"She can still be saved. Shyvana, you go help me guard the door and don't let anyone in."

"Okay! You must save Sister Maria."

After Shyvana closed the palace door with her backhand, Lester returned his attention to the silver-haired huntress, or rather, the bite marks on the huntress's neck.

This female hunter named Maria was bitten by a vampire, and it was not an ordinary meal. Judging from Maria's transformed physique, the bite mark she received was the first blessing of the clan that countless people wanted.

Things are not that simple. If you just want to use the First Embrace Ceremony to attract a defecting vampire hunter, the pure-blooded person of the Yage clan does not need to insert the vicious [Scarlet Curse Dagger] into Maria's heart. It's not so much a gift as it is a dual mental and physical torture.

This is a punishment worthy of being called torture.

The scarlet curse maintains a fragile balance with the Bloodborn. Any rash move will destroy this balance, causing the huntress to die suddenly on the spot and transform into an irrational, bloodthirsty beast.

The female hunter has always maintained the balance of the two forces with her own willpower, which means that the female hunter is enduring the pain of thousands of ants eating her heart every minute and every second.

Not daring to relax the tense body and letting oneself pass out, unable to kill oneself, one can only endure in endless pain, watching one's efforts turn into futility, and slide feebly into the abyss. This is the true sense of life. die.

While Lester was helping Maria check her body, Maria was also watching the man in front of her silently. No matter what this strange man was going to do to her, she was powerless to resist at this moment.

The only thing that reassured her was that this man was brought by Shyvana and should not be an enemy.

"You were first embraced by the purebloods of the Yage clan, and then pierced through the heart by the scarlet cursed dagger. Now you can still maintain your sanity and human form. You are really brave and gentle,

Thank you, thank you for persisting until now and giving me a chance to save kind people. "

Lester tried his best to show a gentle attitude. If a strong person like Maria with a strong mind resisted, even he would not be able to solve the dead end left by the pure blood.

Not sure if she really believed Lester's words, Maria blinked her beautiful eyes and silently conveyed the emotion of trust to Lester.

Lester nodded encouragingly, gently pushed the huntress's messy silver hair away from her forehead, and gathered it in her ears again. Then Lester noticed that the huntress silently lowered her eyes, and there was more than just the delicate ear shell. A lovely blush.

"Next, I will guide the scarlet curse out of the wound of the dagger. At the same time, I will inject life energy into your body to untie the source blood of you, so that you will not be controlled by others because of the source blood. ,

Don't resist the life energy, survive first, and then we can think about other things after surviving, okay? "

Feeling the man's tenderness, Maria put down her guard, looked at the man again, winked at him, and signaled that she would fully cooperate.

Lester breathed a sigh of relief. After receiving the approval of the huntress, he no longer had any scruples. He peeled off the broken leather armor and underwear along the gap cut by the dagger.

Following Lester's movements, the wound on Maria's chest was completely exposed.

The strange dark red dagger pierced Maria's most vulnerable part mercilessly, with the tip reaching straight to the heart. If it were another man, he might not be willing to destroy this holy full moon, which is rare in the sky.

Even though she was mentally prepared to feel a man's gaze so intuitively, Maria was still so shy that she almost fainted.

Sensing the fluctuations in Maria's heart, Lester took hold of the huntress's soft, boneless hand and squeezed it gently.

"No matter what the outcome is, I will be responsible for you. From now on, I am your husband, Miss Maria. Please believe me, I will definitely be able to save you."

Staring at Lester tenderly, Maria blinked and relaxed her mind again,

Whether it was true or false, she really needed such a promise to comfort herself at this moment.

Although she didn't even know her husband's name, she could feel that he was the same kind of person as her.

When Maria calmed down completely, Lester took out the dagger and threw it aside.

All the scarlet curse attached to the dagger has entered Maria's body. At this moment, the dagger has become an ordinary weapon of high quality.

Leaning down at an extremely fast speed, Lester blocked the wound left by the dagger with his lips to avoid unnecessary blood loss.

Because of the narrow blade of the dagger, the wound was not large and was just the right size for Lester's lips.

Perhaps because the sharp weapon left her body, Maria let out a cry, tilted her head with the extra strength she didn't know where, and blushed to avoid the scene in front of her that she had never dreamed of.

Even shaking hands with the opposite sex was a test of courage for her, let alone now.

However, Lester did not care to taste the girl's complex and changeable emotions, and continued to transfer life energy to the wound through his lips and tongue,

Using life energy to peel off the Crimson Curse was no easy task, and he had to do it with all his concentration.

As time passed slowly, Maria soon discovered that although her body was getting colder and colder, the pain in her body gradually faded away.

With her full support, the third energy that broke into her chest guided the power of the curse away from her body from the man's mouth. After that, this soft energy from the man combined with the blood injected into her body by the female vampire. Combined, something silently changed that she couldn't understand.

The weak heart regains its vitality and beats powerfully,

The cold body has regained its warmth. Although it is not as warm as ordinary people, it is far better than the body temperature of a vampire. She can deceive others with proper disguise. She has this confidence.

Just as the man said, she escaped mortal danger and gained the qualification to continue living.

Lester took off his coat and handed it to Maria. He turned around and gave Maria time to adjust her clothes.

"If possible, I still hope you won't hurt yourself because of your identity change.

In my opinion, a person's identity depends on his or her own identity.

A beast can live like a human being, and a human being can transform into a being that is more cruel and vicious than the beast and harm others.

If you long for recognition and relief, you can come to me at any time,

As for what happened to you, I will tell Gehrman. With his support, at least no one in the Night Hunters will be stupid enough to take action against you.

Even so, you still have to adapt to your power as soon as possible and find your own way to disguise yourself. Maybe the blood descendants will become an ethnic group of the empire in the future, but not yet. "

Maria put on her large coat to cover her ragged body. She stared at Lester's back, her chest seemed to be hot, as if the man was still sticking close to her to heal her wounds.

"I will not hurt myself, because my current life is given by you. In addition... thank you, thank you for being willing to accept me as I am now."

Lester turned around and shook his head softly.

"I survived because of your strength. It's me who should be grateful. Thank you for trusting me."

Maria nodded, with a smile on her face.

"Does what you just said still count?"

"What I say will count until it goes beyond my ability. Being responsible for a girl is not beyond my ability."

"Then can Maria know her husband's name?"

Lester stepped forward and scratched Maria's tall and delicate nose with his fingers.

"My name is Lester. One injury can make the emperor of a great empire fall in love with you. Maria, you are really a lucky girl with a lot of sins."

The title of the chapter is Demacia's Rebirth from the Fire, but the content has nothing to do with Demacia's rebirth. I'm really guilty.

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