League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 1045 Chapter1043 The End of Winter

The door to the main hall was pushed open from the inside. A restless Shyvana turned around and looked at the visitor in surprise. She saw that Sister Maria, whom she had longed for, was tenderly holding her savior's arm, her eyes wide. Someone's profile was reflected in it, and even his coat and red lips were full of his scent.

Her heart trembled, and most of Shyvana's joy was inexplicably dissipated.

She was obviously the one who was rescued first, so why did the relationship between these two people become so good?

"Sister Maria, are you okay?"

Maria, who was immersed in love and tenderness, did not notice the sourness in Sivana's heart, and stepped forward to hug Sivana.

"Yes, thanks to His Majesty Leicester for saving me, otherwise I would never see you again."

"Thanks a lot to me, right...that's really great."

As if something belonging to her had been taken away, Sivana nodded glumly, but suddenly realized something and asked blankly.

"Your Majesty Leicester? Do you call him His Majesty Leicester?"

Maria let go of Sivana and looked back at Lester with some confusion. Lester shrugged, indicating that he was innocent.

"Yes, he is the Holy Emperor of the Noxus Empire, Your Majesty Leicester? Sister Shyvana, don't you know?"

Hearing what Maria said, Shyvana's eyes turned red and she burst into tears with a cry of 'Wow'. Maria and Lester looked dumbfounded. The tall girl in her twenties started crying. Just like a doll, how aggrieved is this?

The two looked at each other, and no one knew why Shyvana was crying so sadly.

Maria had no choice but to step forward and hug Sivana again, comforting her softly.

"Sister Shyvana, don't cry. If you have any grievances, tell me. She may be able to help you."

Hearing Maria say this, Shyvana felt even more aggrieved.

"I don't know, I really don't know..."

"Don't know what? Speak slowly."

"I didn't know he was the emperor! Otherwise, I would, I would..."

"That's you?"

Shyvana pushed Maria away and hugged Lester, who was a little overwhelmed when Maria was in a trance.

"I was the one who fell in love with him first! Why did your relationship with him, Maria, suddenly become so good!"

"Hehe, hehe, is that so? So I am redundant?"

Seeing that the sisterhood was about to melt, Lester quickly put his arms around Shyvana and stepped forward to hug the absent-minded Maria from the other side.

It was not an illusion, he saw a horrifying black energy on Maria's head.

Is this some special ability of the alienated vampire? Why does it look so scary?

Although he was extremely panicked, Lester could not see any sign of wavering on his face. Instead, he showed the spirit of fraternity that embraces all rivers, and said softly.

"True love never distinguishes who comes first, and I am very satisfied to meet you and know each other tonight..."

Having said that, since Jarvan III has been killed by a vampire, there is no point in waiting here. We might as well solve the source of the blood moon.

Without the blessing of the blood moon, the vampires would be no match for the kingdom's soldiers, and this turmoil should end. "

Under Lester's manipulation, the two girls finally stopped arguing, and each just held one of his arms with their chests.

At dawn, the blood moon in the sky suddenly shattered and disappeared.

The vampires who were raging in the capital of Demacia lost the power to resist the forbidden magic stone, and began to collapse with their recovery ability greatly weakened.

Most vampires are not strong-willed people, otherwise they would not easily give up their identity as humans and turn into monsters enslaved by others. Seeing that the situation has been reversed, the vampires began to flee to the north.

Without the guidance of the blood descendants, the blood slaves turned into out-of-control headless flies and were quickly annihilated by the hunters and soldiers under the prince. As for places outside the capital, they could only consume a lot of time and energy to slowly Clear.

Vayne, who was forcibly given to Gehrman by Lester, followed the team of hunters to the palace. Vayne also did not expect that the first time she walked into the palace of the capital was as a Noxian. He calmly observed the rows of Kingdom Imperial Guards, but did not see Lester.

In the palace hall, the fearless pioneers stood solemnly and solemnly on both sides of the throne, watching with grief as one corpse after another was carried away by the palace guards.

Under the throne that no one dared to approach, Jarvan III, the king of Demacia and the leader of the Lightshield royal family, had long since lost his breath, and the crown inlaid with various gems rolled aside.

The prince of Demacia, who was covered in blood, handed over the Halberd of Atama and the Omen of Langton to Galen and another fearless vanguard sword captain with a heavy expression on his face. He walked up the steps of the king alone, silently holding the already cold hands. The body was picked up and placed on a stretcher carried by servants.

He had thought that he would take over the crown from his father, but he never thought that he would gain power in this way. He could not even say a few words of farewell to his father, and could not feel his father's warmth again. Embrace.

The king of a country was killed under his throne, and he could only watch it all happen before his eyes.

Perhaps the anger brought about by this shame and sadness had already exceeded the limit of his endurance, and he could not express it appropriately. In silence, he spoke with difficulty.

"Take father down and tidy up so that he can leave in a dignified manner."

The servant responded and left in a hurry, not daring to stay any longer.

The atmosphere in the palace was extremely oppressive, and anyone who was not a fool could see how much rage the new king of Demacia was brewing.

Although he wanted to order an army to attack the Blood Dynasty at all costs, his reason prevented Jarvan IV from doing so. This turmoil knocked off his father's crown. He must pick up the fallen crown, wear it steadily, and regroup. Then you can do what you want to do.

Demacia is still too weak. If Demacia is as powerful as the Noxians, even without the protection of the Forbidden Stone, the Demacia people may not be afraid of these blood-sucking monsters.

In this tragic disaster, Demacians must make changes. The price of blood is enough for Demacians to wake up.

Prince Jarvan, or Jarvan IV, knelt on one knee, holding the crown stained with the blood donated by the late king in his hands.

If his father hadn't passed the Halberd of Atama and the Omen of Langton to him before, allowing him to hold the royal weapon of the Light Shield family and save the capital of Demacia, he would never have returned so smoothly. In the palace, those dissident nobles would never allow him to inherit the throne without justice.

But now, no one in Demacia is qualified to compete with him for power. The kingdom's army is tied to his heart, and he has enough strength to bulldoze all obstacles.

Jarvan IV put the crown on his head, turned around, faced everyone and sat on the throne that only one person was qualified to sit on, with a majestic face.

Galen was the first to kneel down on one knee, holding the Halberd of Atama in both hands, expressing his submission to the new king.

Following the dull sound of the plate armor was the solemn voice of the sword captain of the first shield formation.

"Swear to follow His Majesty Jarvan to the death!"

Other ministers and soldiers followed closely, kneeling down to salute Jarvan IV on the throne, and echoed,

"Swear to follow His Majesty Jarvan to the death!"

Vayne was stunned for a moment, and before she could react, Gehrman pushed her down to one knee. Even if her identity as a Noxian was transcendent, she still had to have at least respect for the king of a country.

After taking a deep look at Galen, Jarvan IV said in a deep voice.

"Demacians never succumb to suffering and violence. Those monsters can kill us, but they will never defeat us!

In the name of the King of Demacia, the Blood Dynasty will be the undying enemy of the Kingdom of Demacia! "

"I am willing to take the lead in the charge! Let these monsters pay the price with blood!"

It was still Galen who took the lead in expressing his loyalty, but no one present, including Jarvan IV, felt that Galen was simply expressing his loyalty, because the sword captain of the first shield formation had a frightening murderous intent on his face.

After that night, the soldiers of the Kingdom saw with their own eyes what the Captain Sword of the First Shield Formation of the Fearless Vanguard really meant.

This heavy sword loyal to the king is worthy of being the sword of the kingdom. If it is not unsheathed, it will kill until the blood flows into a river.

Knowing Galen's true thoughts, Jarvan IV's expression softened a lot and he spoke to comfort him.

"General Galen, this day will come soon. Before then, the kingdom must restore stability as soon as possible."

Jarvan IV stood up, imitating his father's expression and movements, swinging his arms vigorously, and said coldly.

"Let us remember this mortal enmity."

In the Freljord Arctic Icefield, the average temperature remains around minus 30 degrees Celsius all year round.

An ancient fortress is located in a dark blue square icicle that reaches the sky. The fortress is made of dark blue eternal ice and obsidian. Just like its cold and hard fortress walls, this ancient royal city made of ice is protected by chains and ruthless Rules over all Freljord villages and tribes in the North.

This is the holy land of the Frostguard Clan, the only military fortress in Freljord that produces perfect ice. The Ice Queen of Freljord lives here, guarding the secrets that have been buried for thousands of years alone.

The turbulent continent finally affected the far north, which was buffeted by cold winds all year round, breaking the ecological balance that was already fragile to the point of being cruel.

Lissandra stood on the spire of the Eternal Ice Palace, looking alone at the mountains further north on the horizon. A rolling black-gray thin line was slowly moving from north to south, approaching her location at an alarming speed. Frostguard Fortress.

The thin black-gray line seemed to be some kind of elemental creature, or like a simple dark cold wind. It made the Freljord warriors who had already adapted to the low temperature and cold shiver even before it blew.

She once sent the Ice Witch to briefly investigate the coast of the Sea of ​​Ice in the Valoran continent, and she also lost many lives in this effort. She knew that there was a piece of land in the north of the continent of Valoran, across the Sea of ​​Ice. The area is not inferior to the extremely cold land of Valoran.

Because of the harsh climate and environment, the extremely cold place is also called the Ice Continent.

The extreme climate of that continent is not suitable for any life to survive. Even the most witch who is not afraid of ice cannot stand on that continent for a moment. The strong wind containing ice magic will mercilessly freeze and tear apart the frozen soil. of everything.

There is no life to be seen on that gray-white frozen continent, except for the icy gale that swallows all life.

The environment was so bad that she no longer wanted to send people to explore. It was not until she reached an agreement with the emperor of the empire and the Frostguard clan began to cooperate with the Noxus Empire that she obtained more from the Noxus Empire. More comprehensive investigative intelligence.

The Noxus Empire sent a number of magical airships protected by mages and carrying geologists, historians and other investigators across the ice sea to the Ice Continent, preparing to investigate whether there was any development in the Ice Continent. and development value.

After careful investigation and experiments, it was finally determined that the deadly ice attribute Gangfeng in the Ice Continent is an ancient magical energy similar to modern magic elements, but somewhat different from magic elements.

The 'ancient' here can be traced back to the era of Volregard, which was probably between 9,000 and 10,000 years ago. At that time, the Freljord had not even a single character, and Ornn and his brother Wally Bell is still a good brother who doesn't know how to fight.

The ancient magical energy seems to have been artificially controlled, covering only the coast of the Ice Continent, completely blocking out the interior areas of the Ice Continent.

This means that the Ice Continent is probably not an uninhabited, barren continent, and there is probably another civilization in the same world living within the Cold Wind Barrier.

It's just because it's so old that even the most knowledgeable scholars in the empire are unable to analyze the ancient magical enchantments from the Volregard period, let alone figure out how to break them.

In addition, the Cold Wind Barrier seems to have undergone some terrible changes due to the long-term invasion, which has caused huge casualties to the investigators.

The Noxus Empire, which has been engaged in foreign wars for many years, is powerless and can only temporarily suspend its investigation and exploration of the Ice Continent.

To sum up, after Lissandra saw the changes coming from the north, her first thought was that the civilization on the Ice Continent had launched an attack on Valoran.

At this time, the Freljord is facing the joint invasion of the Blood Dynasty and the Star Boundary. If coupled with the changes caused by the Ice Continent, the fragile Freljord is likely to become a barren land. It was definitely not the result she wanted.

Thinking of this, Lissandra admired Lester for his foresight.

At the beginning, she still didn't quite understand why Lester would waste time and money to build a magic tower in the main city of Freljord for an illusory possibility, but now she knew what it meant to be far-sighted.

No matter what it is, she will not let this evil wind blow to her territory.

"Someone is coming."

Following Lissandra's call, the high-level witch wearing a witch's ice mask condensed into a human form from ice crystals and appeared in front of Lissandra, bowing her head and waiting for help.

"Immediately activate the magic defense tower and fully supply the magic tower to maintain the barrier. In addition, tell the Winter's Claw tribe and Avarosa tribe about the enemy's invasion so that they can prepare early."

Taking a breath, Lissandra's eyes became a little colder.

"Winter is coming, and the real test is coming."

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