League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 178 Chapter 177 Worm Tentacle Maker

With the most basic understanding of the world rune [Eileen], Leicester is also a little bit sad and sentimental.

Such a good girl has somehow become a luminous stone, and she is also my favorite student. As long as she still has a little humanity, no one will be happy.

He would rather not have the power of runes, and the man also hoped that his student Eileen would be by his side.

Lester didn't even know how much Elena remembered about the past.

I remember calling myself 'Father' very clearly, and I actively dissipated the seductive aura that attracted other lives, allowing the world runes to play an auxiliary role that will not affect the world, but can be called abnormal...

So much so that the angel sisters with demigod bodies and the thousand-year-old witch LeBlanc have created extraordinary and special relationships with themselves,

Until now, Lester didn't know whether the silver pterosaur Qin Xia Yinyue fell in love with him was related to Elena's deliberate black-box operation, but if he said it had nothing to do with it, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

"It is a coincidence that Eileen replaced the consciousness of the world rune and merged with herself. This kind of cognition is too brainless. I don't believe that there are so many coincidences in this world, just like me Died in an air crash, but somehow came to Runeterra, Elena became a world rune and merged with me, there must be some kind of internal connection that I don't know, could it be the Dragon King?"

It doesn't make any sense to make wild guesses. Lester always understands that no matter which world he is in, he will never know the truth hidden behind the scenes no matter what world he is in.

It's like most American soldiers will never understand until their death that what they have devoted their whole life to is not a great country, but just a few people who lie on a velvet bed all day long, hang their lives with respirators and artificial hearts, a Farting can kill the old man.

Including the president, no one dares to fart next to the noses of those old immortals. This is the only reason that these old immortals can still breathe. Of course, if it is American Rare, it is not impossible to send old immortals with rare bullets God, the key is that the American Rare Sect is forbidden to enter it is outrageous...

In America, the so-called patriotism is just a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. On this point, America is fundamentally different from a certain powerful country in the East.

Even in his previous life, Lester only understood many disgusting truths after he became the ace killer recognized by the organization, because the organization itself is inseparable from the forces behind those old immortals, which is why The military will always cause legal fratricide when the time is right.

Shaking his head, unwilling to waste more time on brainstorming, Lester sat on the sofa with his eyes closed, stroking the twisted black shadow lying on his lap.

The distorted black shadow at this moment is like a Mongolian worm covered with tentacles, with several mouthparts wide open, sucking the man's fingers from time to time, if you don't look at the shape and appearance of the black shadow, the cool and smooth feeling is perfect It fits some human braves with strange hobbies.

Instead of thinking about whether the Dragon King brought himself and Elena into this world, it is better to think about how to speed up Elena's [update] speed, and how to more effectively control the shadow life on his legs... At least let the black Movies become a little more in line with human aesthetics.

"Evelyn, you're disabled, I'll forget about it, how can you seduce other men with your ancient godly appearance?"

Lester sighed, turned his eyes away from the ferocious black figure, and pulled his index finger out of the Mongolian worm's mouthparts with a bang.

The worm shrank its mouth, and its tentacles fluttered, showing a reluctant look.

Seeing this, the man stuffed his index finger in again.

"After intimate contact with Rose, the lake of mind where Elena is located has indeed undergone brief fluctuations. If my guess is correct, acting in line with Elena's desire will help Elena wake up quickly. , to Elena, it is obviously not meaningless for me to have extraordinary vitality and attractiveness, but rather like the obsession with me in my previous life...

In other words, Elena herself wants me to have super-friendship relationships with more women... Just thinking about it, things don't seem to be so simple, maybe Elena herself can gain something in this process ...And what's more, what kind of changes will happen to me after another world rune is fused by Eileen? "

Recalling the terrifying ability of the Mouse King in the battle, Lester couldn't help but look forward to it.

Rampage, bloodsucking, erosion,

As long as he can obtain any one of the rune characteristics, his combat power can be raised to another level.

Discover your own strength, collect powerful equipment, develop the emerald collar,

This is Lester's eternal goal. Perhaps when the power is strong enough, it may be possible to strip Elena's consciousness from the rune stone...

Just as the man bowed his head in thought, the faint sound of footsteps came from upstairs.

The man patted the tentacle worm, and the worm nodded unwillingly, let go of its fingers, fell down, and quickly merged into the man's shadow.

"Lester? You didn't sleep well, why are you here alone?"

The female mage, who was only wearing a pair of slippers, rubbed her thick bags under her eyes and looked at the man suspiciously.

"It's a little cold on the floor, and I woke up when I fell asleep. I just wanted to sit on the sofa for a while."

Lester was completely immune to the female mage who didn't defend herself at all, so there was nothing embarrassing about seeing her face to face at this moment.

"Every time you leave the room, I feel an ominous chill...Lester, you are not doing something behind my back, are you?"

"What can I do to make the room cold?"

The man shook his head with a smile, but he was full of admiration for the sensitive female mage in his heart.

It seems that a powerful mage can still detect the movement of shadow life, but as long as the shadow life hides in his own shadow, the breath will disappear completely, which is convenient for hiding.

"That's right, that kind of coldness doesn't seem to be brought by the creatures of the material plane at all, but rather like the legendary shadow demon."

"Shadow Demon? What is that?"

Lester couldn't help but feel a little curious about the [Phantom Demon], which is completely different from the [Phantom Body] that Rose said.

According to the game company's settings, Fiddlesticks, Evelyn, or Tamm should be called the [Ten Original Demons].

"I'll tell you this again when I have a chance, don't sit still, go to bed now, and get up early to do experiments tomorrow."

"Go to sleep first."

"Don't you feel cold? Go to bed, it's really inappropriate for you to lie on the ground and sleep all the time."

Lester looked at the fiery female mage in surprise, but the dead fish-eyed female mage looked indifferent.

"I'm more at ease with you. It's still the same sentence, as long as you don't make a child."

"You really don't treat me as an outsider... My child, I want it."

Following the female mage, Lester made the right decision to go to bed. As for the tentacled worm Evelyn?

Who are you?

Do I know you?

Brother Meng, if you like it, just drop the monthly ticket, recommendation ticket and so on.

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