League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 179 Chapter 178 The Tomb of the Icathians

First, they sent people to seal off the ruins of stone towers and villages in Bamult Village, and Margaret pursued non-stop in the direction of the Valzhu Mountains. Te deliberately concealed the battlefield that took place in Bamult Village, and after analyzing the possibility that the Baru pirates might escape across the Valzhu Mountains, he watched Lord Valks leave with his wargroup.

"Master Legion, don't we continue to pursue?"

As Margaret's right-hand man, Alice raised questions.

"Our purpose is to intercept and defeat the looters. Now that the purpose has been achieved, it is just right to leave the rest to Lord Valks. We have more important things to do, at least to understand why the Baru people Traveling thousands of miles across most of the continents, we came to the plains of Valoran."

After a little explanation, Margaret led the team back to Bamult Village, borrowed a lot of digging tools from the village, and started further excavation work.

Soon, three meters below the original deep pit, a flat tomb chamber protected by magic slabs appeared in front of the Noxus Black Iron Guard.

After summoning the mage Urza who accompanied the army, Margaret asked the mage for his opinion.

"Can the tomb be opened without destroying the burial objects in the tomb?"

"Legion Commander, I need to observe with my companions first."


Urza jumped down from the deep pit in two steps, stood on the edge of the land, carefully bent down, looked at the magic slate with a dim halo, and focused on the lines.

Soon, a look of shock appeared on the mage's face.

"Beard, look at this!"

Another black rose mage also jumped into the pit, and squatted on the edge of the pit according to Urza's instructions.

"This is... the Icacia magic pattern plate? How did this thing appear here??"

"It seems that this thing is right."

Knowing what was under his feet, Urza put his hands on the magic slate with confidence, and the magic halo on the slate began to flicker with Urza's magic fluctuations at a special frequency.

"Thousands of years ago, a mage from Icacia built a mage tower on the continent of Valoran, and built his own tomb outside the mage tower, using magic pattern boards... There is no doubt that this is a An uninvited guest who should be destroyed along with their country, what does he want to do?"

"At least one thing can be confirmed. The tomb was built with a magic-pattern plate that can isolate magic fluctuations. There must be something good in it. No wonder those Baru people who like treasure hunting came here from the Blue Flame Islands... Maybe, that yordle The mage will choose to settle in the stone tower, which is also related to this tomb."

The two looked at each other, and Urza looked up at the female general standing outside the pit.

"Master Legion, I think we can crack the secret of the magic pattern plate, but we need time. Icacia's magic pattern plate is engraved with Icathian language, and there are magic words on it. Only by interpreting the magic word can the magic pattern be released." Otherwise, the magic pattern plate under attack will launch a magical counterattack, and in more serious cases, it will also trigger the mechanism inside the tomb, allowing the magic mechanism designed by the tomb owner to destroy the tomb."

"Let's go, try not to damage the tomb, we have plenty of time."


With Margarita's approval, Urza recruited the remaining mages and began further excavation work.

Only when the main secret language area of ​​the magic pattern board is completely exposed, can several mages successfully decipher the secret of the magic pattern board. If any key sentence is missing, the decryption will fail.

Fortunately, there is no consequence for the failure of deciphering. Only forcible demolition will cause the tomb to self-destruct. This also gave several mages a chance to decipher the secret.

"This symbol represents the sun, which corresponds to [sunlight] in the Icathian language, combined with four Icathians kneeling under the sun..."

Looking away from the mage with six black roses, Margaret couldn't help but wonder what good things were in the tomb.

A day and a night passed quickly, and the army was still stationed near the ruins of the stone tower, blocking all entrances and exits.

After Margaret paid for a lot of supplies in Bamult Village, it was enough for an army of 100 people to consume for a week.

When the time came to the morning of the third day, as the fourth magic pattern board was cracked, Urza, with two black eyes, pressed his hand on the magic pattern board's eyes, and according to the magic frequency and The elemental symbols resonated magically, and after a few breaths, the magic pattern board made a 'click' sound, and the magic core was destroyed and became an ordinary stone block.

Without the protection of magic power, the magic pattern plate is just an ordinary brick.

"The magic protection has disappeared, and it can be dug."

"Isn't this thing of secondary use value?"

"Unfortunately, the magic pattern plate has no value for secondary use. All its functions are reflected in the moment of forming. However, the Icacia secret language and element symbols on the magic pattern plate are worth recording. As long as there are suitable materials, These magic pattern boards can be reproduced through secret words and elemental symbols...

For the most valuable part, Mage Beard, who has done some research on the Icathian magic pattern board, has already completed the records, so don't worry about the legion leader. "

After confirming that those stones were worthless, Margaret was relieved.

With a wave of his hand, the Black Iron Guard, who had already been prepared, jumped into the deep pit with a pickaxe, and smashed it towards the airtight stone slab.

Along with the cracking of the stone slab, a deep tunnel of stone steps appeared before everyone's eyes.

Leaving two mages to ensure a continuous back road.

More than a dozen experts were selected from the Black Guards and Dark Blood Crossbow Guards. Including the four mages of Black Rose, a group of sixteen people held torches and descended the stone steps.

The underground stone passage along the way did not have the deadly mechanism as imagined, but under the explanation of Master Beard, Margaret understood that the magic pattern plate of the tomb was connected to the magic load-bearing pillars supporting the structure of the catacomb. Instead of cracking, if you choose to forcibly break the magic pattern plate, the load-bearing column will shatter and collapse under the expansion of magic power, burying the entire catacomb under the impact and vibration beyond the limit.

After exploring, Margaret also figured out the design style of the catacombs.

Like the traditional Icathian mage catacombs, the catacombs are divided into three parts, the main chamber where the body is buried, the side chamber for research and reference to magic books, and the funerary room for storing funeral objects.

The four mages were divided into two waves. Urza and Beard took Margaret to the funerary room, while the other two mages went to the side room to collect and protect the magic scrolls and ancient materials in the side room.

Subsequent chapters will continue to be uploaded in the fourth volume. Just glance at the top of the table of contents when reading it. The appearance of C172 in the fifth volume is purely due to the system brain carbon and the author’s convulsions during the New Year. Currently, I am contacting the editor for revision (.), and it will be updated normally every day The time is still 00:01, because it is a cross-volume upload (that is, skip the fifth volume and upload directly to the fourth volume), the system will not have any update prompts, even if I post a hundred new chapters, the closing page will not If there is any update prompt, the explosion at this time is purely a wink for the blind monk,

You can see the new chapter just by clicking on the directory, but because this problem cannot be solved for the time being, I will temporarily cancel the plan of five changes per day, restore two more beasts, and save the remaining six days to wait for the repair After solving this problem, continue to the fifth update.

Remember, Hongye will never stop changing. If it does, it is definitely not Hongye's problem.

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