League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 206 Chapter 205 The Eternal Is the Interest

"If you can't conquer that man with your beauty, what are you going to do?"

Rudius asked softly.

He knew that his mistress liked to be asked questions to help her organize her thoughts.

"Of course it's...interests, sufficient interests, and conditions that cannot be refused.

To deal with such a man, you can only maintain the relationship with the most sincere attitude and profit.

Fortunately, someone told me that after entering the library, besides the books related to world runes, this man was also deliberately looking for information about vastaya shapeshifters.

And I just happen to know that there's nothing really useful in the library, there might be in the deepest part, but that's definitely not within Lester's reach, even though he's a popular lecturer.

Those old-fashioned instructors who dare not even wear a slit robe will never allow him to go deeper...

Coincidentally, in the past, I once had an unforgettable encounter with those natural beasts..."

For the hostess's standard coquettish remarks, the three men are all familiar.

My hostess is an out-and-out promiscuous queen who longs for physical desires. She likes all kinds of novel ways of playing the most, and the above is just one of them.

This is the consensus of all followers, there is no need to have any doubts, because any doubts are the greatest disrespect to the hostess, any game method is a scum that is tired of playing in front of the host,

As a follower, you don't need to use your brains to contemplate any depravity of the Mistress.

Of course, these words can only be manifested in actions, not in words.

"...In addition to those seeds of life that are full of vitality and in various shapes, I also gained the recognition of those vastaya people through close contact, and learned many unique things,

For example, the clumsy vastaya landwalker language, and for example, the vastaya Shari who is hiding in some places and breeding with offspring of different races, and the news of some shape-changers...

If it weren't for my fear that I would be completely addicted to that green paradise, unable to keep my brain thinking rationally, and become a toy of sinking desire forever, I might go deeper and look for the original salvation of Ionia Or, have some more wonderful stories with them, and live forever in the dense forest where man and nature are most closely connected..."

After waiting for a while, the short-breathing woman broke away from the blood-thumping memories, her tongue was half stuck out, her breathing was short, her cheeks were flushed.

After hesitating for a moment, Rudius still spoke.

"Master, do you want to..."

"hug me."

The three men looked at each other, their expressions gradually becoming ferocious.



Walking down from the podium of the public class, facing the strange eyes of some mages, Lester in formal attire left the classroom.

Lester is still very interested in preaching the wonderful [Chinese] to the people of Runeterra. This is a rare behavior for him to be able to recall his previous life.

As an [abandoned baby] of Chinese-Russian blood, Lester was adopted by the [organization] since he was a child. In order to open up the Chinese market, the organization deliberately cultivated a group of killers with Chinese blood, and instilled the Chinese language and language from childhood. Relevant history, Leicester is one of the best,

It's a pity that because of Huaguo's special national security system, [Organization] has been unable to carry out business smoothly. Lester withdrew from Huaguo's market after performing more than a dozen important missions of "Seduction". For Leicester, who is outstanding in the field of assassination, it is too much talent to sell his appearance for the ladies in Huaguo.

As for speaking Chinese itself, he has clearly done experiments and studied it with his teacher Terena. The stroke structure of Chinese does not arouse any magical resonance in Runeterra. It is a rule or some miracle. Runeterra, just average stuff.

In other words, the Chinese language can only be used simply as a carrier of information, and there will be no magical things such as learning a few Chinese characters that can trigger changes in laws and easily activate forbidden magic.

That being the case, treating Chinese as a lost 'ancient language' and exchanging it as a kind of bargaining chip to fill the language pool of the Mage Academy, so as to obtain the qualification to enter the library to read the secret materials, is a matter of great benefit and no harm .

The explanation of Chinese has reached the second half, starting from the simplest pinyin, strokes and radicals, from simplified to traditional, basically Lester has sorted out all the more than 1,500 commonly used characters in Chinese,

Not only as an open class for those black mages who are interested in ancient languages ​​to conduct research, but also to completely sort out Chinese as a language learning material and fill it in the library of the library, so that latecomers can borrow magic Systematic study of mirror images is an important part of the knowledge inheritance of the Master Academy.

In this process, the materials must pass the review of the tutors, and finally be approved by Rose before they are eligible to be sent to the library for permanent storage. After that, Leicester can obtain a large number of credits, and the qualifications are enough to be recognized by the official black A magician is promoted to a magician, gaining a higher status.

The value of a complete unknown language and magic augmentation rune array is enough for Lester to get what he wants in the Mage Academy and leave freely.

After all, seeing the angel sisters grow up day by day, and Margaret and Jiss getting old day by day, it is impossible for Lester to ignore them and study at the mage academy. Before being a mage, he was still a powerful Lord, the Emerald Collar is his root in Runeterra.

He was about to enter the library again to see if he could find any secret texts about extending life span or transforming animals into humans, but the magic crystal ball in the leather pocket on Lester's waist flickered.

Finding an empty corner, he took out the crystal ball, and Lester linked the communication request with magic, and a familiar face came into his eyes.

"Ms. Meredith?"

"Master Leicester, do you have time?"

Nodding his head, the man is not in a hurry to go to the library.

The female mage breathed a sigh of relief, with a serious expression on her face.

"Do you know [Ecstasy Drink]?"


[Ecstasy and Magic Drink] is located in the dining area on the commercial street of the Master Academy. It is a well-known beverage store that focuses on the development of various magical drinks. It has a full range of fruit juice and alcohol synthetic drinks, similar to the quiet bar in the previous life.

After being processed with special materials, drinks that bring a variety of refreshing tastes can give lovers of different tastes different and unique experiences, and it is also a good place for conversations.

Walking into the dim ecstasy, Lester and Meredith expressed their needs to the waiters, and the two were taken to the private area on the lower floor, which was more expensive, and got a private private room and an exclusive waiter .

Harmony version, understand everything

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