Different from the public area on the upper floor, on the lower floor, there are dedicated waiters who provide one-on-one service for the mages in the private room. Most of these waiters are magic apprentices who are short of money, and they have signed a long-term employment agreement with the owner of Ecstasy Drink. , has a good temperament and appearance, and if the customer catches his eye, the waiter can also earn a fortune by the way, which is the most indecent and fastest-paying extra money.

There has never been a career in this world that is easier than earning money while lying down. Aside from being forced to do so, most people who engage in this ancient profession tend to forget the true value of money and self because it is too easy to get money. Losing themselves in the money, gradually sinking into self-sacrifice and depravity, they even look down on those of the same kind who work diligently and diligently to survive through legitimate work.

Lester has seen a lot of such rotten people, and has come into contact with quite a few, but the waiter girl in front of him has not yet reached that level of corruption and depravity, and seems to have just 'beginned', but it is a pity that she is not perfect.

"A cup of 【Xiaoyi Forest Breeze】, Leicester... Mage, what do you want?"

Lester, who took off his mask, smiled slightly in the eyes of the waitress.

"Lovely lady, please bring me a glass of [Dream Butterfly Ice Orchid]."

"Okay, Master Mage, may I ask, do you need any other services?"

"No, after all you have seen it, I have a good enough female partner, maybe next time?"

Some regret that the man didn't stay himself for special service and the waitress had to leave disappointed.

If it is a man of this level, she doesn't mind doing some private things under the watchful eye of another woman, even if she doesn't want money.

In the dark private room, there is a crystal lamp that can be adjusted by magic fluctuations. In addition, there is a soft leather sofa that is big enough for two people to lie down on, and an empty low table.

The two did not adjust the dim crystal lamp to make it brighter. Sometimes a little bit of ambiguity can make it easier for people to talk and do things, not to mention that this is the first time that Lester has dated a female mage in a real sense. Naturally, a man would not do some unsightly things. A man knows how much the female mage has helped him and how much she has given him sincerity.

A body apart, the two sat on the sofa, and Meredith looked at the man with a smile.

"Look at that little woman, she can't wait to fall directly into your body. I think she is willing to have something happen to you even if she doesn't pay you."

"Ms. Meredith, from what you said, I am not so attractive."

Leaning on the sofa, the man sighed.

"She is just a young man in need of assistance. I can't give her anything, because at this moment, I have more important people to pay attention to, and she will find someone more suitable for her."

'He, why would he talk like that? Am I more important to him? '

Her breathing was a little stagnant. The female mage, who had never experienced such a battle, put her hands on her sides at a loss, tugged at the edge of her robe, felt that the movement was inappropriate, and folded her tightly closed thigh up, awkwardly changing the subject.

"Well, Lord Leicester, isn't this your first time here?"

Unexpectedly, the man sat up straight suddenly, and said softly.

"Meredith, we've been together for so many years, and you still use honorifics when you speak, as if we've just met for the first time. I don't think we need to be so strange to each other."

Thinking of how she almost betrayed Black Rose and Rose directly when she saw a man for the first time, knocked the man unconscious and tied him up to give birth in the cave, the female mage's face turned red with embarrassment.

At that time, I was still immature. Fortunately, the absurd idea did not become a reality... However, as a woman, I would also fantasize at certain lonely times. If I really did that at that time, what would happen...

No kids, no kids, no kids.

Exhaustion, redness, swelling, pain, severe dehydration, fainting, dizziness...

Drawing conclusions from the girl next to the man, the female mage's face froze, as if such an ending was not ideal.

Is that kind of thing really that cool?

"What's wrong?"

Even the experienced Lester didn't know what unpleasant things the woman with a changing face was thinking at this moment, and he couldn't help but make the man start to recall whether he had offended the female mage in those places.

Could it be, that piece of bread? ? ?

"It's nothing...then I'll call you Lester."

Shaking her head and throwing away those messy thoughts, Meredith smiled generously.

"It should have been like this..."

Before Lester could continue speaking, there was a knock on the door of the magic room.

Pressing the female mage's shoulders and pushing the woman back onto the sofa, Lester stood up and opened the door.

"Master, this is that lady's 【Xiaoyi Linfeng】, and this is your 【Dream Butterfly Ice Orchid】, please use it slowly."

After handing over the tray, before entering the room, the waitress gave a polite salute and gently closed the door.

Out of professional instinct, the moment the man turned around, he used the exclusive [elemental substance analysis magic] taught by the teacher to test two glasses of dazzling and wonderful drinks, and found nothing 'inappropriate'.

I have to say, magic works really well.

Putting two beautiful octagonal crystal glasses in front of Meredith and himself, Lester, who was interrupted by the waitress, raised the glass after the female mage gently held the slender body of the crystal glass. Touched with the female mage.

"[Xuanyi Linfeng], using four irrelevant fruit juice essences to form a whirlwind-like four-color beautiful scenery through two-by-two interlacing, gently swaying in the clear green juice as clear as a forest, under the light shaking, the water in the cup The food is like the forest wind blowing slowly. From different positions and angles, there are two kinds of fruit juices that are flying together, and they are closely blended together, turning into a unique refreshing taste. Including the taste of the juice itself, a glass of colorful forest wind There are eight different flavors...

This cup of drink is both simple and complex, but after savoring it carefully, one realizes that the so-called complexity is nothing more than the overlapping of pure and cramped. Instead of calling it complex, it is better to say that it is too simple and too cute... Meredith Si, this magic drink is really suitable for you. "

"Thank you, thank you...I, you, me, that..."

Holding the octagonal crystal cup awkwardly with both hands, Meredith doesn't know why she is in her thirties, why she can't do a normal and simple movement at this moment, she is so clumsy, she wants to praise a man In the cup of the same beautiful magic drink in his hand, his brain was so muddy that he couldn't hold back a word.

His lips tapped the rim of the cup lightly, savoring the refreshing coolness, but the man suddenly changed his language to obscure Chinese.

"The frosty sky is full of snow and fog, the cold winter wind is proud of the ice orchid, a blue butterfly with wings as cold as glazed snowflakes dances lightly, but gets lost in the snow and mist of the ice orchid, and turns into ice in the gentle and deadly frost wind butterfly,

Thousands of years have passed, and the wings of butterflies are hard to close.

When the snow melts and the frost disappears, Stranger still doesn't know whether it is the butterfly dreaming of the frost and snow, or the frost and snow following the butterfly, dancing lightly for a thousand years..."

In the confused eyes of the woman, the man's eyes seemed a little more lonely. After all, he stopped talking. He knew that even if the female mage was the most active in learning Chinese, it would be impossible for her to understand her sustenance in a foreign language. emotion.

at the same time,

At this moment, the female mage felt that the man in front of her eyes seemed like a beautiful and illusory magic image, delicate but fragile, the two were close at hand but far away.

It was like a visitor from another world.

After a few breaths of silence, the two touched the crystal glasses in silence, raised their heads at the same time, and drank it down with complicated emotions.

The ups and downs outside the cup are self-knowledgeable.

The wind blows slowly in the forest in the cup, and the ice butterfly dances lightly.

Trying to write some aesthetic things, it feels okay, speaking of it, I am afraid that this kind of drink can only appear in the magical world

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