League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 256 Chapter 255 Savage Woman

Erenmont, the underground prison of the White Tower of the Temptation.

After removing the shackles that bound his hands and neck, Meredith was dragged to the ground in a daze,

Hearing the sound of metal colliding behind her, the female mage wanted to open her eyes, but found that she couldn't do the simplest thing right now.

The two enchanters who sent him to prison still haven't left.

"It's your misfortune that you weren't crushed to death! Just wait, you'll feel better!"

"Damn it, this woman's body is so dirty, someone in Miyin Village actually lost shit! I also said that I took the opportunity to touch it a few times to get addicted to it, and I almost didn't catch fresh shit. Don't people feel disgusted..."

"You can have such a strong taste? Leave a clean little girl alone, and touch an old Noxus woman covered in feces and urine?"

"Do you think that everyone is as perverted as you, but they just like the little ones? Bah! How unlucky! You have to wash your hands when you go back."

As he spoke, a mouthful of thick phlegm was shot from outside the prison, covering the female mage's swollen right face, mixing with dried blood scabs and sludge, and slowly flowing down her cheeks.

Meredith couldn't see clearly, but she knew she should keep silent now.

The ferocious voice of the Demacian came to his ears, and Meredith, who understood the Demacian language, was relieved, resisting the stinging pain from the wound, and carefully lay down on the cold floor tiles to recover physical strength.

"Come on, Serves, restrain yourself if you have to. This person is different from other prisoners. Didn't you hear Nalia say that this woman is the woman of the Emerald Lord?"

"Greenton, can you believe this nonsense? And Lord Galister is right, so what? This is Demacia, not the Emerald Leader of Noxus. Here we are the law, the Emerald Leader Never mind!"

Another heavy footstep came from far and near.

"Sevis, Greenton, are you two fucking slacking off again?"

The voices of the two paused, as if they were a little more cramped.

"Uh, report to Captain Nervia! We are not lazy! We just locked the new evil mage in the dungeon."

Some husky female voice approached the two of them, and Meredith could hear it clearly.

"Oh? This is the Noxus mage who was reported by that bastard Evan? How did you make it look like this?"

"It was Master White's order to conduct a [parade] in Mithril Village, to see how many bad things this mage has done in Mithril Village."

"How many bad things did she do? Green your mother or fuck your father?"

"Ahem...how angry the people are, how many bad things this mage has done. Judging from her current appearance, it is obvious that she has done a lot of bad things..."

"Damn it, just say some useless nonsense! It's okay, let's forget it this time, if you two dare to be lazy again, just go to the border and rub the mud for me! Don't think I don't know the nasty things you did. matter,

Remember, don't embarrass the Chrisman family. Lord White doesn't want to pursue it, but he can't protect you if it goes too far, so you can do it yourself. "

"Understood! Then, Lord Nervia, then, shall we go?"

"get out."

With the departure of the two male Warlocks, Meredith relaxed a bit, but not completely.

"Hey, mage girl of Noxus, are you awake?"

The hoarse and flirtatious female voice leaned not far behind, and Meredith's body tensed up suddenly.

Why is this woman from Demacia talking more brutally than the woman from Roxy?

"To tell you the truth, you should be glad that a few bastards threw their own rotten bladders on you, otherwise you must have suffered the poisonous hands of those two perverts by now...

I can tell that you are still a baby, and those two guys must be able to see it too, otherwise they wouldn't want to trick you, don't look at their hungry looks, those two human-shaped garbage are very picky, Most women don't look up to you at all, which also means that you are very good. "

There was the sound of a match being struck, followed by a strong pungent smell of smoke. Meredith tried to hold her breath, but she gave up this unrealistic idea within a few seconds.

She didn't want to be suffocated yet.

"Heh! The smell of smoke is bad enough, right? You should be glad you can still smell the smell of smoke...

This is Noxus's big hanging cigarette. What the hell is it called Baroque? In Demacia, you can only buy it on the black market by smuggling. It is funny to say that many noble Demacians actually like your Noxus stuff , then what kind of blood rose wine is priceless, ha, I am no exception, just this one, but you, a Noxus, will be choked by the smoke of Noxus, it is fucking enough Funny, haha!

To tell you the truth, you are really fucking unlucky, you don’t enjoy your good fortune, but you come all the way to Demacia to give people and cannons. You son of a bitch, you can't die,

For the Demacians, they don't dare to do anything too blatantly with this kind of garbage. Gentile mages are not considered human beings in this dungeon at all, you know what I mean? Even if a dozen men take your turn and kill you here, no one will care about you, and the next day you will be buried in a random grave, let alone the Lord of the Demon Face, even the ghosts will not be able to find you. "

The swearing-mouthed tough woman took a deep puff of the cigarette, and then slowly exhaled the smoke. Meredith, who was lying on the ground, sniffed, and suddenly felt that the rough girl from Demacia was bullying her.

"Little mage, remember, most of the demon guards in Demacia are a bunch of twisted perverts, especially the guards of the dungeon. If you are in a hurry, even the leather swallows of beautiful men will not be spared...Forget it, I think you will I don't have any desire to talk to me, so I'm leaving, I'm leaving."


Hearing what the woman said, Meredith hurriedly sat up, only to find that the muscular brown woman was squatting on the ground with her thighs open, watching herself slowly exhaling smoke with a teasing face. Short curly hair and streamlined muscles make a woman more like a man.

Knowing that she had been tricked, Meredith was a little annoyed, but soon slumped down on the ground again, sighed, and waved away the smell of smoke that hit her face.

"So you came here just to tease me?"

"Otherwise? I'm different from them. I don't like to pick someone up and take off their clothes and act like a mad dog. Then what fun can I have? Isn't there only a few criticisms left to say?"

Taking a deep breath, Nervia narrowed her eyes.

"Talk with me for a while, little mage. In return, I'll get you some poison. It's better for you to die earlier, so as not to be tortured by them. They won't be tempted by a corpse."

Unable to think of a way to survive, Meredith had the idea of ​​letting nature take its course.

"Information is omitted, and the conversation can only say some normal things."

"Of course, I'm too lazy to make any troublesome things. Come on, little mage, take a sip. This thing is old and powerful. You're going to die anyway, so why don't you give it a try."

After hesitating for a while, Meredith still took the half of the baroque cigar handed over by the woman, taking a puff carefully, not minding the savage woman's saliva.

A pungent gas gushing out from the mouth and nose directly to the top of the sky, the female mage who can't pass her lungs choked without any surprise, and tears flowed out directly.

"Cough cough cough ~ uh uh cough cough cough ~~"

"Hahahaha! I think you're fucking cute. I suddenly don't want to give you poison, so I put out the cigarette butt. The tobacco in it has the effect of disinfection and hemostasis. I have something to do. I'll come to you when I'm done."

Watching the weird Demacian barbarian turn and leave, Meredith regained her strength, extinguished the butt of the cigar, silently took out the tobacco, chewed it and rubbed it on the opening of her head.

Staring at the cell covered with forbidden magic wood powder, it was no surprise that Meredith could not feel any magical elements. Meredith sat on the ground against the wall, and slowly closed her eyes under the dim light of the fire.

She had expected her own ending, but she seemed a little unwilling to die like this.

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