League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 257 Chapter 256 Defeat

Gavindark was holding his four-year-old son, Gavinster, playing high games, when White, the leader of the Templar Guard, walked straight into the white and solemn hall and knelt down on one knee.

"Master Jiawen."

"Didn't everyone be arrested? Just interrogate and lock them up...Son, do you like daddy's beard?"

"Well, Dad's beard is so prickly~"

"That female mage may have an unusual relationship with the Demon Face Lord of the Emerald Territory."

Jiawen's smile froze, he put down the smiling Gavinster, and turned to White with a serious face.

"what happened?"

"When Galister Hilda tied Lettice up and handed it to me, he told Nalia that Lettice was the most beloved woman of the Lord of the Devil's Face. I was the first to contact Letty about this matter. He said that the loyal Lettice does have a man with a close relationship, but he is not sure who it is, because Lettice's condition...is not very good, so I haven't personally interrogated the other party."

After thinking about it for a while, Gavindark was sure that there was no woman named Lettice in the information he had obtained about Leicester, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Let's not talk about anything else, Lettis must be a fake name. You interrogate 'Letis' yourself, and the method...be gentler, first confirm her identity."

"Master Jiawen, do we really need to be afraid of the Emerald Collar? I think that in the land of Demacia, even the people of the Emerald Collar need to obey the rules of Demacia."

I thought that White would leave obediently, but unexpectedly, the man asked a very sensitive question directly.

"It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not, White, you should get up first."


Without a direct answer, Gavindark said to his son.

"Bring your favorite crystal ball box to Dad, okay?"


The little boy who inherited Gavindark's eight-point appearance nodded in a childlike voice, and left in a hurry.

Soon, a magic crystal ball sealed in a glazed box was carried out by the little guy, picked up by Gavindark, and placed on the table.

"This thing is called [Angel Dance]. It's a luxury item that Oren and Kraken traded from the Emerald Collar. There are less than ten of them in the entire Valoran continent. You should have seen it a long time ago."

Approaching the beautiful crystal ball, White frowned.

As the leader of the Arcatraz Guards, he had of course seen the pictures inside, but he didn't know what Gavindark meant by taking out the image crystal again at this time.

"Master Jiawen..."

"Don't talk, just watch."

A subordinate with a weak magical talent was found, and the magic wave was sensed, and the crystal ball began to play the screen.

From the time when the two girls drew their swords to the end of the dance in the sky, the beautiful scene ended in less than a few minutes.

"What do you see?"

"What a beautiful big sister! The black-haired sister's balls are so big! Bigger than my mother!"

"They got a magic weapon?"

Signaling his subordinates to leave, Gavindark touched his happy silly son and looked at White.

"Let me ask you, if these two angelic girls came to Demacia holding the divine sword, who would be able to deal with it?"

"Master Jiawen, we have the Forbidden Stone. Any magic will be invalid in Demacia. We have an elite army of steel swordsmen. They are just two immature little girls. How can they be our opponents?"

"Are you sure that the power of those two girls comes from magic, not from other things, such as divine power?"

White's face froze.

"The Sorcerer's Stone is not omnipotent. Our craftsmen have long understood that even the sacred Sorcerer's Stone Forest was formed under the influence of certain mysterious forces, so those mysterious forces will definitely not be affected by the Sorcerer's Stone. , how can you be sure that the power of the girl's divine sword is not a mysterious power, but a magic that will be restrained by the magic stone?"

There was some cold sweat on his forehead, and White tremblingly wiped it with a satin handkerchief.

"It seems that you have understood the seriousness of the matter."

Gavindark sighed.

"Having said that, even if they are bound by the forbidden magic stone, the two angel girls in the emerald collar are absolutely extraordinary. With the advantage of being able to soar in the sky, if they have a suitable means of long-range attack, they will be able to fight at high altitude. The sky above can cause a fatal blow to our territory, how can our magic stone on the ground imprison the living creatures in the sky? Do you understand? Once the war starts, we have no means to restrain the two elders A girl with wings can only be beaten passively, not to mention the military power of the Emerald Leader cannot be underestimated."

Kneeling on one knee, White bowed his head.

"I understand, Lord Jiawen, it's because I haven't considered it thoroughly enough."

"If you understand, then step back. If that 'Leitis' is really a woman from Leicester, you must take good care of her and not cause her any harm. Emerald leader, we will be the ones who will make a profit from the negotiation. If the emerald leader doesn’t get some blood, don’t try to take her back. Otherwise, if the female mage is injured in any way, if the emerald leader rips her face off with us, it will be difficult to get down the stairs. It will be us."

The corner of his mouth twitched twice, realizing the great threat of the emerald collar, White finally paid attention to it thoroughly, stood up quickly and was about to leave.

He was afraid that his two incompetent brothers would really do something irreversible.

"Okay, I'll investigate this right away."

"Wait, you didn't hurt that female mage before investigating, did you?"

"No, don't worry, Lord Jiawen."

Gavindark's face darkened as he watched White, who was sweating constantly, leave quickly.

"Dad? Dad? I still want to see my beautiful sister~"

"Gavanster, go find Mom, Dad has something to do here."


After the son holding the crystal box also left, Gavindark called the guards with a sullen face, and found his old friend Oren.

Having just had a happy fight with his yordle friend, Oren, with a bruised nose and face, was puzzled by Gavindark's displeasure.

"What's the matter, make a face?"

Squeezing the space between his eyebrows, Gavindark organized his words and said seriously.

"Oren, if... I mean, if we go to war with the Emerald Territory and Noxus, what are the chances of winning?"

After confirming that his old friend wasn't joking, the smile on Oren's face also froze. He stroked his unshaven chin and thought for a while, then said with a frown.

"If you don't consider the two little girls who can fly... plus the Immortal Fortress, the battle of the whole country will be held in Demacia. It is a conservative estimate that we have a 40% chance of winning."

"What if you count those two little angel girls?"

Oren held his old friend's shoulders and said in a deep voice.

"Counting those two little girls, we are bound to lose...Jiawen, what's going on?"

With a wry smile, Gavindark sat on the marble chair.

"It's a long story, this boy White doesn't seem to be worried. If he really did something stupid, we have to find a way..."

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