League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 285 Chapter 284 The Storm Is Coming (Seeking Monthly Ticket Subscription)

What happened on the other ship heading southwest, no one on the Sumer knew, and no one dared to ask the question when Lester didn't take the initiative to ask.

A catastrophe disappeared so silently. Cork, who was planning to follow Leicester and fight the pirates, could only stare blankly at the side of the ship, watching with admiration from a distance, easily suppressing and destroying a powerful team. The dragon and bird mage of the fleet witnessed a shocking legend together with others.

The bragging capital has increased a lot, and the people on board seem a little beaming, sweeping away the dullness of the long-term voyage at sea, and regaining their vitality again.

The three-masted sailing ship continued to sail towards the east, farther and farther away...

Two months passed quickly, as if it was just a moment, the originally blue sky turned into a dark curtain, gradually suppressing it, as if it wanted to crush life and bones.

There is no wave on the calm sea, and the fish and seabirds of the past have disappeared, presenting the gloomy silence to the no longer fresh world.

The vision produced by Haitian made Kirk call the captain Kiran, who confirmed with just one glance that an unprecedented storm was about to sweep across this deep ocean, which was enough to overturn the Sumer. The huge disaster that swallowed all the lives, including the helmsman Kaldor who just let his butt touch the bed board, all the sailors canceled their rest and went to their posts under the command of Keilan, ready to win for their lives The last trace of life.

In the captain's room, Lester, who was playing with the rejuvenated Lulu, heard a knock on the door.

"Master Nicholas, an unprecedented huge storm is coming. The captain asked me to ask you, in order to prevent your dragon bird from falling into the sea, should you tie the dragon bird to the deck of the bow with a rope?"

"Wait a mininute."

"Little Lenny?"

Touching Lulu's little head, Lester said softly.

"I'll go out and have a look, you just stay here obediently, don't be naughty, don't touch Huahua staff,

Pixar, look at Lulu, I'm afraid there may be some trouble outside, and there must be no trouble in the boat. "

"Leave it to me, I won't let Lulu touch her staff!"

Flying around Leicester, Pix struggled to hold the staff on the high cabinet, so that Lulu, who was only a section higher than the bed board, could not touch his own flowers. Fortunately, Lulu herself was also very The sensible yordle, knowing that he is sometimes unreliable, obeyed Lester and Pixar's restrictive behavior, sat obediently by the bed, and waited for his good friend to come back.

It was not so obvious in the cabin. The moment I walked out of the cabin, the low air pressure filled my body, but there was no ray of sunlight at noon.

Frowning, Lester couldn't feel any sea breeze blowing on his face. Looking into the distance, even the end of the sea turned black.

"Woooo! Yes! Woowa! Woooo!!"

The restless Xia kept circling and flying in the sky, but she didn't dare to fly too high, so she could only fly at a low altitude. The moment she saw Lester, the silver-winged dragon bird let out a joyful whisper, and quickly flew towards the deck. landing.

Among the busy sailors, Lester stepped up his pace, and came to Shia's side to appease the little one who was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a little storm, and I'm here with you."


After Shia regained her composure and thought about it, Lester still called the busy captain.

In terms of experience in dealing with storms, an old captain is much more reliable than a modern killer.

"If Shia is tied to the bow, will it affect the balance of the ship?"

"Yes, my lord."

Ke Yilan's face was very serious.

"During a storm, only by reducing the weight of the boat can the boat keep its balance in the turbulent waves. Your dragon bird is huge, but it is usually fine. In a storm, Shia's weight is enough to destroy the center of gravity of the boat, greatly increasing the risk of being dumped." possibility,

It's only because hovering in a thunderstorm is too dangerous that I considered tethering your Dragon Bird behind the bow and balancing all the weights in the stern hopper so your Dragon Bird won't There is a risk of being struck by lightning. "

After thinking about it, Lester shook his head.

"If that's the case, there's no need to tie Shia up, I'll find another way."

Hearing what Lester said, Keilan didn't say anything, bowed silently, and quickly turned and left.

Before the wind blows, the sail needs to be furled completely to prevent the sail from being torn by the storm.

As a captain, he still had a lot to do, so he was naturally unwilling to waste too much time on insignificant things.

Coming to the bow and leaning against Xi Ya, Lester felt the increasingly oppressive world. At a certain moment, the man suddenly saw a small sky blue blue bird passing through the black clouds, and couldn't help but frowned. frowned.

The next moment, an unfathomable wandering breeze blows in front of her, as gentle as a lover's caress.

It reminded him of a hero who belonged to Zaun.

After pondering for a while, he let go of Elena's life force restraint on the green rune, and his whole body was overflowing with vitality, Lester said softly in Shurima.



As if he really heard Lester's call, the breeze blowing across Lester's cheek made a mischievous whirlwind, then turned around and came to the man again, this time with the help of Elena, Lester felt To the kindness and curiosity from the wind.

This made him convinced that the one haunting him at this moment should be Janna, the Fury of the Storm.

What made Lester a little puzzled was how Janna, who belonged to the Zaun elves, came to the Noxus ship. During the more than two months of living on the ship, he did not see anyone who believed in this Zaun's nature deity.

Obviously outside of Zaun, this beautiful and kind goddess of coolness is not doing well,

Although speaking, whether it is the people of Zaun or the yet-to-be-appeared Mrs. Piltover, they always regard the demigod elves as tool people who can come and go when they are called, and they can only be remembered when they are needed...

Well, this lady goddess has not had a good life from the beginning to the end.

Thinking that Janna, who loves human beings, has always been so pitiful, even Lester had a compassionate heart to care for orphans and widows.

In the field of belief in demigods, Jan-Arem is the only one who can do so badly.

The cyclone blew around Leicester for a long time, but it aroused the curiosity of Shia and Evelyn.

Shea raised her head and felt the strange flow of wind elements around her body with a puzzled expression. Shea, who has the blood of the wind dragon, naturally has a different perception of wind than ordinary mages. The strange energy life instinctively stretched out its claws towards the man.

Evelyn also opened her eyes from Lester's shadow, looking suspiciously at the strange energy body in the material world.

Carefully feeling the difference between herself and the energy body, Evelyn found that she had some similarities with that energy body.

Incarnation of the Wind, only 998! You can take it home!

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