League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 286 Chapter 285 Wind Spirit

"Master Nicholas! The wind is blowing! The storm is coming soon, you'd better hide in the cabin!"

Out of the duty of the captain, Keilan yelled at Lester at the bow in his spare time.

"Captain, don't worry about me."

Saying hello to Kelan, Lester put his hand on Shia's paw, making the curious Shia put down the big paw.

As if in response to the captain's warning, the oncoming wind became more and more violent, the dark clouds in the sky began to roll, and the calm sea began to rise with waves. All the changes around her indicated that a terrible storm was coming .

"Xia, keep flying at low altitude for a while. If you get tired, rest on the ice floes I made and try not to go back to the boat."


While Lester was talking to Shia, Evelyn's transfigured black cat jumped onto Lester's shoulder, staring curiously at the energy body surrounding the man.

"How did you come out?"


Rubbing the cat's head with wide eyes, Lester didn't care about Evelyn, he was thinking about how to communicate with Janna who turned into wind.

Janna, who responded to the name 'Jaen-Arem' composed of ancient Shurima, has a high probability of knowing ancient Shurima, so trying to communicate in ancient Shurima may be helpful. There are windfalls.

Recalling the cool and seductive high-strength clothes of the phoenix girl in the previous game, Lester was full of manly devotion to Janna in an instant.

Sometimes whether you can become a devout believer depends only on the object of belief,

"Jan-Alem, I am your most faithful follower. (Old Shurima)"

As the voice fell, Lester only felt that Elena in his body became active, and the high-purity life energy from Elena quickly passed away, and a mysterious deep link appeared in the spiritual world. The lake of the mind where it is located is a transfer station, and Lester perceives where Janna is.

At this moment, the Goddess of Wind is in the chaotic wind element in front of him, but it is not the blushing and elegant form in the game, but a faint sky blue blue bird that is waving its small wings cheerfully.

What is the essence of the blue bird that can use a small amount of wind element, Lester is not clear, but what is certain is that the blue bird in front of him is definitely not an ordinary magic element.

"My, believer, why do you know my name?"

Flying around the man twice, seeing the human being who loves him actively extended a friendly finger to him, and the blue bird form transformed by Jan-Arem, who has absorbed the man's pure life energy, is more solid, full of joy The mood bounced and landed on the man's finger, and he stared at his most reliable and faithful believer with his pretty and delicious bird's head crooked.

Since the beginning of his birth, his life has lasted for thousands of years, but he has never seen a human being who can provide so much pious power of faith, plus he can still see himself, there is no doubt that the cuteness in front of him Human beings are His most devout believers,

In the face of non-believers, He still has a heart of compassion and is willing to use up his own power to help mankind out of their predicament, not to mention seeing a true believer who is different from those false believers who have something to pray and don’t come here when they have nothing to do.

The human beings in front of them are true believers who should show love and tolerance the most.

The only thing that puzzled Jan-Arem was why in the thoughts conveyed by his devout disciples, he was not in the form of a blue bird, but in the form of an elf holding a staff.

Although in his heyday, he also had the act of appearing in human form in the world, but reflected in the human world, his form and appearance should definitely not be so specific.

What's more, I have never seen the human believers in front of me, let alone showed the elf form in my heyday to the human believers in front of me.

Carefully stroking the little blue bird standing firmly in the palm of his left hand with his right hand, Lester responded in ancient Shurima.

"Because you are one of my favorite gods, so I know you."

Feeling the man's love from the heart, Qingniao also responded honestly to his love for the pious believers.

"I, too, love you."

The stronger and stronger sea wind made the waves bigger and bigger, the ship began to toss violently, and terrible thunder flashed continuously in the black clouds and mist in the sky. The rumbling thunder made the sailors' nerves even more tense. Under his command, all the big sails have been taken down, leaving only one or two small sails that drive the ship to sway erratically in the strong wind, like fallen leaves struggling in boiling water, which may be lost at any time.

And the rainstorm has not yet struck, and this is just the beginning.

The waves hit the bow of the ship, and the water splashed Lester's body and also wet Shia's body. Only the black cat Evelyn in the shadow state was not affected at all.

"I, come, help, you..."

The previous strength was not enough, and now after receiving the power of faith passed by Leicester, the Wind Spirit also has a little ability to fight against nature.

Just as he was about to spread his wings and fly to the sky, using what little power he had left to quell the strong wind and blow away the thunderclouds, the blue bird was protected by the man's two hands, and only his doubtful little head poked out from the opening where the palms intersected.

This is Janna's second doubt.

"My elf goddess, your strength is not strong enough, don't always push yourself so hard, you can take a rest with me occasionally."

Realizing that he had touched the blue bird in his hand, Lester continued to whisper.

"You have protected human beings countless times, please let me protect you once in this storm."

Holding up the blue bird with complex eyes and placing it on his head, Lester, who was wearing the blue bird, stood in the waves of the bow and patted Shea on the head.

"Let's take off, Shia, let's dance a unique storm dance in the vastest power of heaven and earth."


After receiving Lester's order, the excited Xia shook her wet wings and stood up, as if she felt the provocation from human beings. The moisture brewing in the cloud had reached the extreme. In the next moment of lightning and thunder, The pouring rain poured down.

The wind is raging, the waves are raging,

The water curtain under the black curtain ruthlessly soaked the swaying boat completely,

In the captain's room, the bumpy Lulu and Pixar held their little hands and prayed for the people on the ship.

In the water compartment, first mate Kirk directed the exhausted sailors to desperately use wooden barrels to drain water,

On the deck, amidst the terrifying sound of the mast creaking and twisting, the captain led the rest of the crew to constantly adjust the direction of the small sail to prevent the ship from being blown down by the strong wind and maintain the balance of the sailing ship.

In the precariousness, Lester moved.

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