League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 287 Chapter 286 Abduction of the Goddess

Taking everything in front of him into his eyes, and transforming into a rune alienation body in a few seconds, Lester's beard and hair quickly turned silvery white like snowflakes,

With his left hand stroking the dark seal on his right hand, under the curious eyes of the blue bird, the man suddenly opened his right hand and raised his arm high.

In the next second, the powerful arcane energy burst out from the dark seal on the right hand, and after the triple amplification of [Rune Alienation Body], [Amplification Circle] and [Dark Seal],

A super-large rune array quickly formed from more than 20 meters above the big ship,

The arcane energy formed an arc-shaped ice-blue barrier with a diameter of 100 meters. All the falling raindrops turned into part of ice crystals the moment they touched the ice-blue barrier, and flowed along the arc-shaped barrier in the form of ice beads. The slope of the cover rolled and fell into the sea, completely isolating the torrential rain from the cover.

It was as if a transparent ice umbrella had been cast on the big ship. The people on board stared blankly at the miraculous scene. It wasn't that no one had seen a mage before, but a mage who could cast a 100-meter-level magic shield. This is also the first time seeing you.

Seeing that the magic circle had stabilized, Lester made a large ice floe on the sea surface for the silver pterosaur after estimating Shea's weight and the buoyancy of the water surface.

Shia, who was flying in the heavy rain, also became a little exhausted at this moment. When she saw the ice floes on the sea, she landed on it without hesitation, and hung on the solid ice wall with her hind paws.

Without the predicament of 'leaking rain', the waterlogging problem of the ship will be solved quickly,

Captain Keilan finally had time to come to the man who maintained the magic circle. After taking a strange look at the black cat that appeared out of nowhere, the old captain asked respectfully.

"My lord, how long can your magic circle shield last?"

"A few hours shouldn't be a problem."

"That's really great. According to my past experience, such severe storms generally don't last long, especially in November. With your blessing, we will be able to reach Fiji smoothly before the end of the year." Lo Island."

"Captain Kilan, can you see what's over my head?"

The old captain froze for a moment, then shook his head in confusion.

In his opinion, there was nothing strange about the head of the powerful Emerald Lord, but the man seemed to have become more attractive at this moment, making him feel like he couldn't help but want to get closer.

Realizing his thoughts, the old man's cheeks blushed.

"Ahem, your hair and eyebrows have turned silvery white, is it because of magic?"

"Yeah, it's turned silvery white... It's nothing, Captain Kelan, I'm fine here, go get busy."

After the strange captain left, Blue Bird lowered his head and looked down into Lester's eyes.

"You, are, stronger, than, many, people, are, stronger, I, have never, seen, you, such, of, people."

The ethereal voice came intermittently from the depths of his consciousness, bringing a smile on the man's face.

What kind of scene would it be if the Wind Spirit of Zaun could be kidnapped to the Emerald Collar?

"My Goddess of Wind, Jan-Alem, why can't other people see the blue bird you incarnate?"

After bouncing a few times, she adjusted her sitting posture, pouted the bird fart, and placed the bird fart comfortably in the thick silver hair, Janna responded softly.

"Faith, not enough, I, can't, manifest, only, you can, see, me."

The ship was turbulent, even Lester, who was fixed on the deck by magic to keep his body balanced, had to adjust his body to avoid falling down, but the blue bird always sat on the man's head as firmly as Mount Tai, slowly absorbing the For the man's life energy, make up for the previous shortfall.

In this moment, Lester finds himself like a wireless power bank for Janna phones.

"Can the faith I offer you maintain your shapeshifting state?"

Lester refers to the life energy he transmitted through Elena. Since Janna can absorb it, it means that this life energy should be similar to the power of faith that Janna said.

Nodding his head, Jade Bird felt the power he was slowly replenishing, and confirmed.

"Yes, yours, faith, is, strong, can, maintain, supplement, strength."

Hearing such a reply, the man's attitude became more gentle and kind.

"My goddess, as your most loyal believer, may I make a small wish to you?"

He didn't find anything wrong. From Janna's point of view, he was still working hard to fulfill the requests of ordinary believers, and satisfying a small wish of a true believer was not worth mentioning at all.

What's more, I have been constantly absorbing the power of faith from this devout believer.


"I know you are so weak that you can't even take human form,

After the Rune Wars, not only Valoran was severely traumatized, but even Shurima was in chaos. I heard that Zaun is still rebuilding. In this disaster, many of your idols and temples are completely destroyed, which is not good for your recovery,

In my opinion, you should gain more power of faith to maintain yourself, so that you can better help more people in need. "

Janna listened silently. She knew what her followers said was right, especially after the opening of a safer Valoran-Shurima continental route, merchant ships passing through the port of Zaun would have much less risk of going out to sea.

The new route is good news for the sea people who long for peace, but for Janna it will seriously hit the recovery speed of strength, because most Zaun people will only actively pray when they encounter shipwreck. There are very few believers who sincerely pray and offer their faith every day.

This is why Janna set her sights on the Valoran-Ionia route, near the [Sumer] that was about to suffer the storm,

He needs more faith to maintain himself, so he naturally has to perform more miracles to attract believers. However, usually doing so will only lead to a vicious circle, making the situation worse and worse. Many people don't even know why the storm happened If it disappears suddenly, naturally there will be no gratitude and faith.

Even so, this time, the plan to disperse the blue bird incarnation and blow away the thundercloud and storm was destroyed by a strange devout believer.

After a lot of tossing, instead of consuming a little bit of her own strength, she also got a lot of supplements from believers. Even after living for thousands of years, Janna has never encountered such a situation.

Speaking of which, such a believer has always been the existence Janna longed for the most, but she never expected to meet one when she had no expectations.

Naturally, he didn't know what the Wind Spirit was thinking, and after making enough preparations, Lester straight to the point said his request.

"I hope that you can always be by my side during the next journey, so that I can help you restore your original strength as soon as possible. In return, I will try my best to make more people believe in you and build a unique one for you." Spirit Temple."


When the logbook turned to a new page, the passage of time logically came to the next year. In the warm spring season, [Sumer] finally saw the emerald green land in the distance.

Three weeks have passed since the shocking [Storm Night], but the crew still cannot forget the scene that symbolizes the legend. They just witnessed the ice magic that can resist the vast power of the sky and the flying dragon flapping its wings in the wind and rain. A bird is enough for any old sailor who has been wandering at sea for decades to brag about decades, not to mention that the two appeared together under the rainstorm, and in the irresistible wrath of nature, they sacrificed a life for mortals. The amazing dance of the extraordinary.

The storm that was enough to destroy everyone made the crew on the [Sumer] full of determination to conquer the sea. Even the old captain Keilan said that he would continue to fight on the sea for ten years and tame the big waves.

After the disaster, perhaps with the help of the gods, the second half of the Sumer's journey was extremely smooth and stable. Not to mention that there were no unlucky pirates who were short-sighted, even the wind direction always followed the ship's course all the way. Blowing, so that the dumbfounded sailors became a little idle, and was driven by the first mate Cork to clean up the garbage, which can be described as a real smooth sailing.

Thanks to this, the originally one-month voyage was shortened to more than 20 days, and the Sumer arrived at the large western island of the land of birth, on the land called [Island of Philo] by the Ionians. .

Because Leicester’s goal was not the island of Filo, the Sumer only replenished some fresh water and food on the coast of the island of Filo, and then continued eastward until it arrived at the port city [Linyi] on the west coast of Navoli Province. .

Passing by the towering and steep mountains on both sides, the three-masted sailboat docked at Linyi's wharf and dropped anchor.

After nearly half a year of ocean voyage, the crew urgently needed a chance to vent their emotions, especially when they got a lot of wealth, eating, drinking and having fun for a few months was inevitable.

After leaving the contract letter for Captain Kelan that he can receive the gold coins at Emerald, Lester, who was not going to continue to cover up his whereabouts, motioned for Sia to fly away first, and he took Lulu and Pix to follow the captain off the ship. , came to the pier.

While the old captain was talking with the person in charge of the pier, Lester began to observe the customs and customs from the newborn land.

Although there are fishermen slaughtering fish and animals on the coast, the smell of fish is not too strong, but the natural fragrance and the fragrance of flowers and plants are very strong.

It is worth mentioning that before killing a fish with a mallet, the Ionians would put their palms together and mutter words, as if they were praying that the fish would not die too sadly.

Except for purebred humans, the boatmen who come and go have certain characteristics of beasts. Among them, the vastaya with animal ears and tails are the closest to human form, and the beast-eared mothers are most in line with human aesthetics.

Divided according to different races and the degree of bloodline thickness, the degree of animalization of the vastaya people is also different.

The human face and animal pattern are the lightest, while the animal face and body are the heaviest.

To put it simply, it is the difference between a humanoid animal-eared girl with fox patterns and a big fox that walks upright. The former can still tell whether it is male or female, beautiful or ugly under the beautiful fox patterns, while the latter is It directly has the face of a wild beast, you step up and slap your chest, and you won't know if it's a male or a female until you slap each other.

Of course, after all, in the land of Ionia, such behavior means a serious offense. If it is not a violent temper, it usually requires a very sincere apology and repentance before it can be forgiven by the public.

"My lord, Linyi is a very beautiful port city. The last time I came here... was the last time."

Lester "..."

Seeing the reliable old captain restlessly buried his eyes in the arms of an exceptionally plump vastaya rabbit girl not far away, Lester, who wanted to obtain some useful information, discovered that this reliable captain was not Extremely reliable.

Obviously, this is not a good time to talk, and if the old captain continues to be so emaciated, his ambition of fighting for another ten years will eventually become an empty dream.

Perhaps because the old captain didn't say anything useful, Lester decided to hide the sensitive point of the bunny girl, and the old captain lost a valuable piece of information.

"Wow! So many fish! Red, green, blue, and black!"

Lulu hugged her Huahua staff tightly, and exclaimed at the pile of fish pouring out of the fishing net.

"Pixar, would you like some?"

The little elf hit Lulu's thinking cap with a standard hand knife, smashing the pointed thinking cap hard.


Lulu covered her forehead and pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

"That's inedible! It's raw! We need to... put him on fire."

After getting stuck, Pix made gestures in a hurry for a long time before speaking confidently in Lulu's aggrieved eyes.

"Yes! Wait until it turns black before eating!"

"Nonsense! Black is always black! How can it turn black again!"

Lester also bids farewell to Kilan and his crew as the two strange beings share their life experiences with each other.

"Then, Captain Kelan, let's just leave here."

"My lord, do you need us to wait for you here? Or make an appointment for us to pick you up?"

For the old captain's kindness, Leicester could only refuse gratefully.

"No, I will stay here for a long time until I finish my work, and I will find a way to go back when it is over."

"Alright then, sir...Master Nicholas, please take care."

Lester observed the surrounding natural environment that was completely different from Valoran, and only felt that a harmonious beauty between man and nature was perfectly reflected in this land.

Backed by a majestic brownstone mountain, the half-light is cut by the high mountain, separating the bustling dock and the shady working stone house.

Most of the houses are constructed of simply cut natural bluestone and logs. There are beautiful patterns on the wooden window panels, and various unknown flowers and plants are planted around. Green vines hang delicately under the eaves. Shaking his head in the breeze, a few houses are built directly on top of the caves on the mountain. The gate of the caves is a sloping arched wooden board, which looks very strange.

Even the pier, which symbolizes blood and slaughter, is surrounded by flower clusters and vines, even the harshest nature protectors may not be able to find the slightest fault.

Taking the spectacle in front of his eyes, Lester bent down slightly, and took Lulu's raised little hand.

"Come on, let's go eat fish."

"Oh! Eat fish!"

"I want to add cake!"

"How stupid! How can you add cake to fish? Of course you must add bread!"

Looking at the two live treasures with a grin, Lester touched the blue bird Janna with closed eyes and hatched eggs on top of his head with his empty hand, and walked towards the exit of the pier under the strange eyes of the Ionians.

In addition to the yordles and the big and small elves, if you count the dragons and birds in the sky and the cat Evelyn in the shadow, I am afraid that the title of a circus animal trainer will not be able to escape.

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