League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 288 Chapter287 Landing in Linyi (seeking monthly ticket subscription)

[LinYe] (LinYe) means 'the sea outside the mountains' in Ionian, adjacent to the Temple of Philo on the island of Philo, and has extremely rich natural beliefs, among which the sacred Ionian Unlike the more inland dense forests and gardens, this small town built on rocky landforms does not have too many green plants, but there are many simple small huts built on the open space. Practitioners and monks in monk clothes feel the high integration of nature and spirit through meditation.

He didn't know much about Ionia. After Lester left the pier, he stood in front of a signpost outside the pier.

On the small road not far from the signpost, there was a half-occupied bullock cart, and a middle-aged driver wearing a straw hat was yelling at customers and collecting fares.

Turning his head, the man looked at the simple signpost, and the tadpole language of Ionia came into view.

Thanks to his diligence in learning the language in Emerald Collar, he recognized where the three gravel paths pointed to by the Sancha Road lead to, but he didn’t know what the meaning behind the three place names was. And how far is it from my destination [The Palace of Eternal Existence] and [Gahe Mountain].

[The Palace of Eternal Existence] is the place where Karma, the soul of Ionia, practiced and lived, hiding the secret of the reincarnation of the soul of Ionia, while [Gahe Mountain] is the black mage of flesh and blood, 'Slaanesh's The hidden place of Vastaya Xari marked on the dragon skin scroll provided by the spokesperson'Helena.

There are only three Leicesters who have set foot on the land of birth. One is to find a suitable life extension method for his own woman, the other is to help Shia Yinyue complete the transformation, and the third purpose is naturally to get rid of the bald purple potato essence. Ryze's pursuit.

I'm sorry, but he had to go around Ryze and let the savior waste some more time.

Calculated, if Ryze followed closely enough, he should have boarded a certain pirate ship by now. You must know that most of the people who are willing to go to sea now are pirate ships.

"Little Lenny, where are we going?"

As if sensing Lester's hesitation, Lulu asked.

A refreshing breeze brushed across his cheeks, and Lester smiled sassyly, feeling the kindness of the blue bird above his head.

For this trip to Ionia, he decided to go with the wind.

"Let's go to the car and eat something delicious."

The strange trio came to the middle-aged coachman, and the coachman, who had noticed the trio earlier, clasped his hands together, saluted, and smiled kindly.

"Passengers who have come from afar, you want to take a car, go up quickly, you will be on your way soon."

It seems that there are too many strange-shaped creatures, and the driver is not surprised by the combination of yordles and elves.

Including Lulu and Pixar, the three of them saluted the coachman, and Lester laughed.

"Thank you, but what is the fare? Can I pay Shurima coins?"

Looking at Leicester in surprise, the driver didn't care about the fare.

"Traveler, your Presidian accent makes me feel very kind. Get in the car. It's rare to meet a foreigner with a local accent. This time there will be no charge."

"Little Lenny, we..."

"Then thank you."

"Hi, what are you welcome?"

The three of them were greeted by the enthusiastic coachman and got on the scooter, and stopped Lulu who wanted to talk, Lester winked and calmed Lulu down.

For little Lanny, Lulu has always had trust and goodwill, and is willing to believe in little Laney's decision.

"Let's go~"

The bullwhip was waving in the air, and the simple but clean bullock cart began to move, and the slow-moving scenery had a special flavor.

Counting the three people who just boarded the car, there are still six people sitting on the board, two of them are vastayas, and the other four are humans. Lester casually glanced at the fluffy brown-haired man in a black cloak. The young man withdrew his gaze before the young man looked over.

During the bump just now, Lester noticed that something hard under the young man's cloak had hit the board, making a faint crashing sound. In addition, the young man could rely on the balance of his body to move steadily without holding the car. Sit down, obviously young people are not a simple role. Although they can't reach the level of Nightblade Killer, they have undergone special training and have a few lives on their hands.

However, no matter how unusual it was, it was not a problem in Leicester's view. He was still a little confident in his ability to slightly surpass ordinary people.

"A yordle, an elf, and such a handsome young man, it's hard not to wonder how the combination came together."

The vastaya man's Ionian accent was a bit jerky, but it didn't interfere with communication.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he looked at the vastaya terrestrial species sitting opposite him, a man suspected of being a tiger man, and Lester smiled.

"It's just a beautiful accident. You know, there are always many accidents in this world, and the beauty of the journey will turn the accident into a wonderful encounter. Having more friends is a kind of encounter. I am very lucky. "

His eyes lit up, and the man with the wavy animal pattern stretched out his furry animal claws, and the thick braids behind his head shook slightly.

"I like you very much. My name is Spottail, and her name is Little Claw. Little Claw is my younger sister. We are vastaya tiger people. This time I went to Linyi to get Uncle Black Panther's pickled fish...

As you said, beauty turns accidents into encounters, and meeting is fate. I always feel that we get along very well. Can we shake hands? "

"Of course, Spottail, Little Claw, nice to meet you, my name is Liszt, and this is Lulu and her elf Pixar."

He squeezed the warm and soft paw of the tiger man, and gently pressed it on the black and red meat pad with curiosity. After the flushed Spotted Tail withdrew his right hand, Lester said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I was rude. In our hometown, finger interlocking is part of etiquette when shaking hands, but I brought it here and offended you. Please forgive me."

"No... nothing, you can respect our handshake etiquette, and I am willing to respect your tradition... Little Claw, you can also shake hands with Liszt."

Stretched out her furry right paw, and awkwardly covered half of her cheek with her left paw, the vastaya girl with claw-marked face lines was a little shy.

"You, hello... um~ okay, it's so itchy... hehehe~"

The young man in the black cloak watched the incident on the cart with great interest, without making a sound, while the rest of the Ionian fishermen laughed in good faith, making the little tiger girl even more shy.

Different from the somewhat rough black-red pads of Madara Tail, the pads of Little Claws are not only more delicate, but also pink, which looks very tender to the touch, and of course it feels good to the touch, which made Lester have a lot of affection for the tiger brothers and sisters.

After reconfirming the authenticity of the information on Helena's scroll, Lester let go of Little Claw's right hand, allowing Little Claw to cover his face with his right hand, and looked at him secretly through the gap between the claws.

"Bladetail, Littlepaw, thank you."

"What's there to be thankful for, that is, can I trouble you again?"

After hesitating for a while, the straightforward Madarao stretched out his right paw again.

"It's nothing, I just want to experience a different handshake again."

"Oh yeah~"


Before evening, the slow-moving ox cart finally stopped at the entrance of the village. Lester first carried Lulu out of the cart, and then took Little Claw's hand in a very gentlemanly manner to let the vastaya girl get off the cart shyly, saying goodbye Some tiger brothers and sisters who were reluctant to leave, Lester gave the driver a hug in the name of gratitude, and stuffed a Shurima gold coin into the driver's pocket.

In Lester's view, the good qualities of honesty and enthusiasm are more precious than the gold coins that can only be earned by a thousand fares, and this is the fare he is willing to pay.

Introduced by the middle-aged coachman and warmly received by the villagers, Lester smoothly entered the village built in the green forest.

This self-sufficient forest village near Linyi is called 'Praia'. [Praia] is mainly a collection industry, and it is not too far from the inland river [Huanxi River] in Navoli Province.

It only takes a few tens of kilometers to reach the small village near the Huanxi River, change to a boat and sail northeast, and at the end of the Huanxi River, change to a horse-drawn carriage to arrive at [Navoli’s Presidio] 】.

Thanks to the convenient transportation and beautiful scenery, [Praia Village] has developed a treehouse-style hotel and tavern similar to tourism. [Mill Village] on the [Raiseman Mountains] in the brown rock area, Praia Village with a better environment has more traffic and faster development. Every day, there are all kinds of tourists coming and going, so it is very lively.

Under the introduction of the elders of the village, Lester and his party had an extra Vastaya guide. In the tree house hotel made of trees, when night fell, O’Gorman settled the three foreign guests in the [Linyue Wanfeng] hotel,

Judging from the name, it is quite poetic and picturesque.

Although Lester invited the vastaya cat boy to have a meal together, the cat boy still refused firmly because he had something to do.

After making an appointment to come back the next morning, he waved goodbye to the hasty young Vastaya, and came to the restaurant on the second floor. Leicester ordered a few dishes, mainly forest game and various vegetables, from other small tree houses. The smell of barbecue coming from inside made Lulu and Pix drooling, and the two little guys were ready to have a big fight.

"Little Lenny, you are so amazing, I didn't realize you stuffed gold coins in that uncle's pocket!"

Knowing the heroic deeds that Lester secretly did, Lulu wiped her saliva and her eyes shone brightly, but Lester himself seemed very calm, took the Huahua Staff from Lulu's hand, and Yodel People did not refuse.

"Lulu, this is nothing to brag about. Good qualities are always more precious than material things. Of course, the premise is that you have a little money, and I happen to have a little bit."

"Huh? Is a little enough?"

"Don't worry, I've seen little Lenny's purse, there are so many big gold coins! Little Lenny is very rich~"

Pixar hovered in the air and gesticulated twice with his small arms, which successfully aroused Lulu's exclamation.

After setting up the spiral wooden staff that may cause trouble at any time, Lester took off the invisible blue bird Janna, which was constantly charging, and placed it on the dining table.

Janna tilted her head in doubt, staring blankly at her pious disciples, not understanding the meaning of what he did.

Put yourself on the dining table, you don't want to eat yourself, do you?

"My elf goddess."

Unaware of Janna's foolish thoughts, she tapped Blue Bird's head with her index finger, and Lester said softly.

"Will it have any bad influence on you when you enter the inland? Will it cause trouble for you to absorb the belief of believers?"

Regarding the question about the nature of her own power, Janna didn't mean to hide anything, she took the initiative to jump into Lester's palm and explained patiently.

"And, no, in, you, here, absorb, of, believe in, more, more."

"That is to say, all the other believers combined don't have as much faith as I alone offer?"


Guessing it might be because the Rune Wars have just passed, and sailing has not yet risen again. Lester felt a little sympathy for Janna, and the way he looked at the blue bird changed slightly.

"Little bird, hello~"

Seeing the one god and one man who were talking, Lulu greeted cheerfully, and Janna jumped in front of Lulu, waving her little wings in a friendly way.

As a magical creature, Lulu can easily see Janna's disguised avatar, which is also related to Janna not hiding in front of Lulu.

The food was prepared quickly, and in the midst of feasting, the things on the table were quickly wiped out. After saying goodbye to each other, Lester returned to his tree house with the blue bird, closed the door with vines, and said goodbye to each other. Following the quiet Janna came to the tree window.

It is completely different from the peaceful and peaceful night in Jade Collar. When the night falls, the forest hut in Praia really comes alive, allowing Lester to understand the beauty of harmony between man and nature.

The light green fireflies flickering outside the window of the tree fluctuate in light and shade, and the colorful feathered nocturnal birds that look like owls flutter their wings, and the unknown birds make crisp and melodious calls, blowing from the tree like the wind. skimming over,

The little squirrel holding a chestnut ran and cast curious eyes on the wooden fence outside the tree house. The glowing night insects reflected dim red and green light spots under the noctilucent plants, dotting the flower beds in the forest. The bright flames complement each other and form an interesting contrast.

Looking up, the cavity in the center of the six giant trees that built [Linyue Wanfeng] is like a skylight that penetrates the starry sky, allowing the gentle moonlight to shine down like silver gauze, giving people a refreshing feeling of coolness. The bright moon is so close, it seems to be within reach.

Perhaps because of the special material of the tree house, there are no mosquitoes or ant beasts that are common in dense forests, and there is no damp and wind leakage in the house. The house is always dry and fresh.

Every time I breathe, there are grasses, soil and forests, mixed with the smell of flowers, as if nature is inhaled into the lungs, making people reluctant to exhale,

Even the lying bed is not a normal plank bed, but a red-spotted living plant that shrinks like a sponge. It is coquettish but not scary. It is shaped like a large petal, and its diameter is more than two meters when it is opened. , the rhizome is derived downward through the floor of the tree house, and the petals will provide upward support by themselves according to the different forces, which perfectly fits the structure of the human body, making the body as comfortable as lying in the sea, and when people fall asleep Finally, it will be automatically covered with soft umbrella leaves, emitting a fragrance that promotes deep sleep.


Hovering up from the shadows, under the curious eyes of the blue bird, it slid around Leicester.

This time, Evelyn did not turn into a cat, but directly transformed into a voluptuous and plump shadow woman, hugging the man's body from behind, staring at the man with golden eyes, sticking out her tongue Tilting the man's earlobe.

"Greedy ghost, do you want it again?"


Evelyn's hand that swam down without permission had expressed everything, shaking her head amusingly, Lester patted the shadow demon's arm.

After getting approval, the excited Evelyn made a new move, and the two creatures of different races soon got on the flower bed.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer pendants on the man's body, Janna, who was squatting on the man's head, never jumped away, but became more and more curious.

Although she has seen countless scenes of human beings getting close to each other in the thousands of years, Jana is still very curious that her followers can actually have an intimate relationship with a special existence like herself. This kind of novel experience is something that Janna has never seen before. of mystery.

Moreover, if you do this, your followers seem to be very happy?

Thank you for your monthly ticket support. I am really busy recently. There will be more at the end of the month. Those who raise books remember to come back often. Don’t forget about others.

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