League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 290 Chapter 289 The Ancient Forest

"Moser, I didn't expect you to catch a big fat sheep."

Bumping on the horse, the thief leader Nan praised the brown-haired young man on the right.

"In just one week, counting the gold coins given to that old Boles, this savage from Noxus spent more than a dozen gold coins without hesitation. It is only natural that such a fat sheep should not be slaughtered." It's hard to tolerate, this time we are going to get rich, follow me and work hard, the benefits of brothers will definitely be indispensable, if you have money, everyone will make money together, and if you have work, everyone will work together."

"Nan, it's better not to underestimate the enemy too much."

Moser recalled what he observed on the bullock cart, his face was a little dignified.

He always felt that these companions of his were a little aggressive, and had a faint bad feeling.

"Dare to spend a lot of money in a foreign country, and bring a yordle and an elf, that Noxian named Liszt is definitely not a simple character."

"Don't worry, in order to deal with the dwarfs and elves of the yordles, I specially obtained a mixture of [exorcism powder] and [Zizhu paralysis powder], whether it is a magical creature or a powerful warrior, as long as a little bit of this stuff , have to lie obediently on the ground, all we need is a suitable time to attack."

After gesturing at the hand crossbow fixed on his right arm, Nan sneered.

"As for that Noxus savage, I don't believe it. Ten of us can't handle him alone."

Thinking about it carefully, Moser felt that what Nan said made sense. Even the most powerful martial arts master in Navoli would definitely not be able to resist the deadly poison of Zizhu paralysis.

The highly poisonous magic plant [Red-spotted Purple Bamboo] is located in the poisonous miasma swamp deep in the rainforest at the northern foot of [Gahe Mountain]. It is difficult to guarantee that I can walk out of the life-swallowing Navoli rainforest swamp alive,

In the swamp full of poisonous insects and beasts, only special ways can survive, including a series of professional items such as antidote potions, magic cloaks, or bone arms and miasma probes.

If you enter the rainforest swamp without sufficient preparation, there is almost no possibility of survival, unless it is a vastaya lizardman who lives in the rainforest and has a natural poison resistance.

"Okay, we will arrive at [Green Forest], they are going to [Bona Village] to change boats, speed up and follow the scheduled plan, don't blame me for turning your face and denying people if you delay things .”

The ten horses were divided into two groups, bypassed the main road, started to accelerate from the narrow paths on both sides, and soon overtook the carriages driving on the bumpy road, and arrived in Green Forest ahead of schedule.


A clear and clear cry came from high above the sky, which stunned Ogman in the carriage for a moment, and Pix, who was holding the cat's ear, couldn't help but let go of the serious expression, and released the cat's ear. fluff so as not to delay Augman's 'big event'.

Pixar has always been very clear about when it is okay to fight.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ao?"

"How come there are windwalking beasts here?"

"Windwalker?? What is that?"

Looking away from the car window, Lester was also a little curious about Ionia's strange name for Dragon Bird.

"According to grandma, the windwalking beast is a sub-dragon pure-blood beast that lives on Dragon Island. It has a strong bloodline of the wind dragon. It has a beautiful shape, a strong and loyal personality, and is rarely seen in the Urus Mountains in Valoran. Oonia's sub-dragon species are very rare, at least I have grown up to this size, and this is the third time I have encountered such a situation,

I can hear it this time because I was deeply impressed. After all, the crisp and soft chirping of Fengxing Beast is still very characteristic. "

"Dragon Island? Ogman, can you tell me about Dragon Island?"

Shaking his head, the cat boy was also a little helpless.

"I don't know too much about Dragon Island, but I just heard from grandma that Dragon Island is located deep in the sea, and there are all kinds of giant dragons living on it. Normally, giant dragons rarely fly away from Dragon Island, but The blood of sub-dragons often appears on Valoran. In addition to windrunners, there are also bipedal wyverns, eagle dragons and dragon blood lizards.

Because Ionia is too rich in magical elements, the powerful dragon language magic often causes extraordinary damage and seriously affects the balance between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. Therefore, Karma has long signed a contract with the owner of Dragon Island, unless it is A dragon traitor abandoned by Dragon Island, under normal circumstances, there would be no purebred flying dragons in Ionia. "

Even Lester, who is familiar with most of the background plot, can't help but be impressed by Grandma Ogman's erudition. There is no doubt that this cat-granny is a super grandma comparable to Grandma Irelia.

"Ogman, can I ask you a question?"

As if sensing the seriousness on Lester's face, the cat boy also became serious.

"Mr. Lister, you can ask."

"Your grandma is a knowledgeable elder, she must be well-known in Navoli province, right? Could you introduce me, let me visit this vastaya elder?"

I thought it was a very simple request, but Augman's face revealed a look of embarrassment.

Seeing the boy's reluctance, the empathetic Leicester would naturally not do things that are difficult for others.

"It's okay, if it's difficult, forget it."

"No, it's just...Mr. Liszt, can you keep it a secret for me? Make sure that what I say will not be told to others."

Taking the initiative to hold O'Gorman's cat's paw, Lester nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, O'Gorman, I won't talk nonsense."

"Well, I believe you, Mr. Lister."

The cat-man boy withdrew his cat's claws and became a little disappointed.

"My grandma [Omelia], in fact, is the undead Vasta Yashari, I haven't seen her for a long time since I left [Omeka Yalan], and she has many, many husbands, Children and grandchildren, for thousands of years, I am just one of thousands of grandchildren, and there is nothing special about it.”

Watching the man with a serious face, O'Gorman whispered about his life experience, Lulu and Pixar also quieted down and listened attentively.

"My mother is the seventy-fifth child of Grandma Omelia, and my father is a pure-blooded vastaya who lives in Omeka Yalan. I lived in Omeka Yalan when I was young, and later came to Age is driven out."

"Expulsion? Why are you expelled?"

"In Omikayalan, children who grow up need to pass a special mental test, because I did not live up to the expectations of my grandma and other vastaya shari, so I had to leave Omikayalan with my mother , came to live in the outside world.”

After hesitating for a while, Lester still didn't ask for more sensitive information about the mental test, but changed the subject.

"Didn't your father come out together?"

Shaking his head, O'Gorman felt a little sad.

"My father died before I left. He has lived for more than 300 years. When his fifteen-year-old mother gave birth to me, he was already 295 years old. Before me, he was still alive. There are fifty-six children, and I count as his last child, that is to say, I have fifty-six older brothers and sisters."

Hearing what the cat boy said, both Lulu and Pixar's mouths opened into big 'O' shapes, especially Lulu, she couldn't imagine her life with fifty-six brothers and sisters. what will become.

Will it become fifty-six flowers?

The same is true for Leicester. If Lester hadn't known how chaotic the place where Vasta Yashari lived in Helena's dragon skin scroll, I am afraid that his expression would not be much better now.

O'Gorman shook his head and his ears drooped, and he seemed a little ashamed. After living in the outside world for several years, he also understood how deviant and unethical the way of life of his people was, which was why he was unwilling to speak out.

In the past few years outside, only Mr. Liszt, who is quite special, gave him the idea to confide.

"In short, Omikayalan is an ancient forest guarded by a spiritual maze. There are some grandma-like Vastaya Shari and many pure-blood Vastaya people. My mother and I can't go back. Mr. Liszt, you can't go through the maze and enter Omika Yalan. Anyone who trespasses will be captured by the mother-in-law who guards the [Worried Garden], forget everything about himself, and then be expelled from the forest, so you are I can't see my grandma."

"So that's how it is."

Through the catman boy's narration, Lester knew some confidential information that was not introduced in the background of the game, especially regarding the so-called "spiritual test", no matter how he thought about it, Lester also felt that there was a hint of conspiracy in it.


Another sharp cry came from the sky, and the tone became more urgent. Lester patted Ogman's head, comforted the cat boy, and said to the coachman.

"Old Mr. Lianghe, please stop the car."

Although he was a little puzzled as to why his employer had to stop the car, the old man still chose to do so. The two horses slowed down and stopped on the lawn in front of the woods.

"Little Lenny?"

"Lulu is obedient, stay in the car obediently... Pixar, protect Lulu and Ogman."

Seeing something wrong from the man's eyes, Pixar also became serious.

"Mr. Lister, is there any danger?"

O'Gorman also reacted, sticking out the cat's claws from the gap between the flesh, the boy was a little anxious.

"I am coming too……"

"No, it's just some minor troubles, not dangerous."

After getting off the carriage, Lester walked to the old coachman Lianghe, whispered a few words, and let the old coachman enter the back compartment of the carriage.

After doing all this, Lester said in a calm tone.

"I think we can have a good talk. It's a pity that there is no good tea prepared. Otherwise, I can treat you to a drink. After all, you have been chasing for so long, and it is considered exhausting."

As soon as the words fell, a man in a black cloak came out of the woods on the east side, put down his hood, and revealed a mean face of a horse.

"Barbarian of Noxus, you are really unusual, to be able to discover my existence."

Nodding his head uncertainly, Lester took a few steps and approached the horse-faced man.

"If you want to praise yourself, you can say it directly, because you don't need to waste any effort,

Rather than talking about some useless nonsense, it is better to talk about your purpose. I didn’t provoke anyone, so you came here for my money. I thought that the land of Ionia was only beautiful and harmonious. The thought of still having a few bedbugs crawling around was unappetizing. "

"You are very smart, but you still don't understand who is standing in front of you."

In order to confuse and frighten the barbarian in front of him, the thief took out a snake-shaped dagger from his waist, and made a trick of it, his face turned cold.

"Smart people, do what smart people do, instead of saying stupid things that might make me cut you to pieces, listen, barbarian of Noxus, if you just keep your money , we won't hurt anyone, and you won't turn into slime in the forest."

"What about them? I will turn into mud. What will they become, the natives of Navoli Province?"

Glancing at the carriage compartment, the thief said indifferently.

"We have always been tolerant of the Ionians,

As long as they don't choose to do something superfluous, there will be no danger. I think we've talked enough nonsense. Before I lose all patience, leave your money and you can continue to leave in the carriage. In this case, I will not say it a second time. "

Inside the carriage, the anxious Lulu had her mouth covered by Pix, while the old coachman Lianghe grabbed the cat boy's arm, signaling him not to act rashly.

"Mr. Lister is not an ordinary person, we just need to be patient."

The old man's words were gentle and full of strength.

Struggling in his heart, recalling what Liszt said to himself before leaving the carriage, O'Gorman gave up the idea of ​​rushing out of the carriage.

While the two were confronting each other, the thief in the forest had already raised his hand crossbow, aiming at Lester's body with poisoned crossbow arrows.

From the very beginning, they were not prepared to let go of their prey, and the reason why they didn't make a move was only because Nan hadn't given an order yet.

"Well, no matter where you are, you will encounter such terrible things."

After taking out the magic steel dagger, Lester didn't intend to use magic to quickly end the battle, but was somewhat interested in Ionia's martial arts system.

The best way to learn is to fight in person. Since it is unavoidable, it is better to treat such things as seasonings on the journey.

"It seems that you have made your choice."

When the horse-faced thief made an aggressive gesture to confuse Lester, Nan quietly put down his hand.

Five crossbows shot out unexpectedly from the woods on the east side, followed by four crossbows from the woods on the west side blocking Leicester's direction of action, making the impenetrable array of crossbows let Lester There is no escape.

Just as he was about to use magic to stop the crossbow arrows, suddenly a strong wind erupted from his body, blowing the nine crossbow arrows tottering. Only then did Lester suddenly realize that Janna on his head had helped him.

"Thank you, my Wind Spirit."

Naturally, he couldn't understand the ancient Shurima language that expressed gratitude. The horse-faced thief's expression changed. Seeing that the Noxian was a wind mage, he stopped hesitating. The dagger pierced Lester's lower abdomen.

"too slow."

A bloody sharp blade slashed across, and the right hand holding the knife fell to the ground with the poisoned short dagger. Before the pain of the severed hand was transmitted to the neural network to react to the brain, the thief's neck was pierced by the magic steel dagger from bottom to top. The brainstem was destroyed directly through the cavity of the skull.

It is Leicester's unique professional style to kill as much as possible with one blow.

Before he died, the horse-faced thief vaguely saw the strange blue bird squatting on the head of the Noxus, and with a 'plop', the man fell to the ground with regret.

"kill him!!!"

Ah, this. Now it's a bit difficult, obviously just combining the two updates into one, the number of words is more, but the number of people who follow up is less, everyone chooses to raise books on a monthly basis, and they are really not afraid of raising this book to death QAQ (still Fortunately, there are a few people who use monthly tickets to renew Bobby’s life when he stays up late),

What should I do? There are more average subscriptions and fewer follow-ups. I, Bajie, am not a human being inside and outside. There are also a large group of trainees who urge updates every day to add fuel to the fire. Watching the excitement is not a big deal. Can a great Luo Jinxian give me an idea so that I can break this endless loop of sending soup?

By the way, the rhythm of the recent plot is okay, right?

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