League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 291 Chapter 290 Magic Evening Time (seeking monthly ticket subscription)

The bushes on both sides retreated invariably, like a green maze from which there was no escape.

Holding the dagger, Mosse ran forward in fear, not daring to look back, allowing his robe to be scratched and pulled by the thorns blocking the road, leaving bloodstains on his body.

At this moment, even a small stone on the ground has become a stumbling block that men fear most.

From the moment the poisonous arrows were blown away by the strange wind, things went out of control, and the companions around him fell one by one, and I couldn't even see what kind of moves the person who killed the companions used.

In front of that man, even the strongest Nan is not an all-in-one enemy, how to deal with such an enemy?

The expected confrontation was over from the moment they touched each other. In terms of strength, speed, reflexes and proficiency with daggers, I and the others were far behind the men of Noxus, let alone that man. Still a mage.

The frighteningly simple killing was enough to turn any strong-willed man into a coward. In the hands of that man, life seemed worthless, and the results of more than ten years of martial arts practice were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

My feeling was right from the very beginning, that Noxian was not a fat sheep at all, but a terrifying demon.

The familiar forest route in the past has become extremely strange at this moment, and his heart is getting more and more anxious, until he sees the man blocking the front again, Moser falls to the ground, and finally drops the powerless dagger.

He gave up completely.

"Stop running?"

Lester also seemed to be used to the Janna on his head, and touched the wind elf who took the initiative to give him a speed buff. With a faint smile, he walked in front of his 'acquaintance'.

The man in front of him was the young man with a knife on the bullock cart when he had just left Linyi.

"I thought that on the bullock cart to Playa Village, I only made friends, but I didn't expect that I also gained a lot of enemies, and my enemies are much more than friends. These things always happen to me It seems that I should have many enemies."

"Lister, who are you, exactly?"

Fear caused Moser's legs to lose strength, and even his throat seemed to be filled with water, making it difficult to breathe.

"I'm just an ordinary traveler. After seeing you, I know that my luck is not very good."

Nailed the brown-haired youth's hand into the dirt with the magic steel dagger, amidst Moser's sharp wailing, Lester said calmly.

"Tell me about your backgrounds. You can lie and lie to me. As long as it satisfies me, I can give you a good time. Otherwise, you may be very unhappy."

After finally recovering from the severe pain, Mosse knew that he was bound to die, and it would be better to suffer less pain than to be tortured by the devil.

"Hehe...hehe...From the day I started on this road, I knew that I would meet someone like you sooner or later...Killer, people will always kill, I admit it, I just ask you to be with me After you finish speaking, give me a good time."

"I don't think you have room to bargain."

Stepping on the handle of the dagger, the wound on Mosser's right hand began to grow larger, as if he had become numb, or had adapted to the severe pain. The young man who didn't say a word let Lester take a high look and moved away. Right foot, to Mosser's relief.

"... Hiss... We are a member of the Navoli Thieves Alliance. The leader is Nan, the bald man who was killed by you. I came to you this time because I was blind and harmed others. Others There is nothing to say. Don’t ask me where the headquarters of the Thieves Alliance is. Only Nan, who is the leader, knows. Buying lives with money and guarding the business of important people, if you have enough bargaining chips, sometimes you will participate in power struggles on other continents under the call of the alliance, and you will also find some aliens and unlucky guys who are alone on weekdays. Some dirty money, it's really unlucky to meet you this time."

"If I want to spend money to buy my life, how can I contact the Thieves Alliance?"

The Thieves Alliance mentioned by the brown-haired youth reminded Leicester of the [Navoli Brotherhood] in Ionia. Marcia Revolutionary Army] and [Shurima Sand Bandit Warlord] are the three famous terrorist (harmonious) organizations in Runeterra. These forces are best at creating terrorist attacks, acting recklessly and ruthlessly, proudly shouting ' I'm in charge' kind.

The main forces behind the human trafficking and slave trade in Runeterra are the warlords of Shurima. Fortunately, the Edge of Night cut off the hands of the Shurima people stretching out to the emerald collar, and let the painful Shurima people know what The locality cannot get rich.

If [Navoli Thieves League] is the predecessor of [Navoli Brotherhood], Lester would not be surprised, but just listening to the brunette youth say that, it seems almost meaningless.

Brotherhoods are much tighter than alliances.

"Look for the black market. If you find the black market, you can find members of the Thieves Alliance. The rule is that you tell the person you want to kill. The more information the better, the Thieves Alliance will evaluate the difficulty of the operation and the value of the target, and then give an estimate. You pay three One-third of the deposit, and the remaining two-thirds will be paid after the assassination is successful. If the assassination fails, the Thieves Alliance will continue to send killers to carry out the assassination. Under normal circumstances, unless it provokes someone who should not be provoked, the alliance will hunt down to the end , Of course, if it fails, the deposit will not be refunded, but the remaining two-thirds will not be paid.

This is the unique emblem ring of the Thieves Alliance. Anyway, I don’t need it anymore, so I gave it to you. Of course, you can also get Nan’s. His ring is something that only core members of the alliance can get. With that Only the ring can be recognized by the alliance and be qualified to form a team to join the alliance. Otherwise, one has to pass the harsh test of the alliance to obtain the core ring. "

Receiving the finely carved bone ring in the shape of an octagonal flower from Moser, recalling the other bone ring on the finger of the bald killer, Lester found that the subtlety of it is that the bone quality seems to be different, It's not as simple as loose or not, or whether to stick a plaster.

After sending the brown-haired youth with the magic steel dagger for the last time, Lester searched again, not to mention the hand crossbow and dagger, except for two gold coins and a small porcelain bottle, he found nothing useful. It seems that these Thieves are not rich either.

Released the magic of the fire element, burned the unknown enemy into bone powder, and with the help of Janna, Lester returned to the battlefield at the beginning.

Soon, Lester collected other trophies. Except for the bald man's bone ring, a porcelain bottle suspected to contain poison, and a dozen gold coins, Lester did not intend to keep other things, and burned them all. Using magic to roll the new soil and bury the ashes in the ground, ashes to ashes to ashes, everything is reduced to nothing, as if it never existed.

About half an hour had passed by the time the operation of destroying the corpses and traces was completely completed. During this period, the old coachman Lianghe, Lulu and others obediently hid in the carriage, saving Lester a lot of effort in explaining.

The carriage was on the road again. Whether it was the coachman Lianghe or Ogman, they all had a new understanding of Leicester's strength, especially the cat-man boy who secretly watched the battle from the window. Being able to easily defeat those long-awaited powerful killers, O'Gorman has already understood what true power is.

The journey was far away, laughter and laughter resumed on the carriage again, the ruts gradually disappeared at the end of the green path, only the crimson land told of the life that had passed away with the wind and would never return.


[Huanxi River], originating from the Sea of ​​Watchers, flows into the west coast of the Ionian mainland via Linyi Port, and gradually transitions to the east. The farthest second branch is adjacent to the southern foot of the northern end of [Longji Mountain], close to Navo The core city of Lee Province [Presidium], which runs through the western island of Philo and the inland Presidian, is an extremely important sea traffic artery.

Saying goodbye to the old coachman Lianghe in [Bona Village], Leicester and his party boarded a boat and headed northeast along the Huanxi River.

The boatman is a one-eyed, silent middle-aged man named Nale. After searching all boatmen in Bona Village, Nale is the only one who is willing to go to Presidio at the beginning of the Blossom Festival. Although the villagers did not say the reason, Lai However, Ster knew that he might have something to do with the spirits and ghosts raging on the Blossom Festival.

Due to the higher terrain in the southwest, the speed of the boat is faster. In the turbulent Huanxi River, the boat goes down the current, allowing the strange scenery along the way to quickly retreat behind. Soon the boat has turned the first big bend, along the Follow the Leishman Mountains all the way north.

Life on the boat is also very interesting. During the day, I watch the scenery on both sides of the river with Lulu. Under the guidance of the boatman Nale, I greet and exchange food with passing fishing boats. Under the explanation of Ogman, I learn about life in the Huanxi River. All kinds of fish, and even Lester got off the boat to fish and cook grilled fish on the boat. Even the taciturn boatman Nale gave a thumbs up, ate all the grilled fish, and took the initiative to ask Lester Learn how to stabilize grilled fish with the element of fire.

When night comes, when all kinds of night birds flap their wings across the river, the boat will be docked on the shore, and everyone will return to the cabin to rest and fall asleep on the sparkling Mirage River, but Lester himself is very happy. The nighttime beauty of the Huanxi River seems to be obsessed with the magical atmosphere. When Lester uses the magic power to perceive, he will always find that in the magical world, the Huanxi River exudes seven-color light like Linban, and It doesn't look glaring, but it is particularly soft against the backdrop of the night. During this process, Elena in her body will also become excited.

Ogman said that this is actually [Magic Element], a kind of spiritual energy similar to magic power but more primitive, which can be used as currency, so Lester can't take it easy, and collects it whenever he has time.

In Ionia, even the basic elements of magic are full of unique vitality. The ice element snowflake that was originally on the Valoran continent has now become a female elf with ice wings. Influenced by aesthetics, the beautiful elf has a delicate face, wearing a blue ice skirt, the stalwart ice peak is about to come out, the strange snow peak shield is crumbling, and the smooth shoulders fully interpret the cunning, so that Lester will take the initiative Watch to see if the anti-gravity ice wing dress will fall, and let yourself see the little puck that you shouldn't see.

Fortunately, the Ice Elemental Elf, who has more human emotions, also understands the man's worries. After realizing the inner desire of his favorite master, the Ice Elf took the initiative to strip off the gorgeous ice skirt, making the body transparent and making the man more transparent. Speechless Leicester finally confirmed that the old comrade was deceived by not talking about martial arts,

It turns out that Wei An's hockey ball is not the body of the ice elemental spirit, but the [clothes shell] of the ice elemental spirit, which is no different from the cover of a man disguised as a woman.

The ice elemental elves around the body have no gender characteristics, only the holy light of a flat river on the chest, the reason why they turned into women is only influenced by Elena and Lester, who actively created a Lester is more fond of the false image, and the specific sex signs are not quite.

Unless the ice elemental elf has a complete self-personality, and the self-awareness status is 'female', it will change from a flat river to a holy and stalwart Mount Fuji.

Perhaps in the future, the ice elemental elves will gain a complete concept of 'female' and self-awareness, but it is definitely not now.

After thinking about it, Lester still gave up the idea of ​​using the vitality provided by Elena to forcibly transform the ice elemental elf. It is enough to admire the little guy in the ice-wing dress and waving snowflake wings, and then do other things. Things like this are just superfluous and meaningless.

He can't even have magic elements... ahem...

Not necessarily...is it?

In short, while enjoying the peaceful life of Ionia, Lester did not sit idle. In addition to absorbing the magic essence, he often uses meditation to feel the spiritual realm of Ionia, and cooperates with Elena to further develop more active magic Elements, the research comes from the magic tome left by the destruction mage of Icacia.

When she was still at the Black Rose Mage Academy, Margaret handed over the magic scrolls unearthed in the [Icacia Mage Ruins] in [Bamtel Village] to Lester, but for various reasons, Lester Lester did not actually release the strengthening magic and summoning magic recorded on the scroll. When creating the augmentation circle, he absorbed a lot of the spellcasting concept of the Icathian destruction mage, so the scroll is not counted in the hands of Lester. Useless.

It is worth mentioning that the [Human Skin Scroll] that records strengthening magic is completely different from the [Animal Skin Scroll] that records the magic of summoning undead. 】It simply records the method and steps of arcane spellcasting. Lester has always wondered whether the [Human Skin Scroll] unearthed together with the [Dark Seal] is the [Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll] in the game.

In particular, the powerful spells recorded on the [Human Skin Scroll] require the cooperation of the magic ring [Dark Seal] to be released perfectly. After several years of soul accumulation, the [Dark Seal] that has devoured hundreds of human souls has also officially entered the first stage. The first floor has reached the [basic stage] of spellcasting mentioned on the human skin scroll. On top of the [basic stage], there are two different levels of spellcasting limits: [intermediate stage] and [advanced stage]. Judging from it, [Dark Seal] is an out-and-out evil weapon, and its greed for souls can be described as inexhaustible, but it is in line with the domineering style of killing more and becoming stronger in the game.

Leicester has always maintained sufficient vigilance against the Icathian strengthening spell with unknown effects and the [Human Skin Scroll] that is suspected to be a murder book.

The scroll does not give a clear description of the successful release of the spell, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no bad accidents after the successful release of the spell. Therefore, Lester has been using his free time to analyze the composition of arcane spells on the scroll. , I want to figure out how far the so-called "strengthening" can reach before releasing it, and what kind of side effects it has.

He hates things that are out of control, not to mention, this kind of thing is still likely to hurt his own weapon.

Thanks to [Absolute Forbidden Words] and [Green Orange Brother] for their rewards

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