League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 292 Chapter 291 Black Dream (seeking monthly ticket subscription)

In addition to self-improvement, Lester was also completely entangled by the cat boy Ogman. Although he did not recognize Ogman, the vastaya cat apprentice, Lester is still willing to guide Ogman in fighting Skills, and passed on the part of [Practice Stance] that can enhance agility and agility to the vastaya boy, and taught a set of fighting skills suitable for cat people.

For the knowledge and skills taught by Lester, O'Gorman devoted 120,000 percent of his energy, meditating and training whenever he had the opportunity, but he learned it well, and the master master kept calling.

The fulfilling days passed quickly, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

As the river became narrower and more turbulent, the boats approached the dense forest along the coast to avoid the continuous rain and rolling spring thunder.

"It looks like this rain will last for a long time."

After tying the boat rope to the thick trunk of the cloudwood, the boatman Nale picked up a fallen leaf. The moisture on the veins made the man understand that the road ahead was not easy.

"Will it delay the trip?"

Lester, who was hiding under the canopy of the big tree, observed the environment in the dense forest. Except for the strange plants with Ionian characteristics and some small animals scurrying on the branches, he found nothing abnormal.

"If the rain can stop within a week, it should still be in time for the Blossom Festival."

Seeing that the rain was getting heavier, everyone stopped to brave the rain and nestled in the small cabin. Because Lulu and O'Gorman were not too big, the cabin didn't look crowded. Nale and Rice Sitting opposite each other, Lulu and Ogman, who were holding a flowery staff, faced each other. Counting the blue bird above their heads and the flying elf Pixar, now they only need a set of mahjong to play.

"It's still early in the evening, let's take turns telling stories, one for each."

Leicester took the simplest but effective way to lighten the dull atmosphere.

"Yeah! Storytelling is fun!"

Lulu, who was bored, clapped her hands first, and O'Gorman also nodded, willing to participate. Seeing that the other three people were all looking at her, Nale the boatman hesitated and nodded.

"Okay, let's start with me."

Because there were children, Lester chose a better story.

"When I was still living in the Valoran continent, I accidentally discovered a very magical place. It was a vast forest, next to the Silver Mountains in the south, where there lived many rare and exotic beasts, which were hard to see at ordinary times. People in the plains of Nokomochi call it the Forest of Silence."

"It was an early morning, I walked through the forest with mottled light beams, stepped on the bluestone to the stream, and met a small white deer without horns,

The little white deer also saw me. The strange thing is that it didn't seem to be afraid of me. It just took a look at me and then continued to drink water. I didn't continue to approach the kind-hearted deer, just quietly observing by the stream. , After a while, another big man came out of the woods, guess who it is? "

"Is it a big cat?"

"It's not."

Immediately after Lulu, O'Gorman also expressed his conjecture.

"The big man, is he a bear?"

Lester smiled and shook his head.


"A magical creature in the forest?"

Shaking his head at Naylor, Lester revealed the answer.

"It's a group of marching ants with humanoid mimicry, densely packed, with hundreds of thousands of them."

Naylor's face became a little strange.

"Wow! That must be spectacular! Didn't the little white deer befriend the ants?"

Lulu clasped her little hands together and looked longingly at the soft-faced Lester.

"Yes, they merged with the kind deer, and became best friends with the bone deer, and they will never be separated again. I believe that even if they return to nature and enter the next round of life cycle, they will be in the same place again. together."

Naylor's face froze, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled reluctantly at the man.

This story is like hell, just like the man in front of me.

"What a beautiful story... Is it my turn? Well, then I'll tell a story about Bandle City,

It was a beautiful afternoon, I accidentally walked through the portal, only to find that my good friend, Bandle City's gunner captain Tristana was holding her 'Boom' to confront Mr. Rabbit outside the portal. The scene is really terrible! I can all see the raging flames that Rumble started to burst out of! "

The bright emerald green eyes of the yordle are like two flawless green emeralds, and the purple hair sways gently with the movement of the owner's hand, expressing cheerful emotions.

"Facing the cold and ruthless Mr. Rabbit, Tristana had to put up all her energy to avoid being bumped by the enemy's protruding little nose. In order to prevent the two of them from really fighting, I had to stand between the two, and Pixar prevented any further conflict."

Proudly sticking out her small chest, Lulu spoke vividly.

"At that time, Tristana's face was very serious. She said that some kind of terrible creature attacked the portal, so she seriously suspected that the culprit was Mr. Rabbit, so I turned my head to look at Mr. Rabbit who was shaking his nose , I asked him, and I said, "Did you attack the portal?" Sure enough, Mr. Rabbit turned his head and started grazing in disdain. He didn't want to pay attention to my question at all. The fluctuation of the door is not something Mr. Rabbit did, how can a person who has done bad things continue to eat with peace of mind?"

"If it wasn't Mr. Rabbit, then who caused the fluctuation of the portal?"

Lester found the right moment to ask questions, which made Lulu beam with joy.

He knew that the little guy liked this.

"Yeah, this is a difficult puzzle to get an answer to, but it's not difficult for me. With the help of Pixar, I quickly found the answer and discovered the truth~"

Little Fairy Pix rolled his eyes, folded his hands in front of his chest, and uncovered Lulu's background without hesitation.

"That's right, I found the answer, it was Lulu you used the [Whispering Key] to go back and forth through the portal and caused the portal to fluctuate, which made Tristana nervously ask a rabbit to blame, after all, in class When it comes to the safety of Del City, Tristana always attaches great importance to it, and never let go of any trouble."

Lester kept the [Whispering Key] in mind, and smiled calmly.

If he remembered correctly, the Whispering Key was the key to travel through the portal of Bandle City, and it was confirmed in Lulu's mouth at this moment.

The cat boy Ogman reacted blankly for a while, his mouth gradually opened, and after a delay of three seconds, he burst out laughing, trying to figure out the reason.

"Hahaha, after a long time, it turned out to be you!"

"Hey, after I apologized to Mr. Rabbit and Tristana, I was forgiven. It's your turn, Uncle Nale. Do you want to tell a story?"

Being watched by the yordles, Naylor nodded with a heavy voice.

"Bona Village has always been a peaceful and beautiful village. Under the leadership of the elders, the villagers can obtain enough living supplies by relying on fishing and prey in the mountains. The boats that go to and from the Huanxi River are also our trading objects. Exchanging fur and game for some good things from other places, everything was perfect until twelve years ago, a shadow mage came to our village."

After a pause, the one-eyed boatman lowered his eyelids, touched his blind left eye, and continued.

"The shadow mage's name is 'Doppler', a middle-aged man in his thirties, from Zhiyun Province, traveling all the way north, and finally came to our village,

Knowing that Doppler can release the shadow spell, the elders left him and agreed to let him live for a period of time. With the shadow mage, our village began to harvest more, and life began to become better. No need for breathing shadows You can dive under the Huanxi River for a long time, catch rare freshwater fish that are difficult to catch, and you can also search for rare herbs, animals and plants in the depths of the Green Forest. Everyone thinks that the arrival of Doppler is a good thing, and my His wife is no exception. Bona Village fully accepts guests from afar, and Doppler is warm and generous. In Bona Village, no one dislikes him. Even the elders who stick to the rules are willing to let Doppler stay for a while . "

"I thought it would be peaceful forever, but on the night of a lunar eclipse, a nightmare fell on Bona Village."

Fear began to appear on the man's face, and the only remaining eye seemed to have seen something terrible, bloodshot and extremely hideous.

Lester hugged the somewhat frightened Lulu in his arms, wrapped his arms around Lulu's small face, and patted the yordle's back lightly.

Even Pixar the Pixie got serious.

At this moment, Naylor doesn't care about other people's opinions. He just wants to take this rare opportunity to express the anguish and despair that has been suppressed in his heart for more than ten years.

"The villagers in their dreams, without exception, have all entered a real nightmare, and the owner of the nightmare is Doppler. When the villagers are walking blankly in the dreamland full of fog and shadows, the disaster has just begun. In the beginning, a shadowy ghost of nothingness stared at all of us. Its voice was like the whisper of death, depressing and dull, full of malice to life, and spreading the fear hidden in the darkness.

Whenever ghosts come, we will be pulled into a strange world, in that world of nothingness, you have nothing, not even time, the only thing that exists is yourself, and every time you exit the world of nothingness, There will always be people who completely disappear into the nightmare while wailing. After the third person disappears, Doppler, who is surrounded by villagers, finally tells the truth. "

Naylor's voice is full of pain, the trembling syllables like a scar that has been torn open again.

"It turns out that Doppler has long been targeted by the evil creature that can invade dreams. His so-called 'cloud travel' is just to avoid the pursuit of the devil. He wanted to seek effective help, but he found nothing. Not even the monks of Soji Temple and Karma of the Temple of Longevity were able to deal with that evil creature.

In desperation, in order to survive, he chose to find a village to live in when the night of the lunar eclipse was approaching and the devil was about to approach. In other words, our village was just a sacrifice used by Doppler to delay the evil creatures. From the very beginning, We are deceived by a terrible and deadly lie, a gift from his shadow, a ransom in death for our lives to fend off his attack. "

With a self-deprecating smile, Naylor pointed to his blind right eye.

"My wife Sally's life, plus my right eye, was bought by three rainbow fish and a wild boar. On the day I got the gift, I even felt guilty about that Doppler guy, because I and Sally didn't have anything to give him except ordinary daily necessities. Isn't it ridiculous?

As the devil attacked again, I hugged Sally tightly. To my surprise, Sally did not separate from me this time, and I did not go to the world of nothingness, but appeared together in Greenland. In the forest, there was a red leopard with flame marks not far away. Before I realized what happened, the red leopard rushed towards me and Sally. Facing the man-eating beast, there was a thrust from my side, and I lost my balance. "

The man's voice was deep and full of despair,

"It was Sally who pushed me towards Red Leopard...

I staggered towards the red leopard with confusion and sadness, but the red leopard slapped my face with its sharp claws and blinded my right eye. After I fell to the ground, the red leopard bit Sally , Tore my wife's throat, I looked at my wife who was eaten blankly, and watched her die, I didn't even know what to do. "

"I don't know how long it took, but I came out of Green Forest, and I didn't return to the terrifying world of nightmares and nothingness. I was awakened by the severe pain in my right eye. I sat up from the bed, and the person lying next to me had lost his breath. Sally, who was holding my left hand, seemed to be asleep. There was no wound on her body, but it was as cold as a ruthless snowball...

I opened my wife's stiff but determined fingers, got up from the bed, walked to the mirror,

What I saw was an empty eyeball that was intact but could no longer see,

In a nightmare, I lost my right eye, and my wife lost her life. Because of Sally's push, I found that there was an irreparable rift between myself and my wife.

It wasn't until the next day that I realized that the reason we were able to leave the shackles of the nightmare was because Doppler died at the hands of angry villagers. The dream of losing his master was no longer a dream, and we returned to reality smoothly. And the demon who can travel through dreams and torture souls with evil abilities also cut off contact with Bona Village, but the five dead people in Bona Village could never come back. In anger, Doppler's body was killed The villagers were burned to ashes in the woodpile, and the bone meal was used to comfort the dead souls.

I thought my pain came from the departure of my wife, but I found that every time I had a nightmare, I dreamed of Sally's ruthless push. I wanted to protect Sally with my life, but she betrayed her without hesitation. For me, this is the result that I will never be able to let go of... On every Blossom Festival, I will look for the Blossoming Flower that belongs to Sally. I want to get the answer from her personally. Before the demons attacked, there were cracks and suspicions in our most beautiful relationship. What is the reason that made her willing to use the most heartbreaking way to protect herself, and to betray the husband who loves her the most? Obviously, I have done my best She is ready to die..."

"So, have you got your answer?"

The atmosphere was silent for a long time, holding Lulu who was no longer afraid, Lester asked softly.

The man's ferocious face has returned to calm, and there is a little more relief on his face.

"For more than ten years, I have never found Sally's Blooming Spirit Flower. Perhaps this is the answer that I will never get until I die."

Outside the boat, the spring rain was pattering, and the dripping raindrops slapped on the branches and leaves. The fourth story became out of reach in the haze.

The moonlight sprinkled down gently, held up by the mottled night, in a trance, sinking deeply into a black dream.

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