League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 293 Chapter 292 The Palace of Eternal Existence (ask for monthly ticket subscription)

Unaware that the goal he was looking for had reached the land of the first birth, the rune carrier was approaching Presidium in the province of Navoli. Ryze stood on the east coast of Valoran, letting the hood blown down by the sea breeze,

The wandering mage blankly sensed the traces of the red rune fragments, estimated the approximate distance, and finally confirmed that he was at this end, and another person was at the other end of the sea.

The question is, which side is the other side of the sea?

The Sea of ​​Watchers is so big, where can I find another rune fragment?

Blue Flame Islands? Bilgewater Bay? Or the continent of Ionia?

Will he chase him to the grave?

If you directly use the power of the red rune in your hand, can you save more than ten years of time and directly...

Throwing the rune back into the rune scroll, the wandering thoughts stopped abruptly.

The rune whispers in his ears gradually dissipated, and wandering mages rarely felt deeply tired. Amid the sound of waves beating against the shore, Ryze sat hunched over the boulder, supported his chin with his arms, and became a a thinker.

The wandering mage was going to figure it out, so as not to become a headless chicken.

In his opinion, the journey can be tiring, detours, and disappointment, but it must not be without a clear goal.

If there is no clear goal, let alone encircling the entire Valoran continent in more than ten years, I am afraid that I will not be able to walk a hundred meters.

"If it wasn't a coincidence, it would be too coincidental. I just came to the southern continent of Valoran, and another person who held the red rune just left the mainland of Valoran and went to other places. It's like trying to avoid me, but there are not many people who really know me and know that I am collecting world runes. In the eyes of most people, I am just a wanderer. How could one have mastered runes? , I haven’t met someone who knows me well and deliberately used a cross-continental method to get rid of me? Impossible.”

Shaking his head and letting go of the thoughts that were too out of line, Ryze sighed and admitted the cruel reality of his unlucky luck.

"Since it won't be another premeditated action, it can only be a coincidence. Should I continue to track it down?"

When Ryze was at a loss, the boundless sea gave Ryze the answer.

If it is said that some disasters caused by runes can be reduced in the world, then crossing the sea will also have meaning.

"Let's go, we can't stop here and linger."

After thinking for a long time, Ryze decided to give up the original route of searching for runes around the continents. Since the "legs" rune has become an uncertain factor, it is better to keep moving in the general direction of the red rune, and by the way Look for other runes along the way, which is at least a little better than looking for chickens without a head.

The sea breeze brought the heavy horns of the Immortal Fortress Harbor, indicating that another big ship was about to leave. Ryze stood up, patted the hem of his clothes, put his hood back on, and his tired steps became vigorous again.

Before crossing the ocean, he needs to find a suitable boat.

There is no requirement, as long as you can cross the sea.


Presidium is located in the core area of ​​the Ionian continent. It is the heart of Navoli Province and the First Land. If you count the long-established [Magic Garden], Presidium has a history of thousands of years. The bustling and beautiful city is enough to make travelers stop and take the initiative to stay in this magical magical land.

There are hundreds of thousands of Ionians and foreign travelers living in Presidium. Under the leadership of the Apocalypse, the Holy Prophet [Karma], the holy land of Ionia has not suffered from large-scale rune wars and In the ravages of the dark tyrant, Presidium has always maintained the peace of thousands of years ago, highlighting the beauty of harmony between man and nature, spiritual and material realms.

[Hall of Eternal Existence] is the holy place in the Holy Land [Presidian]. It is the place most respected by the people of Ionia. The place where the soul of Ionia [Karma] lives.

The Palace of Eternal Existence was built in the majestic and deep mountain streams under the design of the ancient Ionian Feng Shui and astrology masters. Shuanglong Mountain is guarded in the depths, and the stream is continuous and thorough. It is not invaded by cold and heat all year round, and the flowers are blooming undefeated, forming a sea of ​​brocade clusters.

Although it stands under the cliff of the mountain stream, the sun can shine, the moon can sleep, the yang energy rises at noon, and the yin energy lasts since midnight.

Three minutes a day, four seasons of the year, sun breaks dawn, yin divides dusk,

The perfect celestial and star feng shui pattern ensures that the Palace of Eternal Existence will have different celestial bodies and stars sprinkled from the sky every eight hours. As the saying goes, "a day is divided into three parts: the sun, the moon and the stars, and the yin, yang, dusk and dawn each occupy one part". It is a rare treasure for Ionian practitioners who pursue the righteousness of heaven and earth, and the energy of the sun, moon and stars.

Thanks to the unique feng shui pattern, the elders and monks living in the Hall of Eternal Life have a long lifespan. They are pure-hearted and ascetic, and their rhythmic practice life allows wise old people to easily live to be over a hundred years old. No matter how long the old man lived, he was far from the longevity of Karma, the soul of Ionia who had been reincarnated for more than 500 years, the true master of the Hall of Eternal Existence.

If death is also the beginning of a new round of memory, then life will embark on an endless road.

The origin of Karma I is already unverifiable, but all Ionians know that there is only one owner of the Hall of Eternity, and that is Karma, and Karma is the only one who can make any stubborn Ionian The submissive prophet of the Apocalypse.

The pale reincarnation tree swayed gently, and the crimson six-leaf reincarnated flowers danced all over the sky.

The ancient and vicissitudes of the evening drum and the morning bell echoed in the red sunset glow before the sunset disappeared, breaking the vain fire burning Linyun.

The monks clasped their hands together and recited scriptures in the main hall. After bathing, the elders and the master sat cross-legged on the futon, meditating on the enlightenment of the prophet in the aloes.

The candles in the [Hall of Reincarnation] were constantly burning, and the male old man who had reached the age of 125 sat cross-legged in front of the [Eternal Light], silent.

The beard and hair are all white, the kind-hearted and peaceful old man is wearing a gorgeous silk satin cloak, and the double dragon halo on the back of his head is endless. The power contained in the soul of Ionia is enough to overturn mountains and seas, but it has been peaceful and resolute by [Karma] from beginning to end. The xinxing smoothed the edges and corners, allowing the Ssangyong to weaken the ever-expanding power while killing each other, so that the Ssangyong always maintained a low level of spiritual energy.

When the melodious bells fell completely, the last ray of sunlight disappeared on the highest tile roof of the Hall of Eternal Existence. The fifth Karma was reincarnated, and the contemporary [Karma] 'Xiu' stood up and left the Hall of Reincarnation.

When the gate of the Temple of Reincarnation was completely closed, Karma'Xiu didn't see that the eternal soul lamp swayed slightly in the absence of wind.

Outside the hall, the warrior monk 'Lv' of Shuoji Temple who was guarding the gate bowed his head reverently.

"Prophet, are you going to eat now?"

The breeze brushed his cheeks, but Xiu shook his head, looked up at the reincarnation tree outside the hall of reincarnation, and said softly to the flying soul-returning flowers.

"Law, I don't have much time. Before leaving, I always need to do something more."

The bald monk's face changed slightly, and he didn't speak. He knew that Karma, who had a dignified face, still had something to say.

That was more important than Karma's imminent reincarnation.

"During meditation, I saw a sea of ​​blood in the sea of ​​blooming spirit flowers. Just like in the past, those things that are about to move are coming again."

Hearing this, Ritsu's face changed drastically. The last time Karma saw blood was before the Spirit Blossom Festival held five years ago. During that time, many scary spirits and ghosts used the Spirit Blossom Flower to Coming from the spiritual realm to the material realm broke the balance of the two realms and brought great pain to Presidian. If Karma hadn't summoned the group of practitioners and acolytes who spontaneously guarded the balance of the two realms in advance, Under the Blossoming Spirit Tree, I am afraid there will be more casualties.

"They, are they coming again?"

After a moment of silence, Karma nodded, her tone heavy.

"Judging from the vision, this disaster is even more violent than the last one. An evil spirit that can shuttle through shadows and dreams appeared in the spiritual realm. It exacerbated the fear among the crowd, and it also destroyed the balance, so that the dead souls cannot rest in peace, and let those monsters become more in the spiritual realm."

Recalling the legends of ghosts and nightmares that were spread around the shadow mage, Li frowned. He didn't expect that the entanglement of two irrelevant things would lead to such serious consequences.

"So what are we going to do? Shall we gather those practitioners who uphold the 'Balance of the Two Realms' again?"

"I'm afraid it's not enough to do this, but good and evil will be rewarded, we don't need to intervene too much... Call the elders, we need to let more people know about this, if those practitioners want to build a temple , you have to do something good.”


The people of Presidium didn't know the disaster that was about to happen to them, but they could see that a group of strange people came to their hometown.

An exceptionally handsome Noxus youth with a calm temperament, an Ionian one-eyed man with a somewhat heavy complexion, a vastaya cat boy, plus a palm-sized fairy and a less than one-meter-long Tall purple pyoders, such a combination is rare even in Ionia, a land full of miracles and magic.

However, the peaceful and tolerant nature of the Ionians did not show any disrespectful gazes. On the contrary, many warm-hearted Ionians took the initiative to ask, wanting to help these guests other than Presidian.

Rejecting the enthusiasm of the Ionians, Lester, who already had Nale and Ogman as the guides of Presidian, stayed in a natural hotel in Presidian under the leadership of the boatman and the cat boy. Inside.

Different from the unique tree house hotel in Playa Village, although the hotel in Presidio is also built with many living trees, it is not so tall. Instead, it occupies a large area and uses some individual natural wood boards and stones As a partition, divide the space.

During the chat, Lester realized that the reason why the [Living Tree] as the main frame can grow into a perfect hypotenuse structure is because there is a special [Witch Wish] to pray to the tree spirit, so that the tree is willing to change its own growth State, becoming a part of the houses of the Ionians, is not only a building, praying for mine mining, praying for fruit trees and farmland to bear fruit, praying for impatient birds and beasts to voluntarily become human food, it is also Wu Zhu's daily work.

[Witch Wish] is also called [Spirit Summoner] by the Ionians. It is a very respected profession in Ionia. As long as it involves people and nature, in the eyes of the Ionians, finding A spirit caller can never go wrong,

If they want, people with constipation can even ask the spirit caller to call out 'Gong', as long as they can bear the spirit caller's big mouth.

As can be seen from the blue feathered hair, the innkeeper is a vastaya feather man, who just doesn't know if he can fly.

"My friends in vastaya, we need four houses for one month's rent."

Glancing at the foreigner with light green eyes, the boss of Vastaya Yuren took out a blue magic stone and placed it on the table, and said neither salty nor weak.

"The Blossom Festival is coming, there are not so many houses, only two vacant rooms."

"Lulu, you share a room with me, O'Gorman, you share a room with Mr. Naylor, is it okay?"

"Mr. Lister, it's all right."

For the guide Ogman, it is enough to obey the arrangement of the patron, while the uncle boatman nodded indifferently. At this moment, he would not care even if he lived in the wilderness.

"Great, I can sleep with little Lenny again~"

After stroking Lulu's excited little head, Lester turned to look at the innkeeper.

"Two rooms are enough, how do you charge?"

"It's enough to fill this [Magic Su Stone]."

Pressing his hand on the [Magic Element Stone], Lester slowly injected the Ionian magic essence collected along the way, and the cyan stone began to flash light regularly, and the exhausted magic essence was gradually filled.

In Ionia, there are generally three trading methods, namely bartering, bartering with Shurima currency, or using magic element as currency for trading.

Bartering is generally common in ordinary mountain villages and settlements, and is used to exchange each other's living materials.

Bartering with Shurima's currency is more common among foreign populations. Merchants from outside the First Land prefer to trade with real gold and silver.

The magic element is the most special, and it is commonly found in transactions with the vastayas and spirit callers. There are also quite a few talented Ionians who like to use magic element for transactions.

As a special energy of the Ionian continent, [Magic Element] is different from [Magic Element]. In Lester's view, Magic Element is more like a kind of spiritual energy, but it is called "Magic Element" by the Ionians. Make 【Magic element】.

Ionian practitioners and vastayas can use [magic essence] for cultivation, [spirit caller] will also consume magic essence when communicating with the spirit of all things, and a person whose spiritual and material realms remain unchanged The sum of the self-produced magic essence in the area is fixed. If there are more people who use it, the amount that each person can get will naturally decrease. Every time a little bit is produced, it will be quickly divided among the people. , magic essence has become a relatively [scarce] thing,

If you want to obtain new magic essence, you must go to a sparsely populated area to absorb it, which is why Leicester often sees people sitting cross-legged on the bare rocks, meditating and practicing.

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