League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 294 Chapter 293 Bluebird Janna

Filling the medium-sized [Magic Su Stone] completely consumed one-twentieth of Leicester's inventory. He didn't know if the magic he absorbed and stored was considered a normal human body reserve, but it felt like being a rich man of magic. not bad.

"This is your house number, don't lose it."

Leicester was also a little speechless after receiving the feathered house number from Vastaya Yuren.

It is said to be a key, but it is actually a wooden feather tag with numbers written on it. The workmanship is as rough as it is. If it is not for the vastaya blue feather as a logo, Lester can make countless of them at will.

Noticing that there were no magical fluctuations on it, Lester knew that the hotel he was staying in was probably another good place where he would never pick up lost items on the road and never close his door at night.

Even the tree house in Praia village has only a symbolic (harmony) latch on the inside of the door, the door will not lock at all if no one is in the house, and it can't be locked, except for the basic bed and table , and there is nothing worth stealing, unless it is stealing people.

After a brief greeting to Ogman and Naylor, Leslie with the blue bird on his head held Lulu's little hand, and carried Pixar on his shoulder back to the room.

"Lulu, Pixar, I'm going out to find out some news, you guys stay here and wait for me obediently."

"Hmm~ Little Lenny, Lulu wants to go too, can you take Lulu with you? Please~ okay~"

Reluctantly holding Lester's right hand, Lulu's emerald green eyes shone with a charming light, like a small animal that was about to be abandoned, making Lester gently pinch it with his left hand He pinched the yordle's delicate and smooth face.

"I've used the cuteness technique too many times, it's no longer useful to me~ Be good, I'll bring you something delicious when I come back."

Lulu, with her mouth pursed, watched Lester leave. After the man left completely, the yordle's nimble and cunning eyes instantly found Pixar. Amid the little fairy's speechless expression, she smiled evilly.

"Hey, little Lenny is gone, I announce! Lulu and the Pixar special operations team, set off immediately!"

"Ha, where are you going?"

"Of course I'm looking for Little Lenny~"


Observing everything in front of him calmly, Lester thought to himself.

If the Emerald Collar is a representative (harmonious) gathering place for human beings to rule and transform nature, and its layout is as precise as a large-scale war machine, then Presidian is a harmonious product of scattered villages and nature combined by the will of God, which is quite There is a sense of utopian fantasy.

Ionia, which is dominated by the gathering industry and has a magical agricultural society, is an ideal utopian society that allows the existence of animism and has no ideology of the industrial age. Lester has always believed that there must be specific influencing factors Normally speaking, this is an illogical and abnormal form of social development.

Compared with the moment when it was invaded by Noxus hundreds of years later, Ionia at this moment is more primitive. It is so primitive that Leicester can't even find a person in charge of an area. Simply put, the Ionians It's just a group of [Scattered Soldiers], they don't make a difference at all,

No wonder the future Ionia will be slaughtered by Noxus as a fat sheep. If it continues to develop so naturally, Ionia will still look like this in a thousand years, and there will be no progress at all until it is destroyed by history. The wheels of the wheel are crushed and become a passing cloud.

Without a unified will, no matter how many and powerful Ionia's heroes are, they will only be divided, bought, and completely damaged in internal friction.

If he wants to, by using the power of the Emerald Territory and adopting soft methods, Leicester is 70% sure to conquer the whole of Ionia and establish a puppet regime.

Take Presidian as an example. Presidian covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers. There are hundreds of elders, but none of them can truly make decisions on behalf of Presidian. Whether it is in terms of liberating productivity or maintaining war potential with productivity, the efficiency is extremely low.

Although the military dictatorship of the Emerald Land is as backward as the aristocratic parliamentary system of Demacia, at least it will not take a month to count how many elders he has who can issue legal opinions when mobilizing soldiers, and another month There is no time to count how many legal opinions the elders have issued, and finally it will take another month to confirm whether the legal opinions come from their brains, not their asses.

As long as he has the heart, Lester can make half of the Ionian elders sit on the stools of Noxus and let out a loud cry, making the other half full of hesitation.

Not to mention individual combat effectiveness, even the militia organizations established in each village are chaotic. In Lester's view, it is not so much the militia that maintains the law and order of the Navoli province, but the honest practitioners passing by and The heroes who like to draw their swords to help maintain the peace of Ionia, as for the out-of-production provincial soldiers...

What it is?

Can I eat it?

Thousands of militia groups can't resist the charge of a hundred-man phalanx of the Jade Leader Black Iron Guard. Unless there are wind swordsmen like Yasuo and Li Qing or high-end combat power of Shuoji Shenlong monk, no matter how many militiamen When the corps came, they were sent to death. A war with such a force, which could not even be called an amateur army, would only be a massacre.

Walking on the dirt path of Presidium, there are various Ionians coming and going. The complex types of the vastayas opened Lester's eyes a lot, and the man also noticed a few A guy who looks like a Thieves Alliance, but he doesn't wear a ring.

Just as he greeted the shy Vastaya girl passing by with a smile, Jana's aura above his head suddenly weakened a lot. Such a discovery made Lester's face stiffen and he felt very uncomfortable.

No longer interested in flirting with the beautiful vastaya girl, under the disappointed gaze of the girl, Lester found a natural square to sit down and took the illusory blue bird off his head.

Different from the radiant look just now, Janna at this moment has become much more illusory, directly returning to the state she first saw in the Watcher's Sea.

Lester suppressed his anger forcibly, and said softly to the blue bird with his eyes closed.

"Jane Alem, why have you suddenly become so weak?"

"I, heard, the sea, over there, human beings, the, call, just..."

"Go and help them, right?"


"Did they give you strength to believe in?"

Lester knew that he might have asked nonsense, but the man still had a hint of luck.

After a pause, Janna's voice came again.

"Give... a little..."

A little bit.

I charged Janna for more than three months, and Janna used up all the power in one spell, and then only received it.

A little bit?

A little bit, how much?

Silently looking at the incarnation of the blue bird in his palm, which was weak to the point of illusion, Lester suddenly lost the mood to continue asking.

For the first time, the irritable Lester understood how it felt to be abused and bullied by someone he cherished like a treasure.

As if aware of the man's unhappiness, the blue bird lightly tapped the man's palm with its beak, and there was a hint of indebtedness in its tone.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I use, your, power, go, help, someone else..."

"You know, I don't care about this, I just feel that it's not worth it for you to hurt yourself."

"You, don't, be angry, sad, okay, okay, okay?"

Seeing that Leicester still remained silent, Qingniao hesitated for a moment, and prepared to use the remaining power of faith to transform into an elf form, and apologize to his believers. After all, in his view, his believers seemed very Love the in-depth communication.

Even if such behavior will completely dissipate his blue bird incarnation, even if the next incarnation that can collect faith may take years to re-condense, he is willing to do so.

"I don't need you to do that."

But Lester suddenly sensed Janna's own determination from [Eileen Translator], and quickly wrapped his hands around the small body of the blue bird, only protruding the bird's head from the gap between his thumbs, just like before. Just like you did when you first met.

"Anyway, just stay by my side. If you leave me, I will never forgive you, nor believe in you."

After the words fell, Lester realized that his words were a little childish, so he couldn't help being stunned, and then heaved a deep sigh.


Putting the blue bird on his head again, the unhappy Lester suddenly added in a low voice.

"Also, write down the name of the captain who saved you but didn't believe in you, and didn't provide you with strength, and tell me, don't be stupid all the time, just knowing that blindly giving will definitely not work, you have to learn to actively create gains, in the future you When you want to help others, remember to tell me, so that no one will feel sorry for you when you are bullied..."

Glancing blankly at the chattering man, Blue Bird lowered her head and skillfully placed the fart in the comfortable hair nest.

He is not a human being, and he doesn't know what mood he is in right now, but he doesn't hate this state of being able to relax and feel at ease.

Before that, Jan Alem always thought that he was a gust of wind, a wind that blew across other people's cheeks but couldn't take anything away.

The wind is everywhere but untouchable,

The wind will never stop, it will only fly from one place to another alone.

Since its inception, Jan Alem has existed to help humans sailing on the sea. Some people need to be prepared before the storm, some need to disperse the storm to save their lives, and some want smooth sailing. With the breeze sailing all the way to the other side of the sea to obtain wealth, with various ideas and prayers, Jan Alem was born, even the name [Garn Alem] is from Zaun from

It was man who endowed Him with life and will, so He was willing to perform his duties and always put man first.

Jan Alem exists because of human belief from the beginning to the end. He helps human beings out of trouble, and then gains the power to maintain their own belief, waiting for the next appearance. If the power is exhausted, the weak belief will Slowly re-condense the incarnation, re-accumulate strength, and wait for the next life-saving. This has always been the case, it has been the same for thousands of years, and it may be the same for the reincarnation after ten thousand years.

Perhaps there is a problem with the simple communication method, or human beings are ruthless and ungrateful creatures.

No one has ever spoken to him other than asking and being grateful, and no believer has ever thought about problems from his perspective, except that some crew members driven by desire forcibly endowed him with a [female] posture and godhead. During this period, he had little gain. He was the most powerful before the Shurima Empire promulgated the [prohibition of worshiping false gods] decree. Even at that time, the power he had could only respond to the daily demands of believers. Upon request, the female elf avatar is maintained as normal.

He never left anything for himself, until he met a special believer, saying that when he was bullied in this world, he would feel sorry for... her.


Isn't it him?

Qingniao was stunned, a little dazed by the strange emotions and gender recognition she had for the first time.

Looking back on his past, Jan-Arem found that only after being in touch with him, would he be willing to become her, because in this way he could respond to his love for himself, and the same is true for the shadow creature that turned into a woman That's what I said to myself.

His love for himself seems to be completely different from that of other believers. Although he doesn't know what it is, Gan Alem understands that if he loses this kind of love, he will be very sad.

Unaware that Janna, who had tasted the primitive human emotion for the first time, had complicated emotions, and Lester was attracted by the hurried pace of the Presidian.

The purpose of coming out was to obtain some unexpected information, so Lester naturally would not let go of such an opportunity, quickly mixed into the crowd, and walked in one direction.

This is an open space that is very common in Presidian. It is common to see such a vacant lot at the entrance of every village. It seems that it is not like a village without leaving a vacant lot.

Above the clearing, a short battle was taking place, and the Ionian was fighting against a monk of Shuoji Temple with obvious characteristics. And the other is downright weirdo.

Wooden poles and lampposts used as weapons were randomly inserted into the ground. The strange man was wearing a thick dark purple fur coat and a porous iron mask on his face.

The weirdo has three fingers on each hand, and his dry skin is a dry purple-gray.

After several rounds of close contact, the strange man's three thick but flexible fingers clenched into fists, easily parrying the monk's flying kick. The monk who lost his balance fell directly to the ground.

Rolling and standing up, the monk raised his numb arms in a bit of embarrassment and was about to attack again. After thinking about it, the monk clasped his hands together and bowed to the strange man.

In terms of skill alone, the monk who was overthrown had already lost the battle, and if he continued to fight smugly, it would be inferior to the monk who pursued the spirit of martial arts.

"You are really good, I lost, and I am convinced."

Standing palms in front of his chest, the three-fingered monster bowed his head slightly in return, and watched the monk back into the crowd.

The weirdo's etiquette is in place, but his tone is extraordinarily domineering and arrogant.

"In Presidium, is there no one who can fight?"

Thank you for your monthly pass, and thank you readers for following up. I will add more next week. I hope you will continue to support.

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